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Everything posted by LittleWorm

  1. I figured a pic of my mug would scare even the bravest away!
  2. AKRISONER, pm sent. Old Ironmaker, thanks for the info. I live right on the St.Lawrence in Cornwall and am told it has amazing musky fishing if you know where to go. Actually, im told it has amazing fishing for all kinds of different fish if once again, you know where to go.
  3. Went walleye fishing yesterday , caught bass ( and a sun burn ) .
  4. Never caught a musky but always wanted to. May have to hire a guide.
  5. I will remove the pics of the bass, they were the first two I caught and took a quick pic of each before release.
  6. ]one of my wife with her Pike. This is only her second one she has ever caught.
  7. Well I finally managed to get out for the first time this year. Went to Bennett lake with my wife and dad , went looking for Walleye and Pike but did not have to much luck with them. I caught a small Pike I released and my wife caught a decent one that my dad kept. I did manage to catch 5 nice bass ( I know, out of season and they all went back ) and a nice Crappie. I know what bass season opens up where im going to try to head to! Besides the 5 I caught I had 4 get off right at the boat. Ill see if I can figure out how to post multiple pics, if not Ill post them individually . Be warned, my ugly mug is in these pics, God did not bless me with good looks. View at your own risk!
  8. Very nice fish. You had a beautiful day for it.
  9. I work in a tool rental store and we cater to a lot of construction workers,,, any time we can our tools will have a Honda engine on them. They are bullet proof, you just can't kill the dang things. If something does go wrong they are very easy to work on. For what you are wanting it for stick with something small because if it gets to big its just to heavy to keep lugging around. 1000w- max 2500w .
  10. Cant really help you with any advice on how to use it or what to do but I can step up and offer my services as a product taste tester!
  11. When I was growing up mono was all there really was for line. Dad just put on 20lb test on my reel and away we went. Sometimes we caught lots of fish, sometimes we didn't catch anything. Did the line make a difference? I have no idea. Now when I watch fishing shows and talk to people everyone is like, you need to use braid or fluoro or a combo of both. So I decided this year I will try braid with a fluor leader and see if theres any difference. May just end up putting mono back on, who knows. I guess in the end mono was good enough for years and got the job done, maybe I just wasted $65 on line I didn't need to. Ill be getting out tomorrow and hope to catch something.
  12. Yeah, I have no idea whats up with the fluoro line. Like I said, the ones was bran new, just bought it that day and the other stuff was from last year ( both the exact same kind ) . Now just because I bought it yesterday does not mean it has not been sitting in a warehouse for god only knows how long. Maybe Spider Wire is just crap, who knows. All I know is I will never buy it again.
  13. The fluoro was Spider Wire EZFluoro .
  14. Very nice. Congrats on the 3rd place finish.
  15. Very nice. They look tasty, now im hungry!
  16. I find with email blasts from PBS its just focused on trying to sell you a credit card. If you want this deal or that deal you need to get their credit card. I have bought a few things off them and their service has always been good. Just tired of them trying to push another credit card on me
  17. Nice fish. It's great that you are showing your son how to fish and spend time with him. The best memories of my childhood I have is my dad teaching me how to fish and hunt.
  18. Well after some extreme cursing I got my new rod and reel all set up with braided line and a fluorocarbon leader. First time trying to tie a uni knot. I would tie a double uni knot and every time I tried to bring the two knots together the fluoro would break when I tightened them. So after about 8 times I kind of smartened up and realized that maybe the new fluorocarbon leader line I just bought was no good so I tried last years floro line ( exact same stuff, 8lb test ) and it also broke. Maybe im just stronger then I thought or was not doing the knot right but once I switched to a much stronger leader it went together ok. Just how easy should 8lb test break when wrapped around your hands, both spools I had seemed to break way more easy then I would have expected. Then I set up my wife's new reel also. Just standard 10lb mono. So now im all set, just need to find somewhere to go ! Go fishing that is, my wife is pretty good at telling we right were to go for everything else.
  19. Great video man, I loved the part when you stopped the music so we could hear the reel screaming.
  20. And here I was thinking Irish Turkey was code for a bottle of scotch!
  21. Very nice. Wish bass season was open all the time here!
  22. My dad is thinking of taking the boat out on Monday or Tuesday next week to either Bennett lake or Pike lake. They are both in the Perth area. Anyone know what the water levels are like?
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