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Everything posted by FishFinder

  1. Hows this? fixed the red eye too...
  2. I have not once seen a MNR officer at this trib, nor any other of that matter
  3. NOT the same picture, lol
  4. awesome fishing with you Wishin, and yes what a lucky find
  5. got skunked today at my fav trib, visiblity was very low
  6. check here.. http://cplummer.proboards55.com/
  7. Yah, i put up a report just for you
  8. Went out with Bojan (Jangles) and Rob for some steelhead. we ended up doing pretty good considering the conditions of the rivers and the freezing weather. Heres the Action Shot FISH ONNNNNNN And Jangles with a nice Bow Sorry not to many pics, way to cold
  9. went out today, well worth it despite the snow and wind VERY COLD, lol
  10. ahh I hope you went out, im sure happy i did ;D
  11. lake simcoe
  12. i dont know if im going to get in trouble for this, but if you are running firefox browser, Install this first, (its also great for other things too) http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/ Then install this script.. http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/675 Works for all google ads
  13. Steelheading is just starting
  14. 345 can get you a new islander, maybe even cheaper if you look around.
  15. 1500 might i ask what reel? ive only seen up to 800
  16. I got a Islander Steelheader as my first pin about a month or so ago, I cant say enough god things about it. The spin is amazing and depeding on how much you want to spend it can be had for under 200$ used. It is pretty much the standard for the great lakes. Their customer service is amazing, as the other day i cracked a rose wood reel thing, and they shipped me two new ones free of charge even though its not under warranty. Now if you have too much money laying around you can go higher such as the Angling Specialties Pins and the Islander Pacific Steelheader, but IMO its not necssary, more for showing off on the river . Although dont expect to catch more fish with the Pin, nor land more fish (for the beginning) as it takes some getting used too. Also casting is a pain untill youve got it right All in all once you get used to it, you will never go back
  17. WHat fishing would you rather do? Drifting or chucking spoons. Its hard to find a rod to do both
  18. Its Float fishing, where you fish in the river by using a float and splitshots and often roe as bait. Possibly the best kind of fishing, it can be done with a spinning reel but much more fun with a centerpin.
  20. are you going to be casting spoons off the piers or drifting?' For Drifting, start with something like a 10'6 browning. if you like it later move on to a longer rod.
  21. PM a Admin and theyll transfer over your post count
  22. Rick i used photshop cs2, and i did it by hand with the eraser tool, does the best job IMO
  23. its a pink jig
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