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steve barrett

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About steve barrett

  • Birthday 02/08/1947

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  1. Rods lubed up .Motor keeping warm in the garage.The wife tells me to git.Been driving her nuts all winter.All we need is soft water. Cheers Steve
  2. Hi misfish. I will be heading down from Flesherton Friday morning.Will be bringing the better half down Orangeville way to go shopping.Will then go down by myself to the show.Hope to see you and fellow OFC,s down there.Steve
  3. Hi Mark Lots of bass in the lake.Caught lots of them as well as perch and specks up river.I live about 10 min from the lake and fish during the week.Less noise.Good luck. Steve
  4. Hi Kyle If one were to turn left half way up the hill going north out of wiarton and drive about five or six miles to a small conservation area .You would be there.Not a bad launch pad but park your car or truck along the road side. We parked along the treed side and were broken into .A few goodies were pinched. Hope your boat hasn't a windshield. You might not get under the small bridge.But you can allways head up river into Issac lake. Have fun Steve
  5. Guys I hope you will not get too mad at my reply. But as a land owner with river and pond frontage I have been forced to post my land [No Tresspassing] because of these type of persons.They leave trash to no end and some run away when they see me comeing or if they have been drinking they become arguemenative. At one time I allowed person's access to my land if they let me know. But after a while their buddies found out and it became a total nightmare.
  6. Mr Blizzard. As you know we can't go after brookies till the end of the April you have lots of time to explore any good spots up in your neck of the woods. I cannot tell you of any one good spot as I plan to be there.But there are lots of specks in Lake Eugina in early spring .The boyne ,beaver and the noisy river are also nice spots.
  7. Softwater fishing .My most favourite time of the year.Get the old rod ,lawn chair and my favourite brewskie and head down to the river and nail a few brookies.Pesky little critters just can,t seem to resist my bait. Has been a long winter.Now it,s time for the soft water guys to get out. Excited certainly. Steve
  8. I know that we are after the owner who did this but the ministry should also nail the contractors. They should know better while working around water.We had to place filter cloth around our job site and we were at least 500 feet from any water source.I own around 600 feet of water and a bit of the community pond and I believe in leaving it alone. We have plenty of small fish living around the broken trees and rocks and things are just the way they should be.
  9. Be there Friday. Got to get me some soft water supplies.Steve
  10. The fishing show for me.Has everything I need for spring.Can't wait for softwater.Steve
  11. Not mutch more than that . Just a bit of silicone for a bit of a seal and a couple of small clamps and it is a done deal. Steve
  12. Made one up a few min ago can't wait to try it.Simple to make .Can't wait to give it a try. Steve
  13. Hi guy .May I recomend a good spot north on six highway at Berford lake about ten min. from Wiarton. It is good for bass and perch and other assorted pan fish.I have fished it many times and have found it always productive.I am sure they rent boats at Roth Park but they used to.They have camp sites for the brave souls who like the weather this time of the year and also cabins.The number for the park is 519 534 0145. Good luck Steve
  14. Hi Paul Haven't fished euginia for a few days. But if you pick up a few dew worms at Magees at flesherton on the way they always work if you can get below the perch.The weeds are pretty bad in spots but with a little patience one can usually nab a smalley or two.I don't really have any particular lure or colour but the fun is really catching them.Good Luck Steve
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