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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Actually it's not. His company is on her donators list at the top and his plans are well noted because he's publicly said it numerous times on television. He's also funding black lives matter. They are all paid protesters
  2. At least trump isn't funded by a nazi sympathiZer who's goal is to destroy the United States by manipulating the African American population. Look up George Soros. He's a major contributor to both obamas campaign and clintons campaign
  3. Don't forget that Clinton is being funded by every regime in the Middle East that wants to bring death to America. Everything she has ever touched in politics has ended in corruption or complete disaster.
  4. Mrs Trump plagiarized Michelle Obama. Michelle plagiarized Elizabeth Dole, an author by the name of Dan Marsh and took a few passages of the 1991 book Crossing Antarctica. All political speeches are copied
  5. Got the name of a few people. I use two guys for my furniture. Ones in bright and one is in guelph
  6. He goes beyond, he talks about battles, societal and economical effects, political leaders etc. But the topics he discusses that I've never heard of like the Khan dynasty was really interesting
  7. And it's not dry lectures, it's a guy speaking passionately about every topic and pulls no punches and takes no sides. I'm listening to the four part series of eastern front of WW2 between Russian and Germany... Man both side were screwed regardless
  8. ^^^ it's going to be much worse in Ontario because of the recent changes. The provincial government was told you are only going to harm the community you're trying to help by making the changes because the violence won't be happening in the Bridlepath or Forest Hill. They are going to effect Jane/finch, rexdale and malvern etc. 20-4o years ago police were told "get out of your car and interact with the community." They did, they cleaned up some neighbourhoods. Because criminals didn't like that and the social justice warriors said this isn't fair and its racial profiling so they said "get back into your car and leave us alone. We will call you if we need you." So many public figures like Sheriff Clarke in Wisconsin and the officer that posted that quote, the people that Black lives matter to the most are the police because we are the ones keeping them from harming each other. If police weren't in the bad neighbourhoods all the young males and innocent people would be gunned down.
  9. Hey all, I know some people on here are history buffs and I just wanted to pass on a great narrator and historian that everyone should listen to. His name is Dan Carlin. He is an American historian who takes a look at different things in absolutely every possible angle. His work on the First World War was so informative that I learned things from him that I didn't know about and I spent 4 years at the U of Waterloo studying history lol. He covers such topics as slavery, WW1 and 2, the aftermath of WW1, the Tunic wars, the apache's the Spanish American war, the rise of the Khans, etc. he has 47 episodes. Some are available on line on his website or through the apple podcasts. His website and podcast site is called Hardcore History
  10. The phone didn't blow him up. Most of the robots have a single arm that looks like a jackhammer that carries an explosive charge in the end. My guess is that the drove the robot up to him and did a contact shot because it's not a powerful explosion
  11. Can't get close enough to even throw it. He was a trained shooter and even the U.S. Reservists are trained to fight the effects of gas and flash bangs The robot probably delivered the phone to the shooter and was already there watching him.
  12. He shot 11, and 2 civilians and killed 5 of them.....
  13. He wasn't going to give himself up. Last person that tried to get near him was shot. Obviously the use of explosives was questionable and the powers that be have to answer to their actions. And in terms of the explosives they wouldn't be used that way in Canada. They are very small charges used to breach doors and set off larger explosives (IEDs and suspicious packages) But I think the choice was to end it before more people were hurt.
  14. No but reaching or a firearm escalated both situation. I believe everything that's been going on has to do with a persons choices and their behaviour. You don't have the right to resist arrest you don't need to go around breaking the law and you don't point a firearm at a cop and expect anything but to be shot.
  15. That looks like a painful switch lol....
  16. And yet the false narrative that the mainstream media and the black lives matter movement proves them guilty right? Remember Darren Wilson, the NYPD cops, and the 5 or the Baltimore 6 were exonerated by the DOJ after being convicted by the media.
  17. Hard to know though... Liberal media says one thing, conservative media says another. I'll wait for the DOJ investigation
  18. http://www.allenbwest.com/analytical-economist/huge-new-detail-emerges-about-why-minnesota-man-was-stopped-by-police
  19. And the guy in the car had allegedly committed an armed robbery with the gun he was carrying. Video evidence confirmed it. As for the woman videotaping everything on Facebook, well the day before she posted a video of her smoking pot in the car with the poor 4 year old that was in the car during the shooting. She's no angel either. You have to take what the media gives you with a grain of salt because they are selling stories to make money not tell the truth
  20. And the 427 is shut down near highway 7
  21. They can apply for parole, doesn't mean mean he will get it. Doubt he will get parole in 25 years.
  22. Good Finally the Canadian Justice System gets it right.
  23. Haha I couldn't help but wonder if this "journalists" 8 year old daughter kills the spiders in his house. What a wuss. There is less recoil in an AR than a beretta or Glock hand gun. It's a loud crack but not an explosion..... Smh
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