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Everything posted by icefisherman

  1. Under $1000 ALL equipment/parts included. Rob, I was listening to my VHF radio while both units were working fine last Friday, and didn't have any interference. Didn't talk on the radio so this part hasn't been tested but I don't expect problems there. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  2. Ha ha ha Giys, I am quite tall so no problems seeing above the screens. Actually I am too tall to hide from wind/waves sometime in not so good weather Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  3. Well this past winter was designated "electronics improvement/upgrade" time. Sold my old Lowrance X65 and got killer deals on one complete LMS525C dumb ass and one display unit only of LMS520. Purchased separate 200KHz transducer for the 520, two RAM 111 mounts, Navionics Gold+ chart and got the free Fish N Chip chart. Got 3M 5200, stainless screws, cable clips and tube of Clear Marine Silicon. I got bunch of Lowrance network and Ethernet cables/connectors as I wanted to connect both units together with Ethernet and Network connections. This I think is the best way to go as I now have all the redundancy I need should one unit fail and I can use either one as the other one. I can also have one full 5" screen only as Sonar and the other 5" screen only as GPS...and vice verse... I could use the dual transducer from the 525 or the single transducer of the 520...I can split either unit's screen...I can do pretty much anything and all things I want with the two units....combined I get 10" of viewing pleasure but for only fraction of the cost of a single 10" screen (2-3 times cheaper). Also bought nice cut off piece of King Starboard for transducer mounting plate that I later cut to size and shape needed. I've decided to go different route than most other people out there. Most install the the transducer plate following the bottom edge of the boat. I thought that looks kind of ugly with all the sharp edges sticking kind of "out of place". So I decided to make the top edge of the board horizontal and cut the bottom edge to follow my boat's bottom contour. Here is the time to thank Brian (slowpoke) for countless hours (probably days added all together) in phone consultation. What a great source of hones info he is and has always been to me. On all kinds of boat/fishing projects - so THANK YOU BRIAN!!! and yes my birthday is fast approaching...just thought I should mention it again to you I am sure you'll get the right idea ha ha ha Now back to the electronics.... Soooo...with all equipment I need I started the project....pulled all kinds of cables (lots of cables) did some soldering and cable tying, installed and GPS puck in the front of the boat unobstructed from anything (it now acquires satellites even while boat is in the garage and doors closed). And it was time for the most dreaded procedure of all - yep you got it - DRILLING into my boat and BELLOW the water line....that was the thing I hated and tried to find way around it...for weeks...thought of only gluing the transducers/plate (gave up on that idea as I wasn't sure how stable such installation will be)....the only thing that convinced me was that this is the LAST time I need to drill any holes in my boat for transducer mounting. From now one holes will only be in the transducer plate no matter how many times I change transducers/fishfinders. Anyhow....friend helped me with the plate and did grate job on the angle/edge rounding/countersinking... I've used one of the old holes (from the old transducer (used paper template to mark it exactly on the plate for drilling)...and drilled two other holes. Managed to "hide" both transducer cables on the narrow edge of the plate and tight them with cable clips. Mounted all and went water testing it last Friday. All went smooth and is working great...just need some more time learning how to use it. Discovered that the Fish N Chip chart is not very accurate for Lake Ontario....I was in 7 feet of water when the chart was telling me it should be 30 fow. Anyhow....I am quite happy with my new purchases and with their installation....time to get them to help me hook some fish Here are few pictures that may help others going through the same process. Enjoy: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  4. About to install transducer plate on my Lund so I can mount 2 transducers and possibly the speed wheel. Bought 3/4" thick King Star Board. Did a lot of reading but have few practical questions. 1) Most plates I've seen are mounted kind of under angle with the bottom of the plate following the bottom of the boat. How about mounting the plate so the top of the plate is paralel to the ground and the bottom of the plate is shaped to follow the contour of the boat's bottom? I'd think it may look more natural? 2) Screwing the plate or just gluing it? With say 3M 5200 adhesive? Or screwing and caulking with marine silicon around the edges? 3) Any advice you care to share to avoid mistakes? Thanks, Ice Fisherman
