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Everything posted by DanTheMan

  1. I just got home from work.Ya there winning.And you know what,they probly will be the Habs.Why they have trouble with them, I dont know. Oh well, lets see what happens
  2. I will tell right now,there will be more Leaf votes then Habs. Its not there fault, they just havent seen the light yet or there just ---- , well I dont know what where word Im looking for , but its not good:D
  3. You have no idea how much I hate the Leafs.
  4. LMAO, Good 1 Terry
  5. Serious? There nothing serious about the Leafs.Their a joke now and l always will be
  6. Dont matter who they trade,they will always SUCK
  7. That she was not.Nothing wrong with looking at her early in the morning Its sad day. Sorry for your lost bud
  8. We had a nice little layer of ice on all the lakes around here last week, but with all this nice weather, its pretty much gone.THe weather is very strange this year so far.Where almost December,and there is more grass showing then snow Oh well, it wont be long before where showelling out from our driveways again
  9. I will NEVER EVER join the Leaf nation in my life.I would rather be dead, then ever join that club
  10. Wow, I'm a surprise of the vote so far There is just as many plp that miss the old board and think the Leafs suck Do you miss the old board at all?? Yes [ 14 ] [29.79%] No [ 7 ] [14.89%] Never go back [ 2 ] [4.26%] Not sure yet [ 4 ] [8.51%] This new board is by far the Best [ 6 ] [12.77%] The Leafs Suck :] [ 14 ]
  11. Hmmm, Leafs get spank by Buffalo the other night and Habs beat Buffalo tonight, So what gives? GO HABS GO!!!!!!! O ya. I miss the other board also.Not sure why, but just do
  12. Watching the Habs play Buffalo and reading the forum
  13. I know Im very late, but what the hey Happy Friday Night
  14. I never had any, and I hope I never do.Hope things work out for you bud. Not 100% sure about this, but I heard drinking PURE cranberry juice helps,I dont know if it works, but I guess it would not hurt to try Good Luck, Hope you feel better soon!!
  15. Welcome Aboard
  16. Said before and I will say it again, WILD STUFF Bud
  17. Wow, thats wild stuff .Not for me thats for sure
  18. Just asking
  19. Have A Great Day Guys
  20. Might as well also Here's my dog Scoobie
  21. Wow, Fantastic report RSB.Congrats on the great day bud
  22. Hey everybody, Just wanted to show you guys this website I found. I think its pretty cool.You can watch Live Music video/movies/sports/ etc..... I been watching the Skeem Country for the last 4 days now, and I love it.Threes all sorts of stuff to watch. and its free Make sure you have Windows Media 9 atleast or you can get it here http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsme...es/default.aspx Check it out and let me know what you think http://www.live-online-tv.com/ Dan
  23. OUCH!!!!!!!!!! Thats not me. You have mistaken him for somebody else
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