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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Evenin' All,


    I had my parents over for dinner tonight and I spent a great deal of time talking with my father about many of the fishing adventures we had. One that really sticks out in my mind was a spring trip we took with a family friend. I remember, it was about 12-14 years ago and we went down to the Sauble River, i'm not sure were. I'm hoping if I describe the area, someone on the board would know where i'm talking about.


    I remember that we followed a back road, possibly dirt, to an old church. The road continued a little ways past the church to a bridge where we parked. There was a small park, i think, or it was someone's huge backyard. Anyway, this pool was incredible and i could see several 'bow that were trophy size that wouldn't hit anything I threw at them....anyway I have no idea where this could be. Neither could my father, and the family friend his since passed on.


    So, i looked on a map to maybe get an idea of where we were, but i couldn't really pin point where we were because i was too familiar as to how far the spring rainbows run up the Sauble.


    Anyway, if anyone can help, let me know, it would be nice to take my dad back up there since he hasn't been on the water in probaby 5 years or so.





  2. I think this quote alone shows the main differance ..."my wife Sue and I lived for an entire year in far Northern Ontario as if it were five hundred years ago; no metal, no matches, no plastic - just nature - on its own terms" (From an interview with Les). That is simply impressive.


    That was actually his very first show.....i watched it and it wasn't bad. you can catch it every once in a blue moon on OLN......he's working on his 3rd show.....

  3. Wow...it's amazing how many people go out and get themselves in trouble on the ice.....


    If I wasn't home sick today, i would have been out looking for him...a perk of being a part of a Search and Rescue Team. I hope we find him safe and sound and in good health!

  4. Well, this year will be my daughter's first Christmas....although she has no idea what's going on, we've already taken her to see santa and I'll be dressing up as santa for her and my nephew....


    As for my fondest memory, there's nothing that really stands out in my mind because each one is special in it's own way. I alway got a kick out of some of the things my mother used to write on the gift tags. I remember getting a toy hockey stick from Wayne Gretzky and a videogame from Mario and Luigi....but the best was a fishing rod and reel from Bob Izumi lol...


    Happy Festuvus Guys!

  5. Kinda freaky driving the 407... only to see deer glaring at you.. and they are inside of the fences!... I have seen a few roadkill on the side of the road recently... I dont think the fences are keeping them from the hiway...


    I also notice alot of waterfowl in the ponds that dot the ride into work.. I assume they are pretty comfortable hanging out there...




    Gerritt, white tails can easily jump the fences

  6. Hey Guys,


    Just had a few things to say, i won't take long lol.....


    Last night, as bad as the weather was, i braved the 100km drive to work. It was a long night as we were only answering emergency calls, so all the barking dogs and parking complaints had to wait. Anyway, one thing that happened repeatedly last night was people collapsing while shovelling snow.


    Please, if you have a heart condition, or aren't feeling well and get dizzy while your shovelling the white stuff, please stop, don't do it. Give $10 to one of your neighbourhood kids to shovel your snow. We had 3 middle aged men die in snow banks from heart attacks last night and i pray that nothing like that happens to anyone on this board. Be Safe.







    I normally try to do something good for someone every shift. I believe in Karma and sometimes doing something good for someone else makes a person feel good. Last night, I was able to catch my first drunk driver. Took a while and worked my tail off to find one in the last year. I was proud of myself for making the roads a little safer last night. Although it wasn't much, i did my part.


    Please don't drink and drive. If you've only had a few, that's a few too many. There are a lot of people out there who dn't know their limit and don't know when they're not in any shape to drive. So over the coming holiday season, if you're gonna drink, don't drive. Get a cab, walk home or god forbid, give your wife the keys lol.....


    Take care, have a safe holiday




  7. I decided to get my wife pregnant and have a baby. Timed it perfectly, I get sleepness nights, moody all day, and totally doesn't interfere with my fishing. Mind you, I don't fish during the winter months. But my time is occupied! Just an idea for ya.


    Hehehe....and once the baby comes, and it's fishin season, the little miss with veto you going fishin! don't believe me? I used to fish a lot before we had our daughter and after Izzy was born I went out once! :asshat:

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