  5. Stay away from Cobra...total garbage...bought one from the US Bass Pro last year and every time I wanted to talk other kept hearing pa-pa-pa like helicopter noise ...wasn't easy but Bass Pro in Vaughan agreed to take it back and replace it with this baby: http://www.lowrance.com/en/Products/Marine...Radios/LVR-250/ Couldn't be happier with it...used it all season hear every one and everyone hears me... I also got the 8' antenna when I bought the Cobra and kept it...now for this season when I install my new color Lowrance GPS/FIshfinders I'll connect the radio to it and there you have it a complete system. So my advice go with Lowrance...very high quality product. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  6. Well, Am I glad we went fishing with Brian today. Took a bit of arm twisting and convincing we'll catch fish but he finally agreed. A bit of late start as I somehow overslept until Brian was at my driveway Straight up to Simcoe and on the ice...Jackson's point was bad at the shoreline but Sibbalds PP was very good...quick drive and we were fishing...or trying to ...until we hear "Help meeeeeee" "Help meeee"...hmmmm took a while to figure out which direction was the call for help coming from and we've determined it was from a guy near a hut about 600-700 meters away...drove to him to see what is going on...old retired guy with one leg only functioning properly (the other was prosthesis)...on an ATV ...but the ATV's front was in the water...the guy told me he tried to get close to the door of his hut, but apparently the hut got moved/turned by the wind and he went into his own hole....while trying to figure out how to get him out(he didn't have rope or anything to pull him out) another guy (walking) came by and went to the front of the machine...and bammm...he went in up to above his knee with one leg...got him out quickly...looks like there was big hidden/snow covered hole waiting to take in anyone and anything that gets too close...told the old guy to get away from his hut so he doesn't end up been the next victim sinking considering his prosthesis it'd have been hard to get him out...luckily enough an Argo was passing by and he noticed me waving at him and stopped by to help...he had a rope so it took us only a minute to get the ATV out of the hole (it was still in gear)... Anyhow...all this ended relatively well, so back to fishing...what fishing...no fish on the MarCum...so we start moving...once...twice....bammm found them near a Slovenian group of three very nice guys who were having great time ... lots of loughs were had between us...and then the fishing really started...lost track but must have got close to 20 whities hooked, half that much to the ice and released...and many more bumps.....the Slovenians did great as well...great couple hours by all for sure...we've decided to drive around the lake looking for lakers...couldn't find any even though we've searched for them far and wide...up to White Shoal, back to BBP, then to Long Shoal...more than 40 km drive on the lake but no lakers...oh well...next season....whities action was pretty good and satisfying so we were heading back to the park when the CO starts waving at us to stop...what the.....h wants to check fish, licenses etc. special attention to one of our small whities making sure it is not herring....went a bit far searchin entire truck for hidden fish...but after didn't find any problems got quite friendly and we've had a good chat...he didn't get any violators today...good...back to the park and back home...what a nice day, great weather, nice company and no problems on the ice...what more can one wish for. Thanks for the company Brian and get ready for the boat season....those Salmon are looking for us ha ha ha Tech. data: 75 fow, Williams half/half and Meegs got all fish... Here is what we took home: Sorry for the cell phone picture but I've decided not to take the camera with me today as when I do I don't catch fish ha ha ha, it worked Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  7. I don't mind walking, done it many times couple hours each way...but the other guy cannot walk much. Back problems. I'll take the SUV just in case... The -15 tonight should keep the ice firm for the morning and we should be gone by about Noon anyways... Thinking of JP as I haven't been there this season at all. May try the Sibbald Park entry as it should be much less busy and in better shape I hope....was hoping someone been there today can confirm. I will not be crossing any cracks...but hope there a way around them to get to the JP fishing grounds... Got way too many herrings at the IBP area last time... Out of next three days tomorrow is the day...it'll be much warmer/busier on the weekend. Good luck yo you tomorrow. P.S. If you want PM me and I'll send you my cell number so we can keep in touch while on the ice tomorrow. