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Everything posted by walleyejack

  1. i totlally agree.. depends on your adventures i suppose.
  2. I have a 2005 Yamaha Kodiak 450...disaster,, i had to replace a headlight !!! great machine, don t need p/s, just use a little muscle if i ever felt the need to change up, would definatley do Yamaha again
  3. i built my own with central vac tubing and some abs fittings. probably cost me less than $50 bucks, didn t feel like spending 500 on the system and a cheap tarp from princess auto.
  4. seen a 2002 pro sport 16.75, 115 yam. 16900 on boat trader. if that helps you any.
  5. got it figured out.. 2 hours on the phone.... geesh. call navionics,hang on please 15min ok call google wallet, hang on please 20min ok , call google support, ok 34 min. its all good heh
  6. hmm tried to purchase for my android, went through the whole deal, reluctantly put in my credit card number, and all the info. then comes up currency not acceptable or something, so I tried another card, same thing, anyone have issues purchasing navonics ? I sent them an email, but no response.
  7. So what you are saying Mr.Bill. one has to look for the sticker on the pump, and trust that the station has done the right thing and placed a sticker on it if it has ethanol.
  8. ok thank you looked up a Costco link also.. it may or may not contain Ethanol Q: Why does Costco gasoline contain ethanol? A: The federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 established the Renewable Fuels Standard, which required that a certain amount of ethanol be used in the nations' fuel supply. The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 increased this amount. Costco gasoline complies with this law, and if our fuel contains ethanol a pump decal will advise you of that fact.
  9. Is it possible some Shell stations with 91 have Ethanol ? I wouldn t think so, but am looking at the Ontario list and in Ajax there are a few Shells, but there is only one listed Ethanol free. There are shell stations in Whitby, and are not on the list. Am curious Gerorge AL
  10. kewl.. just what I am looking for Thanks mainly going to use it to get an idea of where I want to head to. to find structure and things.
  11. ok thanks everyone, gonna give it a shot....... the cheap one $15. or the HD $55. ? am sure the 15 buck one will do just fine tho. put me in the zone possibly.
  12. gonna tryi i guess. hopefully works on android
  13. good to know thanks
  14. Was thinking (doesn t happen often) about down loading navionics in my android phone, Read some reviews on thier site, some said it was great, but i think more didn t like it, some paid the fee and didn t work at all, Any opinions would help me out.. Thanks Al
  15. would that be anything like going to a tackle store in Oshawa on Bloor Street ? where they have more employees chatting with each other, rather than helping customers. last time I was in there 3yrs ago, I asked to you have an item, ya , it is over there on the wall I think...never even went to look again. just told them to have a nice day, never to darken their door again.
  16. thank you sir
  17. maybe he just came from Walmart.
  18. apparently fishing apparel has nothing to do with fishing.
  19. ok thanks.. consensus is 50:1 and i use synthetic in everything.. thanks again
  20. everyone has one, just like ...... evinrude s 100:1 is that safe to use ? just picked up a 1995 15hp and is 100/1 not sure if i like that mix, was thinking 75 or 80:1. just wondering if anyone has had a problem using the factory specs.
  21. thanks everyone
  22. sent a pm Sat saying could have done it Sunday, but received no response. gl
  23. got it figured out. had to spread the brass clamp open more on the bottom side , the ball on the end of the shaft only slipped in part way,spread er apart somemore and ureka !!! bobs your uncle.
  24. I am just about at whits end, usually i can fix most anything mechanical, but am stumped this time,almost. i have a 95 evinrude that i changed the water pump on and cannot get the shift linkage on lower unit correct. i put it in neutral when i took it apart. looked pretty simple. did the switch and slid the lower unit back up.hooked up the linkage, but man o man, it doesn t fly right. when lever is in neutral, engine is in reverse. i have tried many combinations,move the lever, hook it again and no. move the linkage in lower unit, and hook up, no. don t know now, have moved the lever and the linkage in lower unit to almost every combination.either it won t slide back in or it is in reverse, ANY and all opinions would be welcome. it has to be simple, i have done this before on my old Merc and never had a problem. thanks Al
  25. Thanks for the replies gentlemen.. am looking at some options.
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