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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Welcome Lurker.........
  2. I just want the boat..... would be happy with just one of the moters...But man i bet that would be one hell of a ride......
  3. NO WORRIES XWRAP...... I got a pair of my own great floating devices. ...But i will be carefull allways am.....& thanx
  4. lol CC Hey well atleast u got out........ It was pishin down with rain here all morning too but by mid afternoon the clouds all actually dissapeared and it ended up being beautiful. Sadley i had other thing to do so was unable to fish...*sniff* *sniff* But tommorow i am FREEEE!!! SO this grl is going to go hit some tribs........ whhoooo...hoooooo
  5. Thats a pretty awesome shot u caught there tj........
  6. Have allways been a lover of the birds of prey and all birds which is why i probably am currently owned by eight parrots....lol Whilst living in Europe i had a barn owl had her for five yrs......She was an awesome bird There latin name is Tyto alba so i named her Amber . Was not so much of a mouth full....lol When i left Europe i gave her to a guy who raised and showed these birds just like AT the event you attended. This is just one of my many FIDS.......Autum she is a green winged macaw. the second picture is my U-2 Pumpkin.
  7. welcome to the forum Jed! & This grl is allways ready for everything.....
  8. I have one of them still on the orignal plastic cover bag.........
  9. GRRRR Okay thanx alot rick its appreciated Gonna feel kinda dumb though repeating myself......lol
  10. Would it be possible to have my woman anglers post on the old forum moved over to the hook up board on the new forum? Would be very much appreciated.........Thanx
  11. One word ADORABLE!! You are certainly going to have ur hands full thats for sure...lol
  12. Welcome Aboard shelly
  13. Well i just got here. Had a quick browse before i registered...... in all i actually like the new layout. ....Love the front page and logo think its great. Good job guys on a job very well done.
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