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Everything posted by spoonman

  1. Great chance to learn and big boats
  2. Hello, There is a big tournament being held out of Scarborough Bluffers park this weekeend, $25,000 cash for the winning team. Every boat needs an observer and it is a great chance to spend a day on Lake Ontario and learn from the Pros. I have a friend coming a long way who needs an observer. There is a mandatory meeting on the friday night and then 8 hours of fishing on the Saturday. please send a pm or email me at [email protected] Thanks
  3. They are both great boats probAbly best aluminum boats out there. Crest liner is another good option. Either way you should be happy don't rush into decision do your homework. Each boat is different. Good Luck
  4. Its sad to see that ,we need to put that much effort into our fishery to keep it going but it seems to be a common theme nowadays. The MNR needs to budget more funds to help our fishery. The great news is it goes without showing a bunch of dedicated individuals who care, and take tons of hours seems to really be paying off. I think if we all did a little bit to help our fisheries we can have the best. Great work to all volunteers .
  5. Ryan that is a sweet look pursuit bro. Nice job, it looks sweet. Can;t wait to see it in action.
  6. Hello everyone I am a charter captain on lake ontario and I need a spotter for my team. There is a salmon tournament being held out of bluffers park This sat and you will need to be there to observer on another boat. Hours would be Friday night from 7-9 for meeting and then sat am from 530-3:00pm. It is a great event and a chance to watch some of the top anglers on lake ontario for the day, great way to learn and have a free boat ride, there is some sweet boats and it is random draw. Friday night is a fun night with a raffle and some great prizes. Please call my cell phone if interested and all observers must have a fishing license. Observers will get taken care of with a bag of loot from me or some gas money. Please txt me or call me at 416 220-7451 Leave a message if I don't answer. Thanks AL www.alsadventures.ca
  7. Even if you can only come for like 4 hours all the help we can get is crucial. Please if you can or know anyone who can help let us know. Thanks kindly to all volunteers, every person makes a huge difference.
  8. The Spring Fishing Show is my Favorite for the fact is 100% dedicated to fishing and the Sportmens Show is camping, Kayaking, hunting, fishing,.... everything. I will most likely be working at both shows. Cheers AL
  9. ANyone interested in spotting for the TIGHTLINE shootout out of Scarborough Bluffs, on Sat AUG 1st, it is a free day on the water and a chance to watch some great anglers fish for the day. The entire field of boats are really good and it is a fun day. Please let me know VIA a PM if you are interested, as my spotter just backed out. PM on this forum if you are interested. Thanks AL
  10. The great Ontario Salmon derby starts this Saturday, for anyone interested in a chance a to catch a fish of life time and have a great day on the water visit Visit My Website and follow my blog at blog to see weekly and updated reports. I was up North for the weekend but will be out a few times before day 1 on Saturday of the derby. Anyone interested in fishing in the Great Ontario Salmon Derby get a FREE ticket when fishing with alsadventures. Good luck to all Salmon anglers fishing the Great Ontario Salmon Derby. Our biggest fish so far this year is just shy of 26lbs. Cheers AL www.alsadventures.ca
  11. Was out today for about 4 hours before the storm hit. Action was pretty good for us as well. Biggest Whitey was about 5lbs. Good job on the lakers, I did see a lot of people hooking up a lot for most of the am. Perfect day for it with light winds as well. Good pictures and glad to see you out enjoying a great fishery and great day. Cheers AL
  12. Another Musky opener for some regions only. Where is everyone going? I will be hitting my favorite kawartha lake Saturday for a full day of Musky Hunting. Good luck to all musky anglers. It is going to be HOT. We will see if it turns the fish on. Cheers AL
  13. The fish are getting bigger by the day so come out and test your luck with a trophy salmon. Cheers Al
  14. I managed to get out last week with Mark a client of mine from the States. It was Marks first time fishing Lake Ontario ever. The water was cold a mere 48degrees but the fish were there. The key to our success was fishing in the deeper water. We ended up 5-9 with all fish weighing between 14-17lbs. Mark with his first Lake Ontario Salmon Mark with about a 15lb spring salmon Another nice fish mark landed fresh silver great fight Mark dockside with a couple of nice Salmon to take back home Cheers Al
  15. There were a few boats to say the least. I've never fished anywhere with that many boats but I would love to line up at BOCA GRAND for the TARPON. Good to see people out enjoying the nice weather. Cheers AL
  16. The weather was perfect, and I think anyone who owned a boat today was on the water. There was a huge fleet of boats out there today. The crowds did not bother us a bit, we managed to finally get on to some good whitefish and limit out in no time. The Eagle Graph today was key to finding the fish. The Whitefish put up a great fight at this time of year. The action was fast and furious for us with most the action in the am. Fish On Derek fighting fish My limit for the day Cheers Al
  17. Friday I headed down to Toronto Islands with a client to do some pike fishing. The water was a little colder than I expected with 53.7 being the warmest we found. With the cooler weather in the past few weeks the weeds are not exactly growing fast. We started the day of using some Rapala Huskys in different sizes and colors. We finally saw a nice pike swimming just under the surface. The Pike was not interested in our baits so, we changed spots in hope of more fish. The day was going fairly slow so I went back to where we saw the Pike. About the 3rd cast in, bang, hookup. It was a decent size Pike for a slow day. Steve was very happy with his first Lake Ontario Pike. With some warmer water temps the Pike should only get more active. Cheers AL
  18. Ranger great day for sure. I was out all day today Sunday will post report tomorrow. Nice to cast some lures again. Cheers AL
  19. Sunday was another great day at the hatchery. Seeing more and more empty Chinook tanks is great. We are almost at the finish line. One more week and all Chinooks will be swimming free in Lake O. A few of us managed to go to the Milne Fish Way Sunday am to lift some more rainbows and collect some data. A picture of a really nice Male Rainbow Rainbow being lifted over dam Getting ready to leave hatchery, the tank full of fish. A picture of the Chinooks a few minutes after drop off. It was an amazing night guys, so nice to see the salmon in the lake, after all the long and hard work. The stocking runs continue this week. For more infomation please visit The Metro East Angler Website http://www.metroeastanglers.com/ Cheers AL www.alsadventures.ca
  20. If you know here email post it. Cheers
  21. Copper nice Jack bud. That is a "cracker Jack". Good to see you persistence payed off. Rain tomorrow and most the weekend so back to your x-box. Cheers Al
  22. I found this article today and felt that it must be shared with all OFNers. I would like to say Thank You to the CRAA(Credit River Anglers Asssociation), and MEA(Metro East Anglers) for there hard efforts, and tons of volunteer time. We need our government to help these Organizations with more Funds. Anyways a great article and love to hear your feedback. Cheers Al
  23. Please see this article I found that came out today http://www.ofah.org/News/index.cfm?ID=3&am...Doc&DID=402 Cheers Al
  24. Have a look at this cormorant If you think cormorants don't have an affect on our fish populations ,think again Cheers AL
  25. Here is a shot from space of Erie and Ice left. I heard it is slowly making way down upper and lower so be careful if heading out. http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/mod...on=e&page=1 Cheers Al
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