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  8. Wondering how is the ice on Simcoe today? Specifically Jackson's Point area and/or Innisfill Beach Park area. I guess there should be plenty of ice...but how is the shore ice? Is it drivable around the cracks? Are there cars/Trucks on the ice? Last minute decision to try for a season close tomorrow. Thanks, Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  9. Bruce, thanks for the hospitality and the guided trip. Never fished for smelts before so I was curios to try it.,....yes it took me a while to fines it and the weather/wind didn't help but hey....we still had great time and I was quite happy to see my son enjoying his first ice trip. He got a bit cold last 30 min or so but hey I did too ;-) Bruce sorry we couldn't stay as I wanted to get him back home for a warm bath but we'll sure do it next time. Just hope for better weather;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  10. Yes Joey, "that spot" was the last one before I got off the lake at Innisfil...didn't get anything there...you must have caught them all with Paul last time Leechman, didn't measure the whitie but it was not the largest one I caught this season. Waterwoolf, Herrings are illegal to keep, so I let them all go but I think it's time to allow 1 or 2 per day limit for next season. Tons of them this year for sure. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  11. Started very early today - was driving on the ice at 6:30am...went to Willow Beach first...changed locations 3 times...got 2 bumps and that was it...there was sea of people/cars/trucks out there today....only saw 4 fish on the ice...tried going to the Innisfil Beach Park area but the crack didn't allow me...had to go to the road and back to the ice at Island Grove...around Snake Island and barely made it as there was another crack but it was flat right near shore...fished there in 78 fow....it was herring after herring after 20 herrings...have never caught herring before but couldn't keep them off my hooks today...and some good sizes too...got one whitie and ....one perch...that was it aside from the herrings...very tough day. Had to really work hard for this whitie...took picture with my cell phone (forgot the camera) but cannot find it now....oh well...next time... Tons of ice out there...some raised cracks and not a flake of snow...but super sleepery...did fell once and my elbow is hurting now. Not sure what is the deal....seems thw worst weather days fishing is good....and good weather days fishing sucks ....it's been like that all ice season. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  12. Glad to see Paul in full action after his back problems...and glad to see you constantly on the top pf them...this has been very non-consistent ice season for me... Great pictures! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  13. Simply beautifull Lew. Congratulations and hope to see you on the Great Lakes with it this coming season ;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  14. Hey Brian, Hope you've kept me two tickets Not sure if it'll be there but a good deal on Depth Raider might entice me Anyone at the show that might be selling those? Josh? And yes those MAG10's were the deal of the century last year at the London show. Despite the extra drive it seems to be the better show to attend. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  15. Joey, I've had same problem before..it sure looks and feel bad but it'll get better....what to do - make sure he goes and sees GOOD chiripractor AND massage therapist....often they work from the same office so you can do it at the same time. I can send you to a very good couple in downtown Toronto. Few sessions will do miracles. PM me if you need to. Once he gets fixed REGULAR straching will keep things normal. As for the tickets - hmmmm....haven't planned to go but if you still have them I could take the whole family (wife and two kids). Let me know please. Cheeers, Ice Fisherman
  16. I could do it Bud...but it'll be nice if I can avoid it as it'll burn tripple the amount of gas my car uses. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  17. Thanks Terry. And no one getting stuck? Man you just won the price for the quickest reply ha ha ha ;-) I may see you on the ice in the next few days Bud! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  18. So guys were there cars or 4x4's driving on the ice? I am asking as I am wondering should I come with the car or with the SUV? Seems like all slush and snow are gone/frozen and we should still have plenty of ice... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  19. Wayne my basement now has insulation on the top 50% of the wall height, it is the pink stuff covered with plastic sheet. I am sure you are right about the inspections BUT I know of two neighbors and one friend close by none of them got any permits. So I think I am with you on this one...I am sure I'll find someone to do the final connections (licensed or not) ot to tell me how to do them myself. That will not be a problem. GBW I've read the same framing is 1.5 to 2" away from the wall. