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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. My wife and I thought that it was a good idea to get it...basically heart problems and cancer run in both of our families...so, if one of us gets sick..bye bye mortgage....


    My wife's uncle bought a house 295k house and in 2 years had a heart attack...so now he has no more mortgage payments and life is a little easier for him and his family

  2. Hey guys

    I think i lost my wallet yesterday, there wasn't any cash in it, some change but i lost all my documents.

    First thing I did was phone CIBC and have them block my visa and my convinence card.

    Other important stuff that was in my wallet was:

    Fishing license, with the outdoors card

    Drivers license

    Health card

    Social security card

    Proof of citizenship card


    How does one start replacing all these cards?

    Is there an order in which you must do it.

    When i talked to the lady at cibc she kept on telling me that i will need two pieces of ID to get a new card, If all is gone how am i going to show her id`s haha.

    Just does not make sense.

    I am pretty sure replacing drivers licence and the health card will cost money and i can not pay without my Debit card, and i cant get the debit card without id`s.

    Its a loop but there has got to be a way out of it.

    Thank you


    Because you lost a federal document (SIN card) you have to go to your local police station and report it...you fill out a form that gets sent to the government to avoid identity theft

  3. Bannister and Wrigley both have crappie, pike and largemouth. Bannister has a law stated absolutely no watercraft. Use to do a lot of catfish fishing on Wrigely as a kid. Both lakes are extemely shallow and full of weeds which leads to heavy winter kill every year. What do you like to fish for dude PM me and Ill give you some area hotspots to try. I live in the Rockway gardens section of town and have lived most of my here. And most of that Ive spent fishing.


    Up until last year I spent my entire life on the other side of town lol.....


    guess float tubing is considered a watercraft eh...

  4. Bear sighted on main drag of Elora


    Record staff


    Posted 10:20 a.m.



    ELORA—A young black bear decided to take a trip to town this morning.


    Residents on Thomas Boulevard noticed the bear poking around their backyard shortly after 5:30 a.m. and called police.


    Bear sightings aren’t unusual on the outskirts of Elora, but this one made its way right into the heart of the town.


    “It’s right on the main drag—it’s all residential,” Ontario Provincial Police Const. Keith Robb said.


    The bear appears to be young and weighs between 70 and 80 pounds, he said. It hasn’t shown any signs of aggression and appears to just be wandering around.


    Police are following the bear and made a request to the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society to send up someone with a tranquillizer dart.


    The bear was last sighted at Geddes Street and Avruskin Street, he said.


    Police are warning people to stay clear of any bears that may wander into town and properly store all food and garbage that may attract the animals.

  5. Well...I got sick of being skunked so I went out for some perch this morning....


    Headed out to Port Dover....and it was cold and wet.....


    After about an hour of not catching anything the nicest lady i've ever met came over and asked me how i was fishin for perch. I showed her my set up and she told me that what I was doing will never catch fish. So she gave me a pickeral rig and BANG.....15 jumbo perch for the dinner table.


    This was the first time i'd ever got perch fishing and every fish was a keeper!


    Yum...i'll share pics later!



  6. 6 cruisers......Hmmmmmmm??????


    FishN....had you run the guys plates for priors?..or had the police on the cell check them out?

    Im thinking it was just because a fellow officer was making the cell phone call whilst off duty and knew there was an arrest to go down eventually....(Alleged)


    I cant see why there would be that many ON DUTY officers involved for a single impaired with no signs of violence that was mentioned...or threatening of any sort...granted..impaired is a threat to everyone BIGTIME.


    Another,...you slowed down to 120

    ........Ive never been able to say I was going with the flow of traffic.

    Its like saying if 20 fellas in front of you walked off the end of the cliff to their deaths when the sign clearly stated DANGER-Steep Cliff....why or would you follow them...THAT DOES NOT WASH ANYWHERE.

    The law is the Law is the Law......Correct???? or NO?


    Still dont like the comment on firefighters in your signature but......

    What you did was beyond your days work..or as you said...a long days shift and for that I applaud your actions.



    1) I can't run plates from my own personal car....nope 6 cars 4 OPP 2 Waterloo...because it crossed jurisdictions and with any call a minimum of 2 cars have to show....so 2 waterloo....the 4 OPP were because the driver crossed 2 areas so hence 4 OPP cars were on it...not because it was me...


