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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. Thanks RHF I should be a little more specific, im looking for some info on a lake that is supposedly private and would rather not shout the name out here in the forum. Thanks
  2. Just looking for some information about the area that I cant find much about on the net. Thanks
  3. Ive fished it once in the winter last year and had a similar experience. I figured it was just my luck that day...
  4. just ask a mod sinker or post a pic of an oos sturgeon
  5. lol i like your sense of humor!
  6. Thanks Merc, now I know.
  7. lol he did...it doesn't get much more to the point then that. Even with the sarcasm thrown in there. Why does everything have to go through the mods..is there really no way of just talking things out on here?
  8. ban em
  9. yeah whats with these low blows.....no answers to my actual questions just a pile of horse dung
  10. no jabs at anyone justan honest question
  11. no need to pm a mod...enough expierienced guys here to answer these questions for me.
  12. the pm question is kinda obvious...the other one im not quite sure of.
  13. Just curious when somebody is on this can they still be seen online? Can you send pm's while banned?
  14. Lol i guess when you are the champion you dont need to really worry about the big fish of the day challenge.
  15. What was the weight of that last fish ?
  16. Thanks for the help so far! I still have a couple monthes to go before i can put the boat in so that will give me some time to really research the equipment. I would love to actually see the down imaging units in action as opposed to the demo that you can watch on the unit in the stores.
  17. Seems like im going to be putting some serious work into my boat aswell as putting my carpentry skills to the test. Atleast in the end ill have something that should last me 10 years or more if i do it right. Thanks for the replies so far!
  18. Thanks for the great information so far. I think i need to do alot more research to actually understand what i am getting and what i am not getting. Maybe i should just stick with something simple that only tells me depth , temperature and shows fish. I may be getting over my head with something so advanced for what i really need. I just figured the down imaging would be nice.
  19. What about a finder like spooled has ordered. That would cover me in all aspects ...ie: fish finder, down imaging and gps. It is a lot of money for me to shell out on something like that ..but i would also like to get something that is half decent that i wont be replacing in 2 years.
  20. That looks like a nice unit..i would have to save for a little while longer to afford that one.
  21. Hey im looking for a new fishfinder and this one stands out to me due to the good reviews that i have read about it. It seems like it is the most bang for your buck at that price. Is it worth while to get this unit or should i be spending a bit more money on something better? If any of you have experience with this model let me know what you think of it! Thanks
  22. That looks pretty sharp!
  23. Hey guys I have an older aluminum boat that i have to replace the floor and the transom. I have done some research on the net about it but would like some first hand experience from those of you who have done it before. thanks
  24. That guy is nuts....i sure as hell could not do it.
  25. Not all contractors are bad bob....a lot are but there is still the good ones. Good job on the construction of your summer home.
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