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Everything posted by Steelcat

  1. Any fishing day is better than a work day. Last saturday I went to Rice Lake and it took us a long time to find the fish, but for sure they are still around, just drift around and look for weedbeds. Here's an 18 inches Largemouth This one was caught using jig and grub VERY SLOWLY~! Actually all fish we caught that day were SLOW.
  2. - When bass boats saw me land a bass on my anchored rental boat, they'll immediately use their trolling motor and troll all round you at close range. - When I was wind drifting (no trolling motor lets say drifting north), boats that with trolling motor trolling south towards me. When both boats were getting closer, the boats with trolling motor never changed course hoping you will start your 15hp engine and move out of their way (most of the time I had to do that). - I landed a nice bass from shore and boats immediately drop anchor right in front of where I was. - and much much more...
  3. I think Serpent Mount Park has some public sand beaches. You can go check out its site.
  4. It is a one day event. So you should be able to find parking
  5. Today is 7/7/07, lots of people are getting marry because of 777 (consider the luckiest day of the century), but for us, it's a special day for fishing We arrived at the boat rental at around 8am, got out to the lake at 815am. We immediately went to our usual fishing spot, but today there was Peterborough Open 2007 at Golden Beach Resort, therefore most of our spots were already "scanned" by the bass boats. The wind was pretty strong from West, and we can see white caps in the middle of the lake. Because of the wind and current, we had no choice but to drop our anchor. After 15 minutes of "drifting" we managed to catch our first fish which was a Perch. After this Perch, I managed to land a couple Largemouth (12 and 14 inches). Then a nice size Crappie 10 inches With a 4 inches grub, we were surprise when my brother caught a small Sunfish. Because of the fishing tournaments, there were a lot of fishing pressure, the action was pretty slow at our location. After another hour of drifting, my dad suddenly yelled out fish on~ When we landed the Largemouth, we measured it at 16.5 inches. After this big baby, the action totally stopped. So we decided to head to our 2nd location. Right before we arrived, we already saw 2 bass boats trolling one after another. Since we already arrived the area, we might as well gave the place a try. On my first cast, a deformed Largemouth was caught. Then several Rock bass. They fight like crazy with their average size at around 8 inches. Another hour had passed, and we only managed to catch 4 Largemouth, but they were all dings. Since we weren't able to catch any more larger bass, we immediately drove to our last spot, but same thing happened as several bass boats were already trolling along the shoreline. We gave ourselves an hour, if there's no fish, then we'll head back to the dock. Once again on my first cast, a small Largemouth. As you can see in the photo, this bass was recently caught. After this ding, I cast my lure back to the same location to see if the bass were grouping or not. As the lure dropped into the water, my line started to move. I set the hook and the battle began~! It was fighting like mad with my drag on full tension, the fish was still able to pull out tons of line. After several minutes of fighting, we landed it on the boat. It was 17.5 inches Largemouth. With the warm weather for the past several days, we could feel that all the fish were more active and had more energy. Here's a Smallmouth ding my brother caught. Overall, we caught a total of 20 Bass, 3 Crappies, 1 Perch, 5 Rock Bass, 2 Sunfish. With the tournaments today, I'd say we had a pretty good result. I ran to the Peterborough 2007 Open Result board and took this photo. Big fish was 4.82 lbs Smallmouth with the 2nd Big fish at 4.80 lbs Largemouth. 1st place weight in at 18.40 lbs 2nd place weight in at 17.60 lbs 3rd place weight in at 17.58 lbs Today we were using both slow(jig/grub, senko) and fast(spinnerbait) presentation.
