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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. beauty, thats what i like to hear ! haha i will be picking it up either thurs or fri now
  2. that pike is awesome ! lol i have caught a ton of foot'ers but thats as small as they get for me.. defenetly jealous
  3. but docks and pads should be alright? i think im going to go pick it up tonight and pair it with a curado e
  4. used to have an impala ls and we matched it up with my 14' aluminum with 9.9 and was just about to get a hitch orderd.. and then i toataled it.. so your answer is.. yes the impala would be fine to tow. as long as you know your limits.
  5. so i was re-spooling a couple of my rods today .. and was wondering what every one else does with there old garbage line.. personaly i put it in a pop bottle or milk jug..then have it recycled but what do you guys do ?
  6. I was looking at the 7'2 mh model for flippin jigs think that would work ?
  7. cya there buddy i wont be up there until Jan tho. but I'll keep my eye out
  8. Canal Lake
  9. well today.. was on the water for 7am caught 2 smaller bass right out from the boat launch and lost a small musky or pike.. didnt really see it .. after that we headed to the west side of the lake.. BAD IDEA... the fishing was sooooo SLOW .. after a few hours came back over to the other side.. and started catching fish ..nothing to big... as every fish of size got off or had comitment isues.. but was able to catch a small pike and a hooked into a musky but it got off boat side.. the pike was about a foot and a half .. and the ski was a good 35' and i saw both of the fish before they hit as they were both apperently sunning them selves.. then later on we found a few docks that were high enough to hold fish . but half of them were spooked by the time we were any where close im guessing cuz the docks were so high + water was so low making us and the fish very visable.. after docks we headed out to the middle of the lake and flipped deep pockets wich worked out well , and caught a few smaller fish and lost a few more.. then we moves to a couple rock edges .. and only caught 2 fish.. one of them being a rock bass and the other being a 4.1 lb smallie, we then fished a few more docks and was able to land 2 more bigger largies.. about 3+ lbs each.. all in all it was a slow start but a good day . saw plenty of fish .. just wish that we were a bit more consistant .. pictures will be up soon as for Fishman2202 we deffenetly bottomed out a few times.. but used the trolling motor 99% of the day
  10. just drove by a momma and 3 cubs on Simcoe st North (just south of hwy 48)
  11. well im coming from port perry so was going to head north on simcoe, and make a right on 48, then take a left on Centenial over the island back onto main ground where the boat launch is just down on the right hand side
  12. didnt even think of mitchell out of the two what would you recomend? as well how is the public boat launch on canal
  13. oh ya ? im kind of used to fishing junk as i live on Scugog ..
  14. you can get them at bps as well as gagnouns.. not sure about hirks tho.. i have looked and wondered about them for a few months now.. but didnt want to be the first to waste my moneys.. and didnt know about warrenties .. tho i just looked into in and it seems like they have lifetime warrenties.. cant complain about that !
  15. was looking at the "new'ish" Rapala R-type rod and was really impressed with the comfort as well as how light it is.! though was wondering if any one has any input on it ? or heard anything about it? very interested in it though would like to know some more about it thanks again a fellow angler
  16. Hey guys and gals, me and my buddy once again are planning on a little road trip.. and are heading up to Canal lake to do some bass fishing and the odd pike, I have a 14' tinny fully loaded with a 9.9 and well we just wanna hook into some fish.. we were planning on hitting docks , as well as weedlines and what ever else we find any input would be appreciated .\ Thanks again ! a fellow angler
  17. was wondering the same thing .. i was given a compre and new they had life time warranties .. and always wondered what to do if it broke?
  18. awesome thanks guys, ended up hitting chemong.. and are probably going to hit up buckhorn later this week. wasnt the best day. but still caught some fish.. nothing too spectacular but after working weedlines on the south west side of the lake with crank/wake baits worked very well then flipping docks on the south east worked alright but most fish were caught on crankbaits. both largies and smallies.. we caugh probably 15 fish between the two of us tho the biggest fish was just shy of 3 thanks again
  19. I have been google'ing the lake for boat launches.. maybe im a little slow today but i cant find any in the lower half?
  20. i was thinking about that aswell.. do you know where the boat launches are on the south side of chemong or buckhorn?
  21. Hey guys and gals, me and my buddy are heading up to either chemong of buckhorn to do some bass fishing , I have a 14' tinny fully loaded with a 9.9 and well we just wanna hook into some fish.. we were planning on hitting docks , as well as weedlines and what ever else we find.. out of the two lakes which one would you recomend..? and why ? as of right now we were thinking chemong as its a smaller body of water .. aka less wind and waves hopefully.. thanks again !
  22. something similar happend to me, i had been leaving my boat in this back area on this little lake up north , and had had it there since opener, until one of my family friends who lives up there and who would keep an eye on it for me called me and said that one of the neighbors were complaining .. and well this neighbor doesnt live on the lake or anything ! but apparently the neighbor was jealous that i could keep my boat there but he couldnt ?.. so he called and complained.. and the mnr had came and just like you there was a ticket saying sumthing along the lines of, "while you were out, we stopped by and that you must remove boat and other belongings off the site before a certain time.. or it will be impounded" or sumthing along the lines of that .. lets just say i was not a happy camper.. though i did move my boat.. and well ya it sucks i couldnt leave it there.. but its now getting more use on the local lakes
  23. Mud lake is really close.., lake scugog (just north of the boat launch, or by the library..) , nonquon river (once you get to port perry head north on old simcoe and fish off the bridge)
  24. i have been flippin with 50lb red power pro (i figgured because the slop on scugog turns orange/red'ish ..) , and its been working great , but it seems that the red looses colour alot faster then normal.. or maybe im just using it more? so i have busted out the sharpie a few times..
  25. I rigged up a 7' fluro leader and sharpied about 10 feet of my braid.. as for fishing24/7 I'd recomend braid .. you can feel everything with it .. but use a leader in crystal clear water.. but have the leader no longer then your rod or the knot can mess up your flip or pitch
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