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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Hey All,


    Perhaps those who are more familiar with the 'bows can answer this question. While fishin today, a lot of the anglers were saying that the fish are heading back to the lake. Does this mean the run is over? or are fresh fish heading into the rivers for a while?





  2. Well, i decided to head out this morning and hit my favourite trib...the weather couldn't have been nicer.



    So i pulled into the parking lot and at sun up I was the 25th car...... but everyone was standing around the first pool...so I moved on to the next one and shared it with another guy for about 30 minutes....then the stampeding heard came through the water and I was standing shoulder to shoulder with everyone at every pool for about 5kms....


    I went 0/1 but i hooked into the largest rainbow i've ever seen in person! Broke my fly off though, oh well....everyone else was slayin' 'em on roe bags so i'm going shopping for a trout road lol!

  3. I don't think FnA has any more ability than you or I to do anything that doesn't fall within the criminal code, highway traffic act or bylaw enforcement. The anglers would have been required to provide identification to him but not surrender a fishing license. However, it doesn't mean he can't ask for it.


    Kudo's to FnA for saying something about it but I'd be more impressed if he wasn't using the uniform for influance.




    Actually, all police officers in ontario are Provincial Offences Officers as well, which means any law that is covered under the provincial offences act, which includes the Ontario Fisheries Act (i think that's what it's called) is under my authority. however, we pretty much only deal with the HTA, LLA, and Trespass to Property Act


    Even so, I only took offence to it because I'm into the conservation and into fishing so i know more than the average PC

  4. Whether your windows are tinted too much is left solely to the discretion of the police officer who stops you. It's my understanding that no police force in Ontario uses a device to ascertain the degree of tint (different levels of Government couldn't agree on who would pay for such a device). Consequently, one officer might ticket you while another officer wouldn't. Regardless the inconsistency involved in the enforcement of this law, I don't understand the need for drivers to be able to see other drivers. I have tinted windows for two reasons:


    1. to prohibit people from seeing into my vehicle; and

    2. to keep my vehicle cooler (less AC used = less gas burned = less emissions)


    The law, such as it is, is only on the books because police forces argued that they must be able to see (through the window) to be able to ascertain whether the driver of a stopped vehicle has a gun. The typical "shotgun" approach. I'll suggest that 99.9% of all Ontario drivers stopped by police don't have a gun in their hand. Rather than the existing law, police should simply request drivers to roll down all windows before they approach the drivers door. If any driver doesn't comply, break the nearest window with a baton.


    if i did that......



    Dear Inspector, I broke a guys window. I'm sorry, please take it out of my pay cheque when he sues me....lol


    Just kidding. I've never had to draw down on anyone when on a traffic stop. I've been lucky. As for being able to see, out take down lights and spot light illuminate even the darkest tinted windows. I've never given a jab for dark windows, but it gives me a solid reason to stop and talk to the anyway.

  5. I guarantee any cop his yearly quota of tickets in about two hours then if they follow that part the HTA at these intersections.... To keep traffic moving I can't see a cop giving a ticket at these intersections I am talking about unless there was an accident.


    However, only charging the guy turning left in the event of an accident would ignore the part where the driver with the green light can only enter the intersection when it is clear and safe to do so regardless of the colour of the light as well. Not to mention the part about a car being in an intersection has the right away over cars stopped at a stop sign or red light..... If the officer doesn't charge both drivers that isn't fair either.


    Situations like this are where the judges and lawyers earn their money deciding which of the contradictions in the law(s) applies and to whom.


    Another thing about these intersections is that you would probably wind up being shot or tire ironed to death if you didn't enter the intersection if your car would fit during the green light.... Rather than have to face the mob behind me I would take my chances on a cop having a bad day, heck most of the time they are the 6th or 7th car to go through. I am pretty sure once you met with the crown, told them you would fight it because of the location and why they would drop it or reduce it to a weaker charge if you agreed to pay the full fine. The crowns I have met could give a crap about anything but the cash first meetings are more like lets a make deal than justice as you probably well know. If that didn't work then I would definitely roll the dice in court, maybe at some time your brethren have charged the JP for the same thing (yeah like that would ever happen)LOL



    Good point, that's why I hate doing MVC's (motor vehicle collisions - we don't call them accidents anymore because that implies no one is at fault)....most of the time I don't charge people because of the simple fact of conflicting stories. Unless something is completely obvious or one driver is completely honest then it's easier. But if there's no third party witness it's harder to get a conviction because both drivers are looking out for their best interest and aren't 100% honest.....

