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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. As this is my first season of fishing in the spring,,, i am not sure about al lthis high water out there. Other than the fact it is bloody high and muddy and does NOT look conducive to catching fish to me. Any thoughts? And yes,, i know if it doesn;t look safe,,, don't play near the water but i have two spots where I can fish safely. It is the colour of the water and the speed of the current that is my main question. thanks splashopper
  2. Thames river in London is up 3-4 ft and has caused flooding on roads near the university as of noon today. stay safe
  3. yep,, it saves me lots of fuel and time... i can look up the water levels of my favourite rivers and also see trends in the river levels as well..
  4. this site was shared with me last fall by a guy i fish with. Since we live an hour away from the rivers we fish, it sure saves on fuel and time. Check it out if you wann see how high the water levels are on your favourite river. And YES, i know they are all REAL HIGH today. http://scitech.pyr.ec.gc.ca/waterweb/formNav.asp
  5. error message says: The error returned was: Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken
  6. hey guys, pretty simple question probably, i could look it up on google, but i really prefer your answers over a website anyday!" ummm... isn't this a "website"?
  7. wasn't there a posting early today from a member in Hamilton, announcing a tournment, with a tag at the bottom of his post for Bass Fishing?
  8. lol Bly... does CCM know "why" u come here though? other than to show u seem t ooutfish him on just about every post
  9. Notes taken from all your replies. Thanks Great board. Splashhopper
  10. doug,,, the guy driving the boat with all the RED suits on it apologized to us for comig in so close on ONE of his drifts coming by us. My friends and i were IMPRESSED by that as many other boats didn;t even try to stay a little further off the shore from where we were. So to CAST ADVENTURES, Thank you again for your CONSIDERATON of us shore fishermen. It IS appreciated brother. Splashhopper
  11. they had a sale on Levitra and Viagara.. not sure WHY the girls stay here though
  12. no tribs open on Lake Huron where i like to fish,,, when the season opens.. i have a few great spots to get to with knee deep water and i also know the sections of a couple rivers to work the poolls etc. I am struggling in the 10-15 ft of water areas of the rivers I can fish right now. and i don;t know of others on L Ontario( west end) where i can try.. anyone want to send me a privaye message on that si ok nby me. lol
  13. Hey, i recognize those bright red suits! you must be the guy who APOLGIZED to me and my friends ( OlTroll from here) while we were shore fishing at the boat launch last weekend. thanx
  14. Hi all: As a newcomer I am PERPLEXED when it comes to fishing in dirty / dark green waters for rainbow and browns. I primarily float fish with a 6lb main line and a 4lb leader and use either roe / worms / pink power bait worms. I have tried some jiggs and think they should help but to no avail in this water. Any suggestions ? Thanx
  15. Just read your profile and saw it was your BIRTHDAY - YESTERDAY ! happy birthday. Splashhopper
  16. u still use a 'BOOK" to find out info from the Government? check out the MNR site...
  17. here is a good prayer for you to use: The Serenity Prayer God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference
  18. geeshhhhhh... where the heck can i get on a trib this early ? wwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  19. hey did anyone ever want to give a teacher a DETENTION ? WELL HERE IS YOUR CHANCE ! Welcome to the board anyways... teach ! lol
  20. hey.. u forgot to mention all the snags we got on the rocks at Queenston.
  21. right now,, i follow the docks.. but as soon as they put the piers in, we lose access there I am told. then we have to go up just below the trussell and walk down from there... NP.. As soon as it's open season. i am heading up river. lol BTW...Nomad... I was fishing with a couple of guys this weekend and there might eb a couple of us take u up on a spring float for rainbows. Pls contact me with details so i can pass it on. splashhopper
  22. good idea mike... i wil ltry that as i know a real estate agent up there..
  23. the park manager says it is his.... but the locals all say it isn't and the MNR guy just doesn't seem to be able to give us a clear message, one way or the other, so we can print it out and stuff it in the guys face.
  24. Signs? they got "signs" on the river
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