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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. cool thanks guys... Reason i asked is that i picked up a dz roe bags for $5....thought it was kinda high but you can buy a container of hundreds of eggs for $10..... so i just wanted to see how easy it was.
  2. Hey Guys, I'm curious as to how to do this. Does anyone have a good website to check out???? I googled it but I couldn't really find anything Dave
  3. good point, i saw a lot of guys hook into fish today even with the pressure...gonna go out tues-thurs and see what happens! Lotsa time off...love trout fishing, never been too good at it! Dave
  4. Does that mean most of the fish are gone? and going back through the next few weeks would be a waste of time?
  5. Hey All, Perhaps those who are more familiar with the 'bows can answer this question. While fishin today, a lot of the anglers were saying that the fish are heading back to the lake. Does this mean the run is over? or are fresh fish heading into the rivers for a while? Thanks Dave
  6. Well, i decided to head out this morning and hit my favourite trib...the weather couldn't have been nicer. So i pulled into the parking lot and at sun up I was the 25th car...... but everyone was standing around the first pool...so I moved on to the next one and shared it with another guy for about 30 minutes....then the stampeding heard came through the water and I was standing shoulder to shoulder with everyone at every pool for about 5kms.... I went 0/1 but i hooked into the largest rainbow i've ever seen in person! Broke my fly off though, oh well....everyone else was slayin' 'em on roe bags so i'm going shopping for a trout road lol!
  7. Actually, all police officers in ontario are Provincial Offences Officers as well, which means any law that is covered under the provincial offences act, which includes the Ontario Fisheries Act (i think that's what it's called) is under my authority. however, we pretty much only deal with the HTA, LLA, and Trespass to Property Act Even so, I only took offence to it because I'm into the conservation and into fishing so i know more than the average PC
  8. if i did that...... Dear Inspector, I broke a guys window. I'm sorry, please take it out of my pay cheque when he sues me....lol Just kidding. I've never had to draw down on anyone when on a traffic stop. I've been lucky. As for being able to see, out take down lights and spot light illuminate even the darkest tinted windows. I've never given a jab for dark windows, but it gives me a solid reason to stop and talk to the anyway.
  9. Good point, that's why I hate doing MVC's (motor vehicle collisions - we don't call them accidents anymore because that implies no one is at fault)....most of the time I don't charge people because of the simple fact of conflicting stories. Unless something is completely obvious or one driver is completely honest then it's easier. But if there's no third party witness it's harder to get a conviction because both drivers are looking out for their best interest and aren't 100% honest.....
  10. no problem bernie...... there's a lot of the Ontario Regulations that I couldn't really tell you about...especially for commercial trucks etc.....in fact, to know that stuff there's a course you have to take called "heavy truck interdiction" which basically gives you the qualifications to do MTO inspections.
  11. Well, as you know, i've been going through a lot of ups and downs with my family. There hasn't been any updates on my dad. On a positive note, my wife is making an incredible recovery and is almost feeling 100% like herself. I tried to be as supportive as I could, and I just kept my chin up and bared the brunt of pretty much everything around the house.... Anyway, yesterday before I left for work my wife called me....she told me that she had a surprise for me and that she wanted me to be ready when she got home (get your minds out of the gutter, i know what you're thinking) So when she got home, I jumped in my car and followed her to Natural Sports here in town....where she proceeded to get me a pair of brand new neoprene waders and will be picking up a new rod this weekend when I have time to look...i was running late for work. Anyway, I can say goodbye to the rubber CTC classic wader and hello to warmth...especially the next month - 24 days off and lots of fishing to do!
  12. Hey Guys, you'd be proud.... Since there are no CO's anywhere ever, i took it upon myself to do a lot of their work when it got really slow last night. I caught NUMEROUS people fishing the Humber before midnight last night...i took their names, ID'd them and got their fishing licence numbers and sent a rather lengthy email to the MNR..... So hopefully there will be a few people losing a little bit of money and some equipment....i couldn't believe it..guys who look like seasoned fisherman...fly/spinning/centerpin rods and all....were out before opener.... Made me angry....
  13. on the flip side, if you're being overtaken you have to slow down and let them pass!
  14. FYI...when fighting a ticket.... the person in the car doesn't count as a witness, they are not an impartial 3rd party...i.e. someone standing at a bus stop or a passing motorist who witnesses a traffic collision are 3rd party witnesses....
  15. something I learned tonight...only my 4th in Vaughan... Tim Hortons not old attracts police officers and fishermen....it also attracts woodbridge's finest supped up pieces of junk....wow I spent more time at woodstream and 7 than anywhere else all week lol....
  16. 1. double solid lines are a notification/suggestion that it is not safe to pass... 2. yellow speed limit signs are suggested for safety - white means it's an "official" sign...i e if you're not caught on radar and i can visually see that you're travelling at a high rate of speed you can be given a "disobey official sign" ticket which yields the same penalties as disobey stop sign.... 3. yes you can pass on a highway when it is safe to do so....but use your discretion on this one...any accident or mistake can lead to "drive left of centre"
  17. only applies to antique cars and motorcycles cars older than 1970 and bikes older than 1980 (i think, not a motorcycle expert) have to have a minimum of 2 head lights, one break light and identification lights
  18. simple.....the new licence plates are absolute garbage.....i've had one for 2 years and it's fading and rusting...my father has had the same licence plate since 1992 and there isn't any fading or rusting....
  19. off ramp speed limits are the same as the city street that they are entering i.e. if you're going onto highway 7 from the 400 it'll be a 60...the signs that are yellow are suggested speeds
  20. it's set up because young drivers....as well as many experienced ones....cannot handle distraction and no matter what you can tell me a person with 6 months driving experience can't handle having 3 of his buddies in the car...
  21. lol...not my patrol area.... i usually set up shop at Islington and Rutherford
  22. Yes, you see it all the time where 3 or 4 cars go...but, the trick is...pull the last guy through over lol...he has no defence. The light is red. I have never lost these tickets. The HTA (briefly) says that when turning left, only one car is allowed to creep into the intersect (people these days don't really understand that creeping doesn't mean sitting in the middle). If the driver is unable to complete his turn by the time the light goes from amber to red, he is allowed to complete it when it is safe to do so. Only ONE car can do this.
  23. lol....i'm avoiding the opener....heading to the rivers tuesday-thursday
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