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Everything posted by Korber

  1. The foremost reason I wouldn't use it is because it will look like crap in the end. The oil based paint can also react funny with the primer and or aluminum. 99% of paints now are water based and there is a reason for it, besides VOC and such, the finished product looks better and is easier to use. Its your boat and you can use it if you like, I am sure I will work and will be fine for a while. I am the type of guy that likes to one and done a job.
  2. The recovery was just as cool lol !
  3. I am new here and I don't know you, but you seem to have your heart and head in the right place. Best of luck with your adventure.
  4. Tjames09. I wouldn't use that oil based paint. Go out but a single stage spray paint (90% of spray paints are single stage) this means they have clear coat in the paint. The job will look better and last longer. Make sure you give the boat a good coating of self etch primers. likely two coats.
  5. Also if you post some pictures I can help you with getting that rough aluminum smooth, that is of course if you are unfamiliar.
  6. A friend of mine has a Cottage on McKenzie lake on the 127. Near where you are talking about but slightly longer drive. Great lake loaded with Smallies, just had a good stocking of lakers dumped in last year. Pm me if you want details
  7. Napa,Car quest, part source will be your best bet for a self etch primer. If you are in the Cambridge area I can hook you up. Paints with self etch in them are ok but I would recommend the two step process just makes for a nicer finish and it will last longer.
  8. My advice use a good self etching primer. It has acid in it to make a good bond and contact and will prevent the paint from bubbling and peeling in a year. I wouldn't bother trying to get a spray can of paint matched by your paint code 9 times out of 10 it will be off and it will be about $40 bucks a can. Just match it up as close as you can at Napa or Crappy Trash.
  9. Wouldn't this make it hard to pull the boat out? just being as your truck will be in the lake? I am only asking because I have a hitch for my 2011 Jetta and I am worried about that same issue.
  10. I have a nice old Voyager 4.2 Horse motor for sale on the cheap. great old motor and would be much better then an electric.
  11. I will chime in but most people have covered what you should look for. Johnson/Evinrude motors are well built and have surplus parts available, sometime to consider as all things break. You can get into an older aluminum boat and be fine given a: the boat was a quality product to begin with; ie Princecraft, sea nymph, creastliner, Lund as more as mentioned above. b: is how it was taken care of, so look it over well check for welds and anyone re riveting the gussets. Check the transom as well its a big thing. If you're handy the condition of the seats and such are not a big deal as they are easily replaced. A friend of mine has a small boat dealership / small engine shop just outside of Bancroft I am sure he can put you together something older, but nice, for $2000-$3000 range. I know he currently has a nice Lund bowrider with trailer for $5000. PM me if you are interested. Good luck with your search.
  12. Linvin' the dream for sure. I am a big Yammy fan so I love the boat, house and lake are nice too. Can't wait to get to that point myself...only about 20+ years
  13. Lake St Peter is ..ok smaller lake usually with above average traffic, though it does have lakers and smallies in it and an ice cream shop. If you don't mind the extra drive Barry's bay is nice, mostly a shopping stop though. JohnBacon is spot on, the Madawaska art shop in Maynooth is worth the stop, and those butter tarts across the road are the best. Eagles nest in Bancroft is nice for the sight, if you are thinking about stopping for lunch there is a small business in a converted house called "For the Halibut". This is by far the best fish you will ever eat, price is steep at $15 a plate for halibut, however I can eat with the best of them and I usually cannot finish the meal. I havnet been to many of the others on your list, Paudash lake is on 28 and is a big lake, decent fishing but if you have a boat its a fun day on the water. Burleigh falls is fun as well, you can take the kids and play in the "rapids" Good burger joint on the 115 too, you have to park on the opposite side of the road and use the bridge to get to it but its good, pricey again but good.
  14. I think I may go with Restoule, so far it sounds like the best of the 3. Jeremy84 I would enjoy your feed back on Miniskew, I may go there July 22-25 or maybe next year. Thanks again guys you all have been great help.
  15. Thanks Stoty, I did like Restoule for the 3 lake reason as well, some online research told me similar things but I was hesitant on what I heard. Is it true that I can access each lake with the access river? Thanks as well Steve, I didn't know Grundy doesn't allow outboards, that's very odd for a northern lake. I have a 55 LBS trolling motor as well but I'd rather not rely on that as my main transportation. I enjoy fishing for Bass the most, most of my tackle is setup for bass fishing. How busy is Mikisew?
  16. Hello all, I was hoping I could get some info about the 3 above mentioned provincial parks. I am going for a week in the beginning of August and I am mainly focused on fishing, but I know my wife would like to do some hiking. I have a 14' alum boat with a 20 horse, I would like to fishing for Pike, Muskie, Pickerel and bass most of all. Pike and Pickerel for the eating. Crappie would be nice to get too but that's just getting picky. Thanks in advanced.
  17. So I am planning my annual fishing trip with my wife, brother and sister in law. Thinking about hitting either Grundy, Restoule or Mikisew, looking to get some input on the best to hit up. I am purely looking to fish and I am bringing my 14' aluminum. I am hoping to do some Muskie fishing but mostly after pike, bass and pan fish for eating. Thanks in advance guys.
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