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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Hey guys,


    I got some real bad news today when I got home from work. My father, who has been battling a form of skin cancer for the last few months has taken a turn for the worst.


    He saw his surgeon for the third or forth time today and the surgeon basically told him that there was nothing more he could do because the cancer in his forehead had been spreading too fast and that it was a rare form...a more elusive and evasive form.


    The doctor basically said to my father that he needs chemotherapy asap to survive. Even if he gets the chemo, he only has about a 50% chance to live. He was advised to go to Toronto to see a specialist (we think he's at Princess Margaret). The problem is, is that this doctor is the only doctor in Canada that can deal with this.


    My father had a biopsy about 4 years ago that came back negative, but his surgeon today basically told him that the result were Bull and that he has had this for a lot longer. We're not sure how far this has spread.


    I had a long conversation with my mother tonight. She had her ups and downs, but for the most part she feels cheated. Over the last few years my father had lost 85lbs and in that time, my father seemed to lose all of his heart troubles and was more healthy than he ever had, so naturally my mother was thinking that she wouldn't lose her husband to a heart attack at an early age. Now, he has cancer....


    Need your thoughts guys, i'm having a pretty good break down right about now with different stressers that are happening.



  2. well, we've got the place we're stay....it's a small b+b in Old Montreal...looks really nice and has rave reviews...it's a block from Ste Catherine's....so we'll be hanging out down there. My wife has spent time down there but I haven't....closest i've been to Montreal was Ottawa....

  3. Take a ride up top to Mount Royal, Great view. Check out St. Joseph's Oratory, it's an amazing structure even if your not religious. Go for a Smoked Meat Sandwich at one of the many restaurants, and a Lafleur's Fry is also a treat. Lot's to do there, those are some of my favorites from Montreal.


    Yup we're already going to st josephs....gonna go pray for a miracle...no not the Leafs winning the cup...i just want my old wife back lol

  4. Hey All,


    We had a small turn out for our get together, but I had a good time. It's nice to sit and talk fishin' with guys who are familiar with your fishin' spots.


    Anyway, sorry there's no pictures because ironically we all forgot our cameras!


    Take care guys,


    Until the next one



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