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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. meh....we're talking about passing around a bunch of pilons....belak is no different.
  2. Kinda off topic, but when do the leafs have their morning skates/practices at the Lions Arena on lakeshore??
  3. your best bet is to go up the road to the Credit River....larger area to fish, deeper pools
  4. Hey all, with all this snow i need to cover up my central air unit....i've never had one before, what should i use to cover it up??? Any suggestions?
  5. You can't tell me that moose wasn't snackin on Roger Clemen's garbage....that thing is huge!
  6. it can be. i haven't had much luck, but there are very good spots....the guys that run the white river shop at BPS can guide you to some great places. Dave
  7. the credit is an amazing river. All sections of the river hold brooks and browns, it's just being able to find them. Its a pressured river, especially at erindale, but it's very productive. The river is closed right now other than erindale park and the mouth. Nope, no cut throats in ontario. Bronte other than the mouth is closed as well
  8. Holy crap that's a huge moose! wouldn't wanna hit that thing...
  9. Well, i'm taking it to the dealership on Monday. I figured that since there are VERY few mechanics in my area that have the proper equipment (i called around) and i wasn't going to Midas or CTC. Anyway, I figured that the place that I bought the car would be good enough since they've fixed it before. The tires that I have on my car were a gift, but are well worn and i'm not going to be doing much driving until they are replaced lol...anyway thanks for the advice. Dave
  10. so if i end up getting new tires i'll need an alignment done again??
  11. not as bad as Walmart though....they rotated my tires and knocked out my alignment in the process
  12. I'm trying my best tp put this together, but it may be a tougher go then I thought.....i'll keep everyone posted though.
  13. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=23888&hl= explains everything...
  14. Wow...organizing a charity event is a tough go! I finally hooped 2 sponsors for the event. Via Rail Canada - which donated a trip for 2 from Toronto to Montreal....and M&M Meats.... I guess things are starting to come together! Dave
  15. I would, but i've been trying to get my car in on a weekday that I work...i haven't worked a weekday in months....my schedule has been day shifts on the weekend and nights during the week....anyway, i can't wait any longer and i have to grab tires too...lol...what can i say, i'm a procrastinator!
  16. Hey all, I called around to a bunch of places in my area and very few have the right equipement to do an alignment...so my choices are the dealership and get hosed...or Midas.... I'm wondering if there are any mechanics on the board with the right equipment that can help me out? Thanks Dave
  17. You could also call your local animal control office.....
  18. Kemper don't worry, I think the majority of us under 30 have gone throught what you're going through. Remember, when I bought my new car (i was 24)....i paid $312 a month for my car and $308 for the insurance. Keep it up and the problems go away
  19. I honestly can't answer that because bad drivers come in all ages, races, and both sexes..... I wish I could answer that, but in terms of speeders, I think our stats was 85% of 50 overs were under 25....the ones my friends and I have caught are between 17-20 driving moms car and they think its okay doing 110 in a 60....
  20. yes but there's no speed limit because every driver is so well trained.
  21. yeah, soft tissue sets in 24-48 hours...i'd agree to send them to a doctor first....my buddy got t boned and 3 days later he locked up... I'm glad everyone is okay.
  22. Hey TJ, don't worry, I wouldn't arrest him for that...i'd just give him a Fail to surrender drivers licence...under the HTA a driver can verbally identify himself...... And as for the age limit...remember in Germany it takes something like 7 years to get your licence...
  23. The funny thing is, is that if you're charged with impaired you licence is DISQUALIFIED not SUSPENDED....and it's DISQUALIFIED for 90 DAYS....if you're convicted of impaired you face a minimum of 1 year licence DISQUALIFICATION and if you're caught driving during this time your car is IMPOUNDED FOR 45 DAYS not 7.....hmmmm For the young drivers, there may be many who are great drivers, but I routinely catch G2 drivers who just got their licence driving 25-40 KM/ph over the speed limit...with no excuse...it drives me nuts they should know better. As for the BAC....young drivers who are still in graduated licencing cannot have and alcohol in their blood...it's a 60 day licence suspension.....and ANYONE who blows between .05 and .08 gets a 12 hour licence suspension which is going to be changed to a 3 day suspension soon I can understand why they using the no passengers thing...but honestly cut it down for the first year you have your G2....young drivers are very distractable but it's a little rediculous IMHO
  24. Hey all, I had another question for the hunters on the board. I've never really used a bow before (other than archery at summer camp), and I'm used to handling a shotgun at work but i don't necessarily like using it, but I'm wondering which do you prefer to hunt with? Is one better than the other? Are there benefits to using one over the other? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks Dave
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