  6. Today the weather was lovely in the morning. Calm wind and the temperature was perfect. We got our rental boat at around 830am, then immediately head out to find some weedbed. After driving for around 10 to 15 minutes, we came upon a good looking weedbed. Right away we start dropping our senko, jig/grub into the holes (we were using slow presentation). Within 2 minutes, my dad caught a nice 17.5 inches Largemouth. Almost immediately after that I caught 5 more Largemouth, but they were all dings (10 to 13 inches). My brother also caught a nice "length" one around 16 inches, but it was so skinny that it looks like a boomerang. As we were drifting, my line suddenly moved sideway, so I set the hook~ It was heavy~!! It fought like a bull, when we landed it, it was a massive 18.5 inches Largemouth~! After this bucketmouth, I was able to catch several more 17 to 18 inches. During the whole morning (before 10am), we managed to catch Largemouth after Largemouth, we also caught two ding Smallmouth, several Rock Bass, one Crappie, several Perch. After 1030am, the bite kind of shut down. We did caught several Bass from time to time, but nothing close to those we caught during the morning. At around 2pm, the weather started to turn bad. The sky was turning Gray, then you could see a blanket of rain moving across the lake. At first we were thinking of braving the rain and keep fishing, but then I felt some static when my finger touched my fishing rod, not long after that we heard a loud thunder. So we immediately head to shore, found a resort with docks, we docked our boat and ran into one of the empty hut to avoid the lightning. After we were safe, we looked out and saw a lightning strike at the place where we were planning to go (now that's more lucky than getting a jackpot~!). After that wave of storm passed, we immediately head back to our boat rental. On our way, we hit another wave of heavy rain. We always brought our rain coat even when it's sunny, but we forgot to bring our rain pants. So our jeans as well as our underwear were all soaked. Overall, we managed to catch 30 Bass all in 7 to 10 feet of water. SLOW presentation. 17.5 inches Largemouth 18 inches Largemouth Some dings Some Smallmouth Rock Bass, Crappie, and Perch in the mix The largest fish of the day~ 18.5 inches NEVER TRUST THE WEATHER CHANNEL~! It's suppose to be sunny all day and no mention of any storm or rain.
  7. Thanks for the report Yes, lots of small aggressive smaller bass during my trip early this week.
  8. Find holes in weedbed, drop your grub into it and see your line dance
  9. I got all the Crappies with black grub~ They are all very scattered not in group for sure.
  10. Day 1: Weather was hot, wind was from the South West. My friend came picked my brother and I at around 7am. We arrived at the cottage at 830am. After an hour of driving, my friend suddenly realized that he forgot to bring our food.... so he was like "No fish means no dinner~!" Since this is the first time he has ever fished in Rice, the pressure of finding fish was on my brother and I~! After checking in and get our rental boat, we already felt the heat and wonder how we were suppose to "survive" the rest of the day. With everything being "thrown" into the cottage, we immediately got our fishing gear and jump aboard our boat. Our first spot we went to was the spot where we had some luck during the bass season open. After an hour of drifting, no bite at all. Then we head to another spot, but someone were already there, so we had no choice but to try the outskirt of that spot, once again no bite. It's already 11am but the heat was crazy, while we were being cooked, I suggested that we should try out some location that we've never tried before. After some searching, we managed to arrived at a good looking area with weedline and deep drop offs. Within seconds, my brother yelled Fish On. It was a pretty good size Largemouth, now our spirit were up. Then I had a hit, and was a Crappie (ummm dinner). My bro and I took turn on getting fish (we had 10 just in that one area, the largest was 17 inches), as we were also trying to teach him how to cast. At 1pm my friend wanted to head back to the dock for some pan fish. My friend was determined to get some fish so he braved the sun and finally caught his first Rice Lake Bluegill, he was so excited that he kept yelling "I finally have dinner~!". We managed to catch several more panfish, then we went back to the cottage to prepare our early meal. We decided to BBQ our fish as well as some veggie that my friend remember to bring. After dinner, we relaxed a bit and had ice cold watermelon. We waited until 830pm before we head out for some shore fishing. The insects were giving us hard time as they flew into our nose, eyes, ear. We tried our best to ignore them and kept on fishing. On my first cast, I got a ding Smallmouth (good fighter though). We walked all over the place and my brother also managed to catch a couple Largemouth. As we were concentrated on casting, my friend suddenly made a noise as if he was trying to lift something heavy. After he landed the fish, we were so happy for him because