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  20. You know guys....I've often read on this board of people helping other people with all kinds of things....never thought I may need similar help but hey...I've got few very kind and generous offers from good fishing buddies of mine from this board and it sure makes my heart feel good. I've checked and workwear is right if I do my own electrical work no permit is required. I guess all I need is someone to point me and tell me "run this wire from here to there" - I am sure I can do it and then a real electrician can only connect the finishing touches. I've got most if not ALL the tools that will be needed - all kinds of saws, drills, etc. Even if I need any it'll be minimal. Gerritt, brother...make it 5 days fishing on Lake O. or Lake Erie with suppers and consider it done! Steve, I'll look into this grants thing. And GMC appreciate your kind offer Bud, will let you know as I get to that stage. I guess first step is framing... Thanks to All who have replied! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  21. Guys, you all have a point - especially Doug ha ha But that been said I have budgeted $10,000 for this project so it'll be $10,000 more or less.... I would imagine in this tough economic conditions there is a guy out there (not a huge company to pay overheads on) who can use good chunk of those $10K... I am not an expert but should be able to do a lot of things when instructed by an expert therefore saving big on the total cost. Few neighbor have done their basements (aprox. same size and houses built by the same builder) and they have done it mostly themselves or with help of friends/family and yes they told me $10,000 though tight is fully possible. I am learning this stuff as I go by reading and reading some more ...and there are lots of new things for me, but I feel if I buy materials smart/on good sale prices and do most of the work myself under instruction and while helping the experts it is doable. I just don;t give up that easy Gerrit, I'll PM you shortly as there hundreds questions in my head... Anyhow, my father often says: "when you have a beard you WILL find a shaver for it" Bottom line is for me $10K is a lot of money and me and my wife work very hard for them, so if someone thinks I am not day dreaming and it can be done within this budget let me know. I am just thinking if I was a framer for example and have been laid off work 10 days ago, maybe doing a job like that and getting few dollars for it may not be so bad considering the alternative. Something that could be beneficial to both of us. Anyhow....I'll have my basement finished before this tax credit thing expire you can rest assured! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  22. Well, I've decided to do my share in supporting the Canadian Economy by pumping some money into it while finishing my basement. Wasn't planning to do it for the next few years but with the added incentive of $1300 tax credit in current budget (to be used by Jan 27 2010) we'll be doing it this year. Probably in stages as funds become available. Done some reading trying to understand what is involved and have a good idea... Want to find someone with experience to lead and me helping him as much as I can to cut down on the cost. I can do my own copper pipes, painting, and tiling (for the bathroom) and want to be actively involved in everything else. Size is about 900 sq. feet. I'll be doing one bedroom, one bathroom storage and mechanical room. Drywall and drop ceiling. I am considering few options for the floor. Budget is about $10K so I need to find someone who can do a good job within this budget. Again with AS MUCH involvement of myself as possible. Maybe someone here qualified in this kind of work would be interested. Location is in Georgetown, ON. Feel free to PM me if so. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  23. Way to go Rick. What ever it takes to find them ;-) Love your fish photos, like they just came out of the water few seconds ago, so clean and good looking ha ha ha. You did manage to find a laker as well! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  24. Figured fish must be biting in this super cold weather and started bright and early this morning with Rick. Sure helps when I don't have to walk but have good friends to give me a ride now and then It was whities day all the way....what a difference couple weeks make....few weeks ago I've had hard time catching whities but was catching tons of lakers....well today exactly the opposite....no matter what I did i kept getting whities...and a LOT of them too...stopped counting at about 12 up to the hole and released...plus that many more hooked but lost on the way up...it was a wild day for sure. Kept changing lures, presentation you name it...even minnows...still got only whities...few people behind me got couple lakers but not me Oh well that's fishing Meegs did most of the damage with few been caught on Williams. Again thank you Rick, appreciate the ride Bud!!! And one shot from the day: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  25. I was seriously considering the new HDS units but decided against them as I knew they will have tons of software issues in the first months/years and when spending $300 extra (vs. same size regular Lowrance unit) software problems are the last thing I want to deal with.... Just read on another forum the first HDS units are out and guess what........ Already a software issue! New units will not accept navionic chips! A software update to come out soon! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
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