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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. nope, milne dam isn't open.....but last summer i usually have my lunch in the parking lot off of Princess st x markham rd....just south of 7 and i'd watch people come and go w/ fly rods...they'd usually stop and share the pics on their cameras....

  2. Hey all,


    Since I have Monday off I thought I would go wet a line and look for some chrome...only question is...where should I go? Anyone have any suggestions? I was thinkin Erindale Park on the Credit but I wasn't sure if it was still open.


    One more thing, can you renew your fishin license at CTC? Or do I have to hit a Tackle Shop?





  3. Hi Guys,


    I’ve been swimming around this board since last month and might have posed or asked questions without the proper introductions, I apologize…


    So here it is… My name is Anton and I am 31 years old. I am from Scarborough, Ontario. I work for Novopharm (pharmaceutical) and I LOVE fishing!!! I try my best to get out and fish under any conditions regardless of season  (ie: I was out on Cooks Bay last Saturday during the massive storm, had a great day with jumbo Perch, biggest being 1.6 lbs). The reason I joined this board is to gain good knowledge about the sport and to make some good friendships.


    I have been checking out other boards as well, but I think when it comes to pure knowledge and experience, this board ROCKS, I’ve noticed there are several serious / heavy weight fishing guys here, so I decided to stay 


    Anyways.. I am glad I am here, and if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask.





    Aka: BrownFisher


    Hey do you work at the Novopharm in Stouffville?????


    Glad to meet ya by the way!

  4. Alright gentleman, I've set the date. The KW Get Together/Swiss or male bonding ritual...whatever you wanna call it will be:


    When: Wednesday April 2nd at 7:00 PM

    Where: Filthy McNastys on the corner of Erb and Westmount

    Why: It's nice to meet local guys..perhaps make some plans for fishin'

    Who: Anyone can come

    How: Walk, ride, drive, jump, pogo stick whatever it takes to get there!



    Let me know who's coming or the general number of guys so that I can make a reservation!


    See you then,




  5. I know what your saying Dave, I stepped off the back of a firetruck one night and got hit by a car coming up alongside of it....luckily he wasn't going too fast.


    I think some of these people see flashing red lights and think it's a target they're sposed to aim for.


    yup, a friend of mine was stepping out of his cruiser on a traffic stop and was rear ended....he was off work for 2 years

  6. To put it bluntly there are a lot of laws that people aren't aware of....from a 12 hr license suspension for blowing b/n 0.05 and 0.079....


    It is also illegal to turn right on a red light when there is green arrow indicating advanced left turn....


    not signing your ownership in ink is a $110 fine....


    Keep in mind more police officers are killed by rubberneckers running them over during routine traffic stops...it's scarey how many time's i've jumped out of the way

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