  6. Not trying to be an :asshat: here but you may want to double check the lighting. When doing safety inspections all that is required is one taillight and one license light on non-commercial. Turns and braking can be signaled by hand. Been over this with the MTO a couple times. I think that it is a poor regulation and should be updated but no one seems interested in changing things. There are many changes I would like to see but get stonewalled every time I make a call.


    no problem bernie...... there's a lot of the Ontario Regulations that I couldn't really tell you about...especially for commercial trucks etc.....in fact, to know that stuff there's a course you have to take called "heavy truck interdiction" which basically gives you the qualifications to do MTO inspections.

  7. Well, as you know, i've been going through a lot of ups and downs with my family. There hasn't been any updates on my dad.


    On a positive note, my wife is making an incredible recovery and is almost feeling 100% like herself. I tried to be as supportive as I could, and I just kept my chin up and bared the brunt of pretty much everything around the house....


    Anyway, yesterday before I left for work my wife called me....she told me that she had a surprise for me and that she wanted me to be ready when she got home (get your minds out of the gutter, i know what you're thinking)


    So when she got home, I jumped in my car and followed her to Natural Sports here in town....where she proceeded to get me a pair of brand new neoprene waders and will be picking up a new rod this weekend when I have time to look...i was running late for work.


    Anyway, I can say goodbye to the rubber CTC classic wader and hello to warmth...especially the next month - 24 days off and lots of fishing to do!

  8. Hey Guys,


    you'd be proud....


    Since there are no CO's anywhere ever, i took it upon myself to do a lot of their work when it got really slow last night. I caught NUMEROUS people fishing the Humber before midnight last night...i took their names, ID'd them and got their fishing licence numbers and sent a rather lengthy email to the MNR.....



    So hopefully there will be a few people losing a little bit of money and some equipment....i couldn't believe it..guys who look like seasoned fisherman...fly/spinning/centerpin rods and all....were out before opener....



    Made me angry....

  9. AFAIK double yellow solid suggests that it is unsafe to pass in that area but is prohibited (50 Meters?) before a turn, tunnel, railway crossing or approching the crest of a hill.


    Another little known law... Unsafe left turn. If you approach your left turn and are slowing down, check your mirrors prior to turning. You can be charged if some moron hits you while trying to pass on the left even if you have your signal on. I encounter this almost daily at work... it's so tempting to make my turn and let them stuff thier car under my trailer but it's not worth getting charged.




    on the flip side, if you're being overtaken you have to slow down and let them pass!

  10. Way back when I had driver training this is the way it was explained to me.... yellow means caution..signs with cruves in the road etc.. they are are warning you to take caution, yellow signs with the speed limit, well thats a recommendation that you should go that speed, and not the actual posted speed (the white sign). Also, back to the yellow line.. If its safe its my understanding you can pass. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


    1. double solid lines are a notification/suggestion that it is not safe to pass...


    2. yellow speed limit signs are suggested for safety - white means it's an "official" sign...i e if you're not caught on radar and i can visually see that you're travelling at a high rate of speed you can be given a "disobey official sign" ticket which yields the same penalties as disobey stop sign....


    3. yes you can pass on a highway when it is safe to do so....but use your discretion on this one...any accident or mistake can lead to "drive left of centre"

  11. One point to differ on. Brake light not required. Licence light and one tail light on passenger vehicle is all thats required. You can use your arm to indicate turns and stops.


    only applies to antique cars and motorcycles


    cars older than 1970 and bikes older than 1980 (i think, not a motorcycle expert) have to have a minimum of 2 head lights, one break light and identification lights

  12. 11. If you have your G2 licence you cannot have any alcohol in your system, drive after midnight with people in the car who are not family or over 18 and drive on 400 series highways


    one of the stupidest rules, "drive after midnight with people in the car who are not family or over 18 and drive on 400 series highways"

    so your telling me if i live in woodbridge i cant drive the highways after midnight, haha, i am a younger drive and have not had any problems yet, that is a law of discrimination and should be struck down, is in violation of the charter. However i support the alcohol, should be 0.00 no one needs to drive even on one beer.


    it's set up because young drivers....as well as many experienced ones....cannot handle distraction and no matter what you can tell me a person with 6 months driving experience can't handle having 3 of his buddies in the car...

