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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. in regards to having to tell people what we're searching for....well no...we don't have to. Criminal Code tells us we can search if it's lawful, we don't have to let people know why we're searching their cars etc....it's call plain view....common law tells us we can search anywhere we can see...hence not the trunk unless the person is under arrest

  2. Also saves being shot reaching for your ownership in the glove box! Why I keep mine in the visor...


    wow....total misconception here...lol...guns don't go in the glove box, they go under the dash or the seat....geez



    lol, don't worry about reaching for documents at a traffic stop, it's the guys who are fiddling around moving like they're trying to hid something that's the problem

  3. And you feel OK about having to do this?


    Sounds like you are like the rest of us, intimidated and in fear.


    I would too...dude lives in Tennessee...good 'ol boys!


    in all honesty, the "intimidation" is internal....it's funny. When I'm at work and i go up and talk to someone to be friendly when i'm on foot...going into a mall or tim hortons and everyone shakes like a leaf. Just because a copper is talking to you doesn't mean you're in trouble.

  4. It's funny...people judge us by the actions of coppers like the one in the clip. But one thing they don't see is the absolute garbage we deal with on a daily basis. People who think they know get their info from the news etc, but even then things are skewed and because the media hates any form of authority every day we are told "conduct yourself because you're on camera everywhere you go." people nowadays want to be famous so whenever they see the police doing anything out come the cell phones to make a movie. I remember one time a coworker of mine was in a brief foot chase and when he had the guy on the ground and cuffed he looked up and traffic was at a stand still b/c at least a dozen people were out of their cars recording him on their cell phones.


    People don't get along anymore.....period. Not even husband and wife.....it's disgusting how many couples are beating each other up...how many kids attack their parents....not to mention all the drugs and weapons out there...it's constant garbage and yeah, sometimes it can be a little much.


    Sometimes everyone, not just police officers make bad decisions because we're human. No one is perfect....well except Firefighters....right LEW!!!!!


    My point is, yeah sometimes people fall through the cracks and get hired in jobs that they should have it's a part of society, but the rumours you hear of the "bad cops" are coming from people who have way too much interaction with police. Ask the average person, how often they have contact with police other than at the side of the road when they're speeding, etc.


    The gentleman who started this thread...his screen name is Bong Hit....that tells you something. Normal law abiding citizens don't have problems with the police. Sometimes they my not agree with our actions, but keep in mind out hands are tied in some situations and often its best not to charge people....not because we're lazy, but most people don't realize the effort on THEIR part when they get charged and arrested...time...money...


    Anyway that's my rant....

  5. Well....after 17 years of commuting 70kms into the GTA each day, I've finally found employment closer to home. At the beginning of March I start the next chapter in my career as the Production Manager for a PLC and servo motor repair company. Half the distance of what I'm used to. The fuel savings and reduced wear on my car alone will be great but more importantly...no more 5:00a.m. wakeups.


    On the downside, getting vacation time this early on in a new company will be unlikely and for that reason may have to miss the annual spring fishing trip with the boys. I've been fortunate enough to be able to go every year for the past 8 years.


    good luck on your new job, i envy you not having to commute very far....i commute 100km to work one way

  6. I have seen the wheelchair one before, disturbing, especially in my new found situation. I walk like a drunk, a police stop where I have to get out of the car is going to draw some looks from a cop. I can imagine the first thought is going to be I got me a drunk!


    To me the situation appeared to be common place there? No one seemed surprised by the deputy`s actions? No rush to help? Just me, but the taxpayers will be providing that guy with a green cushion? Cash!


    Easiest way to fix that is get a note from your doctor saying that you have a condition etc etc....make sure its dated from - to...not indefinitely because that'll look phoney.....i run into it all the time w/ people having medical reasons so they can drive w/o a seat belt (open heart surgery is a big reason and end of term pregnancy)...as well people w/ Cerebral Palsy often drive like and appear to be intoxicated....had that too....can be embarassing but understandable...

  7. Check this one out........watch it to the end.............hot heads? Or.......?



    what they're trained to do....a car is a weapon, no different than a gun...again, it's a US video.....


    remember, this is what may happen on any given day




    this is the only video that wasn't rated too graphic to show w/o logging on, but you get my point

  8. geez....don't judge us by what the cops in the states do....that's rediculous....but that's my opinion. I'll leave it at that. As for the other videos (all American cops) it's sad. But truth be told, sometimes videos don't share the whole story. Unfortunately we all get bad reputations by actions of few

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