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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. So why does it not sit on it right then? Is it maybe just the trailor needs some adjustmenst somewhere? I know squat about trailors......lol...As you can tell.
  2. JEN? Shakes head The boat does not sit on this trailor it is too big. Which is why we had to stop half way. It is neither sitting on the rollers properly or the tounge. So do i try and trade it for one that fits or modify the trailor? Which would be easier?
  3. Nice one FD.........Look forward to the pictures.
  4. Good afternoon OFNR'S Hope all are fandabbydosey Okay i just recently came into this new baby over the weekend for a trade. Now the boat is 18ft the trailor is 20ft so it is way to big for the boat. Towing it back home saterday we had to stop half way as it does not sit on the trailor properly. Also the metal bars you see sticking out under the front of of the boat were really wobbling when it was in motion with this boat on it. So my question is? Do i see if i can find someone to trade this trailor with that will fit my boat or would it be easy just to modify it to the size of my boat? Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thankyou Nauti.
  5. Very nice rig. Congrads & have fun with her.
  6. I was thinking the same thing Joey....lol Nice to see you both had a good time. Nauti.
  7. Very nice CC
  8. Actually tony it is usually allways kept nice and clean down there never seen alot of litter down there.
  9. They did the same thing at Port Stanley, fenced off the breakwall to keep people from falling in and drowning. I think it is more for insurance liability reasons than anything.But alot of people did fish from there,not sure if it is the same reason in Dover or not,but you can call the Municipal office and ask, Brian You are correct there are i beleive six boat slips in that erea where everyone fished from. No one has ever fallin in the water or drowned that i know of with in that erea. The reason for it is because they want to build an additional 60 new boat slips & expand the size of the marina. Sod the locals and the local fisherman its all about the $$$$ Alot of people walk down they're also and walk they're dogs. So that erea is not only used for just fishing folk.
  10. Thanx so much rich......I APPRECIATE IT.....I did not think they could do this.....I know they're was a topic about this same kind of topic recently i tryed to look for it but could not find it and i wanted to read through it all again.....I was thinking of actually calling or writeing to our local newspaper.......I think this is totally discusting.....& i am mad as hell.
  11. Holy crap he is huge. Would not want to have to clean up after him while taking for his daily walks thats for sure........You would have to take a pitch fork and wheel barrow.......lol.......Forget a grocery bag.....lol
  12. Caper i was under the impression that if the county now owns it then does that not mean we do as in the public also? Why? Because they are expanding the marina as it says in the article i posted.....
  13. I agree lew i was down by the water at 6.00am this morning. I love that time of day, air allways smells so fresh crisp and clean.......Great pictures thanx for shareing.
  14. From Brantford Expositor. Norfolk takes over Port Dover marina. The federal government has transferred ownership of the Port Dover Recreational Harbour Marina to Norfolk County - a move that will see more money flowing into county coffers. "This is a big win for Norfolk County and Port Dover," Haldimand-Norfolk MP Diane Finley announced Tuesday morning at a news conference. Finley, who is also Citizenship and Immigration minister, said the Port Dover community has played an active role in managing the harbour facility since it was built in 1983. Local ownership will see all the profit going to the county and provide more direct control. "Norfolk will be able to move forward on its vision of what the facility can and should be," she said. "This is a good news celebration." Mayor Dennis Travale said the ownership issue surfaced during discussions on the feasibility of a fast ferry connection between Port Dover and Erie, Pa. Although that proposal is now dead in the water, as far as Norfolk is concerned, the chance to acquire the marina and the adjacent lands and water was a positive result, Travale said. "We're inheriting a multi-million dollar piece of property," he said. "This is a real jewel." The recreational harbour facility includes about 35.5 hectares of property consisting of a breakwater system, service wharf structures, a floating dock system and a launching ramp. The property and assets have an estimated value of between $3.5 million and $5 million. The marina operation, which includes slips for about 450 boats, generates about $1.1 million per year. This year, Norfolk's share of the pie was to be about $335,000. That amount will increase now that the county no longer has to pay 20 per cent of the gross revenue to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, as per the previous lease agreement. As part of the transfer, Norfolk will receive $200,000 from the federal government for ongoing maintenance at the facility. Travale hinted that plans are in the works for an expansion of the current facility but said details will be up to the marina board. Marina manager Janet Blackburn said the board and the county will "have to discuss how big do we want to be." Okay so a week ago i go down to what is a popular fishing spots not only for dover folk but people out of town also. When the perch come in alot of seniors fish this spot because it is usually not as crowded and alot easier access for them......So when i take a drive down there i find this.... Now a week ago there was no trespassing sign on the fence nor was there a no public fishing sign. Now as you can see they're is. Are they with in there rights to do this now it is owned by the county? The next picture i have tryed to mark with a red line as best i can to give you an idea of the erea they have now denied us locals to fish.... And this next picture is the 1st dock that leads out to the water by the coast gaurd & they have this marked off also. Our port dover derby starts a week on saterday and usually some tagged fish are dropped in this erea also...Now whether they are this yr i am still unsure. I am not sure why they would if it is not easily accesible now to fish......I was furious when i saw this.....Yet another great fishing spot being taking away from us. I really feel for those who do not have boats and can only fish from shore........Actually furious is putting it midly to be honest......So my question is are they with in they're rights to do this and deny fishing access to the public?
  15. Yup get well soon gary and take it easy. Thats a big sugery my uncle had the same thing two yrs ago. Just make sure too take it easy and don't over do it....... Thanx so much for the update. Nauti
  16. LOL.....It was rubber bassmaster i am saying no more.....lol Now John everyone knows battery & water do not mix...... lol
  17. Way to go ....That is awesome........
  18. Yup in the last two weeks have probably caught 20 or more...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3aubIxDWGo
  19. Uncle buck tsk tsk!....lol :P Bass doctor thankyou and welcome to OFC your going to love it here. CC Yup that about sums it up i think Priceless.....lol BB Thankyou Easton thankyou. MR EH! Thankyou....& odessy? Bill trust me when i say the men would not stop chuntering about it for a good few hrs.......lol.... Sonny thankyou ;) & Roy i think i allways sound the same......But then most people think i sound australian...Gawd knows why? I have had south of states,newzealand,irish But then my dad has allways said i have what he calls a heinz 47 accent because i travelled so much for 22 yrs of my life.
  20. Jughead i love the neuffies also....But will not get another dog ow till princess is no longer with us... Allways wanted one but said i would wait till the kids were grown and gone...... I will be doing some shopping this weekend and see what i can find out there for her....again thanx so much all. Nauti
  21. Yeah i know rick....No way would i take her out on extremely hot days anyway being as she is so small....I was told i also need to get her a vestjacket for the colder weather while she is outdoors as they feel the cold .
  22. Thanx so much for the link i will be sure to go check out my closest wallmart....Again thanx so much everyone. Nauti.
  23. Thankyou finfan........I am hopeing that they have them small enough i do know they make infant life jackets........BUT NOT SURE ABOUT THE SMALLER DOGS. Nauti
  24. See they're ya go. I never even knew that pet stores carried life jackets for animals ..... Thankyou so much sherriff. Nauti
  25. Okay i have a question.....Does anyone know where i can buy a good life jacket for the new pup and what exactly should i look for. I plan on taking the new grl out fishing in the boat with us but she is tiny only weighs 6lbs so i would not dare take her out with out wearing one.....Because of her small size i am wondering where i would be able to buy one that is suitable for her..... Thankyou so much. Nauti.
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