  13. FnA... not sure the force you are with ( I see your in Kitchener....but I have alot of friends here in hamilton that work halton, guelph, toronto etc etc) but I beg you if you are in York.... please I beg of you...


    CreditStone and Hwy 7....

    screw the ticket... charge em cash... you would be a millionaire in about 3.24 hours.




    lol...not my patrol area.... i usually set up shop at Islington and Rutherford

  14. I have disagree with number 1 only allowing one driver to turn on a red light has to be at the discretion of the officer. At more than a few intersections in Waterloo region 4 or 5 cars easily fit past the white line and road sign that indicate the proper stopping point. Once you are past that marking you are considered to be in the intersection and should have the right away regardless of the light changing. Since the HTA reads that all drivers must yield to drivers all ready in the intersection at stop signs and red lights.... (While we ALL KNOW any marking on the surface of any road in Ontario is NOT legally binding and just suggestive because of the fact that they can be covered at anytime by leaves, snow or road grime) the signs designating the stopping position for a red light would be binding. At a few of those intersections any car past the marking would impede a truck from turning on the green, so the officer would probably lose in court for charging someone turning in those places second to even fifth, if they couldn't back up safely.


    Also how could an officer pull over all 3 or 4 cars at once to charge them? Once in court you could make the argument that your being charged, while the other drivers weren't was unfair....



    Yes, you see it all the time where 3 or 4 cars go...but, the trick is...pull the last guy through over lol...he has no defence. The light is red. I have never lost these tickets.


    The HTA (briefly) says that when turning left, only one car is allowed to creep into the intersect (people these days don't really understand that creeping doesn't mean sitting in the middle). If the driver is unable to complete his turn by the time the light goes from amber to red, he is allowed to complete it when it is safe to do so. Only ONE car can do this.

  15. So...after a while i've found out some things that people didn't know about the rules of the road.....so i'll shed some light so guys on here don't get dinged....


    1. If you are turning left and the light turns red ONLY ONE vehicle can complete their turn.....i usually see 2-4 people run it....


    2. Your permit HAS to be signed in ink


    3. You have to have a real insurance card in your vehicle, not a photocopy. Your permit can be copied, but you must have both sides photo copied


    4. You cannot make a U-turn: 150m from a hill, dike, bridge, where there's a sign that say no U turn, or where there's a curve in the road


    5. You windows cannot be tinted so dark that the driver cannot be seen


    6. you have to have both headlights working, identification light (licence plate light) has to be working), but you only need one working break light


    7. You have to come to a complete stop at all stop signs and red lights...rolling stops are not stops


    8. Amber light means slow down and prepare to stop. Technically running the amber light and going through yields the same penalty as running a red light.


    9. When turning left, you must yield the right of way...especially when the light is amber and people running the yellow...if you get into an accident you're at fault.


    10. When consuming alcohol the legal limit is .080, however, any reading between .05 and .079 will result in a 12 hour licence suspension.


    11. If you have your G2 licence you cannot have any alcohol in your system, drive after midnight with people in the car who are not family or over 18 and drive on 400 series highways


    12. Your validation sticker has to fixed to the upper right corner of the rear licence plate - for cars


    13. Having a loud stereo, squeeling your tires or having a loud muffler is considered excessive noise and can result in a ticket


    14. I recommed not having your dog in the front seat of your car...if it's on the lap of the driver its considered crowding the driver


    15. All occupants of your vehicle has to be wearing their seatbelt UNLESS you're a cab driver with a fare, you're reversing, ambulance with a patient, police officer with a prisoner or have a note from your doctor saying that you cannot wear your seat belt for medical reasons


    16. Driving with a suspended licence or disqualified licence will get your car towed.


    17. Bet you didn't know this...... you can drive ANYWHERE on the road if there is no other traffic on the road


    18. Bet you didnt' know this....... if you do not affect other drivers...ie see 17..... you don't have to signal


    19. all loads in your pick up truck must be tied down and secured


    20. 3Km/hr is a $12 fine lol

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