it was his first Largemouth bass. Right after the celebration, I managed to catch a 4lbs Smallmouth, right after that a 4lbs Walleye. Right at 1030pm, all the bites stopped for some reason, so we happily called it a day and planned to head back out at 5am the next day. First fish of the trip (part of our dinner) Some of the fish we caught on our honey spot A small Smallmouth about 14 inches My friend's first Sunfish Our dinner~!! Lovely Rice Lake Sunset. A successful night time shore fishing Day 2: Weather was like an oven~! Wind was very light. We head out for some early morning shore fishing at around 530am. Once again on my first cast, a ding Smallmouth. We managed to catch 3 Largemouth one of them was caught by my friend. At 630am, we decided to head out to the lake before we need to return our boat at 8am. Once again, we were adventurous so we head to a place where we had never been to before. We drove around and found a good weedy area. We drop our senko into the weed holes as well as weedline, on almost every cast, we managed to have a fish. Overall, we had 20 Largemouth from 10 to 16 inches, we also caught a couple nice size Crappie. We stayed till 745am, then head back to the dock to return the boat. Once we were on land, we immediately started to cast our line again for another 30 minutes. Before we need to leave the cottage, my brother managed to catch a 17 inches Smallmouth. At first we wanted to stay a little longer for some more shore fishing, but it was way too hot to stay under the sun. We arrived home at around 1pm. A nice Smallmouth from shore One of the many Largemouth during our morning boating. Yummy Crappie
  11. HAHA na, it's just that my mom was constantly complaining about my dad's hands getting darker and darker coz of the sun tan, that's why he put on a glove
  12. I left plenty of bass for you to enjoy For me, yesterday slow presentation works for me. Maybe the situation will be changed today. If you are fishing with a buddy, one of you should stick on slow presentation and the other go for spinner or other fast presentation Good luck today
  13. Weather was sunny and cold. The wind was blowing from N to NW pretty strong. With a cold weather for the past couple of days, we knew that today will be a slow day. We arrived at Bewdley at 6:15am, we blasted off at around 6:30. To our surprise, there weren't too many boats out on the lake. We started to fish immediately using senko as well as spinnerbait. We drift all over the area until 9am, NO bite~! Then we switch to our other location this time we mainly use senko and jig/grub. At around 11am, we managed to catch a Sunfish. After 30 more minutes of drifting, we finally got our first 2007 open season bass. It was a nice 17 inches Largemouth. After that one, they suddenly started to bite. One after an other total we caught around 18 bass, one nice 17 inches Smallmouth. We also managed to catch 2 Crappie around 10 inches, as well as a lovely Rock Bass. After 2:30pm, the bite stopped again so we called it a day. Overall, it was a nice opener except for the slow bite. Our first fish of the day First opener Largemouth~! Here's one of the two Crappie. A nice size Smallmouth. Lovely Rock Bass Several more Largemouth to call it a day One of the Largemouth was gorged on baby bullhead, seems like this bass found the nest and "babysit" all of them. Here's one of them ><
  14. I don't think you can find anything under $80 You might be able to rent a boat 1/2 day (4 hrs) for something close to the amount you want
  15. Nope, we didn't catch any eyes with slop blobbers. All eyes were caught with our jig and grub drop deep into the weed holes. We use blobber when there was no bite and we used that time to have our lunch (so we can still have a chance to get a fish while we were eating)
  16. First of all~ Happy Father's Day~! It's a lovely day to go fishing with my dad and my brother. The weather was nice with light wind and sun shine. We arrived at the boat rental at around 8am, finished up all the paper work and immediately put everything into the boat. Before everyone was ready, I was able to catch a couple nice looking Rock Bass off the dock. We then drive to find our target fish "Walleye". On the first location, we managed to catch some Perch, as well as a Smallmouth and a Largemouth. Not a bad way to start our day. After an hour of drifting with no luck, we decided to go search for a new location. We were trying to find weedbed that's 10 to 12 feet deep. Finally we were able to find a nice looking area with weed pockets as well as holes within the weedbed. We were using jig and grub, with a light wind, we were able to drift across the weedbed in perfect speed. Whenever we saw holes in the weedbed, we dropped our jig into it, jig a little and go for another hole. Overall we managed to catch 10 more Bass, and 10 Walleyes. They all stopped biting at around 2pm, so we called it a day. We brought back a couple Walleye for our Father's Day dinner~! A little warm section with a nice size Rock Bass Hungry Sunfish that ate almost everything. 3 of the many Walleye that we've caught today. Look at all those bait fish~!