    2) That many on an impaired...yes...it happens....because they have a general idea of were the car was but cars move


    3) yep the law is the law...i've always driven a little fast...even before i got my badge and yes, like most on the board I've been given speeding tickets...


    4) I was coming off a night shift not a day shift....this happened from 6:30 to about 8 AM

  7. Thumbs up to you for reporting a possible impaired driver :thumbsup_anim:


    Thumbs down to the force for wasting taxpayers dollars with 6 cruisers :wallbash:



    Actually, sending cars isn't a waste of tax payers money. What happened was that it was a call that went from OPP territory to waterloo's area....the O Dots responded and the area cars from Cambridge responded which tends to happen when both forces get the same call....happens in the GTA too

  8. 6 cruisers showing up to get the guy at Timmies isnt surprising.


    And You're signature about firefighters and police......you seem to forget the paramedics that come and save both of you.... :stretcher:



    They deserve a better pay cheque....i have nothing but respect for them for the incredible work they do. There is not friendly rivalry between EMS and Police because EMS are highly respected in the emergency services field


    The fact that this happened near a Tim Hortons and 6 cruisers showed had nothing to do with the coffee shop....6 showed up because it was an impaired...4 OPP...2 Waterloo....thats the way we're dispatched

  9. 1) A Timmies 10 is a box of coffee which is the equivalent of 10 Large Coffees


    2) It looked like he was smoking a joint the way he was holding it because no one in their right mind held a lit cigarette like that - but it was a cigarette...go figure


    3) 400 x 7 was 2 seconds from my station and no where near where i was


    4) I was on my own until i got to timmies because the closest WRPS cruiser was on Hespler Road and they took forever to get the call because the OPP dispatch couldn't transfer the call....the OPP crusiers were on the West Bound Side of the 401 just past Hespler Road so they had to go all the way to highway 7/8 and turn around and come back to Franklin Blvd....bout 10km distance.....and the driver didn't got to timmies...he went to the short stop for smokes


    5) Rick - they couldn't give him an impaired charge because the OPP don't have DRE - Drug Recognition Officers - only York, Waterloo and Ottawa have them. Besides, no alcohol was consumed either....he was just an idiot....and yes Drive While Ability Impaired covers Alcohol and Drugs as well as care and control....


    6) yes, I slowed down to 120...flow of traffic was about 130-140 on the 401 in Mississauga...

  10. So.....here's my story, i'm heading home, westbound on the 401 after a long shift at work. When I notice that there's a guy in the passing lane going about 120 and was drinking from a silver can and smoking something that didn't look like a cigarette. So, I strategically slowed down and followed him.....


    I started following him from about Mississauga Road in Mississauga and I noticed he was doing the good ol' bob and weave in his lane, riding the shoulder and going back and forth from 120 to 150 kmph.... so.....


    I picked up the phone like a good little citizen I am and called 911....told them who I was and what i was doing....so I followed him somemore.....


    I watched him weave out of his lane numerous times.....


    I watched him almost side swipe many cars and trucks....then I saw him aggressively changing lanes to go faster....


    So again, I strategically followed him.........in my personal car that is.....


    so for about 30 minutes i'm on the phone with OPP dispatch.....doing a running commentary of what was happening.....


    Then suddenly he jumps off of the 401 on Townline Road in Cambridge...and he came millimeters from crashing into the driver in front of him as he took the ramp at 110....


    So I followed.....and i followed....then he stopped at Timmies and seconds later the OPP show up with Waterloo Regional....not one...or two....but six cruisers show up....


    Well....to my surprise...the driver wasn't impaired by drugs or alcohol...but by fatigue...the dude had so much ephedrine and caffine in him that he had been up for 3 days.....


    needless to say the opp did a hell of a job showing up so fast and getting to my location because the way that driver was driving he came close to hurting a lot of people....


    I was told that they had to turn around on the 401....and come back 2 exits before they could get to my location....


    The driver...although wasn't charged with Impaired driving, he was charged with careless driving....


    They were grateful for my help but I felt bad because....professionally speaking.... i was certain he was impaired by alcohol...he was driving worse than any impaired i have had....


    So I dropped by their station and gave them a Timmies Ten.... and chatted with them for a while....






    Oh and to clear the air of some false ideas......the officer that was charged with racing/stunt driving....had been followed for a long time because of his "issues" at work and his driving was something that used to put the nail in the coffin....like all jobs, there are bad eggs in policing....and as such, they are punished eventually....

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