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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. won't be as bad as the corn famine that could happen here.....aparantly they are predicting something similar here because we are too dependent on it....literally 80-85% of all our food products have some sort of corn based ingredient....

  2. i spent alot of time working in the basement or taking the kids out, Cathy slept alot, cried alot and i just tried to be there for her when it was needed. Lots of trips to Dairy Queen helped too :thumbsup_anim:


    Was her PPD gradual or did she one day snap? My wife seemed to have just snapped, was cleaning the house late at night and then woke up and couldn't stop crying...funny thing is our daughter is now 9mths old....dr said this was common..but usually happens closer to the birth.....

  3. LOL! I am in Hamilton and grew up in Mount Hope and have Fished the Grand more times then I can count... as it is local to me... having said that there is still no way I would have a grand river fish on my plate. Nor would I consume a fish from the docks @ Stelco or Dofasco!


    LOL thanks for the chuckle brother, I need it :)


    Happy Green Beer day to you.





    Don't worry, i wouldn't eat anything from calidonia to fergus lol...gross....why don't i just lick the handrails at Union Station....lol

  4. Thats because they were marinated in the Grand River.... called raw sewage my friend LOL!


    If you want a delicacy.. try Carp from the Don River.... Even better with more marination!



    isn't that the pot calling the kettle black lol......raw sewage....lol....Gerrit you're from the Hammer, you should know all about sewage in the water....

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