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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Hey, where were you yesterday? I wanted to go fishing but the wind kept me home. I even had the trailer all hooked up to the van and it started to get real gusty so I unhooked everything and spent the day at home washing and waxing the boat instead and even washed the van too! But now the boat's so shiny I hate to get it wet :lol:


    I often have weekdays off and do like to hit the water on the then when it is less crowded. My family is usually off at work or school and some companionship would be good plus cost sharing and some added bow weight is always appreciated to help offset all the tonnage at the stern :w00t:


    just lemme know when you're going out....i'm usually off during the week. I have the last of my holidays this week and next...

  2. They teach you the important and critical points of driving. These are the major strikes on a driving test to watch for!

    There not buying their licences...... lol


    I think your statement is a bad one. These people are teaching new drivers important lessons that save lives on the road no matter how you look at it. Whether they use these lessons afterwards is a whole different story.


    NO these driver "trainers" are literally teaching them how to pass the test. There are several individuals i know that have gone to this guy and can parallel park with the best of them but he CANNOT pull his car straight into a parking spot. My statement is not wrong. There are several other points that I can make....but i won't

  3. unfortunately the driving test is completely unfair. I KNOW FOR A FACT that there are people getting their licences in the GTA simply because the BOUGHT it. There are several driving instructors who advertise in different newspapers that they'll teach you how to pass the test...not how to drive....


    just do it again. you're not the only one who has failed it. just take you're time, you have 50 years of driving ahead of you.



  4. Interesting that you felt eyes on you i fished the grand alot alone and i felt that way the odd time till one day i noticed a small herd of deer in the thick laying low and watching my move, thanks for sharing the report and i wanted to ask you how was the water clarity on the grand? just curious i was out there on the weekend and it was all washed out.



    I was waist deep and i could see bottom pretty well. A little stained but overall good clarity

  5. So, I decided to nix the ponds and head to the river. I had heard of a few spots on the river that were pretty good so off I went for a couple hours instead of dinner at my in laws....


    anyway I hit the water and after about 10 casts i hook a really good smallie and it jumped a few times before spitting the hook. I couldn't understand how i didn't have a good hook set when i had hammered him a couple of times just to drive the hook home....anyway...that was 0/1


    A few casts later and i catch this average guy.....put up a pretty good fight though!






    But the strange part was.......i felt like I was being WATCHED. I'm NOT a paranoid person, but I felt like everywhere I went on the river today there was someone or something inside the tree line behind me. I grew up in the bush and I know when things are moving in the bush and I could have sworn there was something there. I know it wasn't the wind.....it really gave me the creeps and i'm still uncomfortable when I think about it. It takes a lot to creep me out.


    Anyway, I packed up and left and hit two of my favourite ponds but the wind and rain had kicked up so top water was out of the question......

  6. hate to rain on anyone's parade...not going to support him or say anything about it..... but i would like to make a few comments, hopefully no one will pile on me.....




    1) I would like to let the members on the board here know that the conviction rate for impaired drivers in Ontario is about 15-20%. Impaired trials are more technical now than most murder trials....because for lawyers there is more money to be made doing that. It's tough to do and in all honesty more officers that I know, hate doing impaireds because you put 6-10 hours of hard, meticulous work in and you'll lose the charge. So, regardless if he was a police officer or not, there was a good chance of him getting off anyway. Our court system needs help.


    2) The Carter defence is used ALL the time and unfortunately it works alot of the time too.


    3) Unfortunately, like life, there are bad eggs everywhere and in every job.....and bad eggs usually associate with those like them.....


    4) The media no longer just talks about facts, it has become "creative writing". If I could tell you half of the info i know, all the Martyrs that have been shot in T.O would be looked upon differently


    5) "Justice in today's world is practically non-existent. " Yup.......we bring'em to court, they get a kiss, a pat on the bum and off they go


    6) "you'll get the full extent of the law if ya make any infraction of the HTA..." SINCE WHEN lol...... i wrote 200+ tickets last year and plan to lose 75%.....not because of anything i did...but because the court system doesn't like to work, they'll give people breaks instead of coming down on them. Ask any of the "stunt drivers" what their conviction was.... I haven't heard of anyone getting convicted of it since it came into affect.



    Like I said, i'm not going to say anything about what the officer did, but it is completely unfortunate that because of what he did, ALL of us are painted with the same brush. Ask any of the other police officers on this board how that makes them feel when they put an honest days work in and every media outlet brainwashes the public that the police are bad and quite frankly every newspaper in the province other than the Ottawa Citizen, National Post and Kitchener Record are anti-police...............................ask Lew (sorry buddy, needed an example) how many firefighters he has worked with have done something criminal, been arrested, charged and convicted, yet the paper doesn't hear about it and he goes on with his life. The same with teachers, lawyers, doctors, labourers etc. but because a police officer does something wrong it gets in the news asap and is everywhere.


    that's my 2 cents....i'll make sure i read everyone's replies and bashing when I wake up. I'm tired, it's been a long night and like I have said before, the job of a police officer is the most difficult to do and to understand, why do you think both the divorce rate, suicide rate and substance abuse rate is in the top 3 of all professions...most guys hold in what they see and it comes out in many forms. I personally have had a rough week and have seen things that I wish I hadn't and i'm sure it'll stay with me for a long time and I can understand how 30 years on the job can lead to a lot of negative consequences. New statistics show that about 80% police officers WILL die within the first 2 years of their retirement....we buried 4 this year.....

  7. were you driving a green sedan?


    Oh by the way, i have a new respect for the bucketheads...err....i mean fire fighters....watched a few brave ons dangle at the end of a hook and ladder putting out a fire in a hopper (saw dusk container) at a wood working plant....fire was pretty good....but i've heard horror stories of hopper accidents where firefighters are engulfed when opening the container....

  8. Homer: Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.


    Chief Wiggum: I hope this has taught you kids a lesson: kids never learn.


    Chief Wiggum: Can't you people take the law into your own hands? I mean, we can't be policing the entire city!


    "Why do I have to be an example for your kid? You be an example for your own kid." Bob Gibson


    "Do you best and forget the consequences." - Walt Alston


    "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." - Jackie Robinson


    "By the time you know what to do, you're too old to do it."


    "Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter." - Satchel Paige


    Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.

    Mark Twain

  9. So....it's my second father's day...first one was a blur because i was asleep in the hospital just after my daughter was born. Anyway, I got $150 gift certificate from Natural Sports...the local tackle shop....anyway, i needed a new spinning combo, i had been using one that was 14 years old and falling apart, the other was a $20 ready to fish combo from Walmart..anyway, i picked up:


    6'6" 2 pc, medium action Shimano Convergence rod and a Shimano Soltace 2000 reel...


    I also bought my dad a ready to fish Daiwa combo...he hasn't been out fishing in years...i think i was 15 or 16 the last time we really went fishing together and he hasn't had a good rod and reel since his last one fell apart 10 years ago. So we're not going very far, back to some old stomping grounds we used to be successful with the toothy critters. I hope we can hook in to a few. It would be nice for him to catch something, especially after all he's been through.

  10. I'm in waste management...or maybe pest control :rolleyes::D:P been doing it for a lil bit and it's the only job that i've wanted to do...Have a BA from the U of Waterloo in Sociology


    Have done numerous jobs priorty to getting my dream job.....probation officer, probation and parole officer, child and youth worker, educational assistant...lion tamer, astronaut, body guard, mascot, mr burn's assistance, poochie, immitation krusty.....


    oh yeah....according to OMERS...my official retirement date is April 24, 2032

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