  17. The fish were off last weekend. Must be the storm last friday that scared them away I'm pretty sure they are back on this week
  18. Thanks for the two reports I'm heading out to Rice Lake tomorrow, hopefully I'll be able to find some eyes
  19. Lovely report~! I wish everyday is a cottage day ><
  20. Logically there should be no effect on S.Ontario. But as the oil companies always said, it's beyone our mental capability to understand what's going on about gas price.
  21. I've looked into the web and found out that the weird looking fish really was a baby carp, probably 1 yr old.
  22. Thanks for the report Nice size panfish there. Next time maybe I'll try your bacon wrap next time. Actually I've tried panfish soup made by my friend once before, but the problem was he forgot to cut open the fish and removed the internal organ....If we didn't find out about the problem, we would have said it taste pretty good....
  23. I just came back from a 3 days trip in Golden Beach Resort. It was a blast~! The weather was hot and humid, wind was calm most of the time except the crazy thunderstorm on the 31st afternoon. My friend didn't know how to swim and afraid of going out to the lake in a small boat, so we decided not to rent a boat and fish from shore. There were plenty of Sunfish around, so worms as well as fake minnow was used. Several Rock Bass were caught as well, with tons of Sunfish caught (kept some for dinner, one was +9 inches). As for me, since I wanted to improve my skill in Carp fishing, I concentrated on Carp during this trip. I was using corn on hook under a float. Actually, before I went for Carp, I threw a couple handful of corn in one area where I saw Carp cruising around; during that time, I was the offical fish unhook and rebait person. After 20 minutes of waiting, I finally saw a group of Carp feeding, I immediately cast my line close to the Carp and slowly reel into position. Not before long, my float sank then my line started to drag out~! FISH ON~ After a short battle, and with an excellent netting skill from my friend(she never net any fish bigger than her palm before), we landed our first Carp of this trip. Even thought it was small (20 inches), it was enough to get my blood pumping. I immediately cast my line back to the area, but then, my friend needed my help to hook a piece of worm onto her hook. Now the funny thing happened, my left hand was holding onto my fishing rod, and my right hand was holding onto a piece of worm waiting for her to walk close to me for the rebaiting. As she walked right beside me and I almost ready to help her, my rod bended hard (almost twisted my wrist), and then we heard the reel scream like crazy~! At the same time, I was like "Holy Beep" then threw the piece of worm away, landed right beside my friend's feet. My friend said I screamed like a little girl >< If you have seen Jaws, remember the scene where the fishing line moving across the surface, that's exactly like that~! After 10 minutes of battle, we finally able to land it. It was a whooping 33 inches Carp~! In two hours of fishing, I caught a total of 7 Carp. On the next morning, we started to fish at 10am, our first fish was a 16 inches Carp, followed by tons of Sunfish. We stopped fishing at around noon because of the sun and heat, still we managed to get 6 Carp, Sunfish, Rock Bass, and an unknown weird looking fish (maybe a Carp baby, maybe not). We drove around Peterborough until evening. After the storm, we went out for some evening fishing again. While we were fishing, a family with several kids arrived and started to fish for panfish (lovely to see kids enjoying the outdoor, poor mama was like "omg when will I be able to catch a fish while you guys kept on asking for worm?!") In 30 minutes of fishing, we were able to land one 30+ inches Carp, lost one GIANT~! Have you guys seen a Carp jumped like Dophin (while dophin swim/jump in front of a speeding ship)? Not just once but as if it was doing a show. Right before we could net it, the line(30lbs braided) broke. It was an awsome way to finish a day. Remember I said my disappointment about my first Carp? Now I'm HOOKED First Carp of the trip 9 inches Sunfish One of the Carp that's just hooked Finally landed 33 inches Carp Sun setting in Rice Lake Night time Carp in the lake First Carp of the 2nd day Some kind of water snake One of the weird looking fish (probably baby Carp)
  24. Yes Muskie season open this weekend on Rice Lake (Division 6, Muskie open on 1st Saturday of June)
  25. My deepest condolences to you and your families.
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