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Everything posted by jjcanoe

  1. so no votes for windows o/s yet, does that mean they're crap or just that no one has one?
  2. Virus free is always a good thing, free bbmsg also is an incentive although I'm not a big texter since most of the time I have my phone on is when I'm driving the tractor-trailer. The touch screen on my wifes I-pod seems like an ok system to me, any advantage to the fold out keyboards? Not a fan of Samsung products in general due to several bad products I've used over the years from them.... jjcanoe
  3. yeah I can't believe I left out blackberry, I saw someone at the store with one a few minutes ago and I had to smack myself! Poll edited!!
  4. going to be upgrading to a smartphone soon and was just wondering what type of operating system is prefered by most. I have no idea how any of them work so I'll be starting from scratch, so being user friendly is a big plus, I am a fast learner though (just not the first on my block to adopt a new tech!) If you can, let me know what you like and dislike about the o/s you are using, info on specific phones would also be helpful but my main concern is the o/s! Thanks jjcanoe
  5. bought that kit 6 years ago and rewired my trailer the same day, never had to replace a light or broken wire so far! jjcanoe
  6. Crown Battery Makes the Walleye 1 Battery, although it's under a different brand name now Crown Battery If you live in the Toronto or Montreal area check them out, they are a great TM battery, I've got a pair (24V 48# TM) 4 years old and they still last a full week at the cottage CTEK is an amzazing charger for the price, especially if you cach them on sale at CTC for 40% off jjcanoe
  7. been to Proulx Lake once, camped on the point, and got a bunch of decent sized specs from shore that spring, not sure about lakers in there though. Dickson is by far the best spec lake in that area but it's a loooooooooooooong portage in there, If it's lakers you're after stick to Opeongo, it's packed full of them (as you probably know) and there's a good chance at catching a real beast! Louisa (one portage off of Rock Lake) is a favorite of mine for lakers also jjcanoe
  8. Glad I only have a brand new (1 month old and now out of date) XP15! jjcanoe
  9. 2 man flip up hut, side console boat.... any type of towing and, I mean any type go, with a bare minimum of a V6. 4 cyl with all the weight of the suv will be bad on gas, my wife has a 4cyl Tucson and she is regretting not getting the V6, (and she doesn't tow anything) 4wd is great for our SW ont winters and that extra juice on a steep boat launch Tucson has been a decent vehicle so far (3 1/2 years old) jjcanoe
  10. I'm really glad I was running a bit early (15 mins ) on friday! I was pulling into the Guelph service center when it happened, fueled up and hit the hwy again, all I heard on the CB as I was pulling back onto the hwy was Holy Crap!, can't believe that!, did you see that!, etc.....What happened I asked? Big truck just came through the wall past the 312 exit! took me 15 mins to pull off, fuel both sides and pull back on, so if I was 15 mins slower I hope I would have still missed it! but not by much.... That stretch down the hill was super icy that morning. I came out of Mississauga with an empty trailer and was breaking traction all the way up the escarpment, Started at 101 kmph(what my truck is limited at, at hit the top of the hill at around 65kmph. Every time I put power to the pedal the wheels would start to break free.... not a salt truck in sight!
  11. maybe Wilson should have offered $601 for the winner!
  12. I've had a float tube for a few years now and it's a nice stealthy way to fish, The biggest advantage over a canoe or kayak is when it's windy, a little leg work can hold you on a spot and keep your hands free for casting, rather than fighting the wind with the paddles.
  13. Float Tube Tarpon saw this video on another forum and had to pass it on way cool! unbelievable! add your own comment.....
  14. Looks like a typical Lancaster day there Billy Bob, My cousin lives there also and that's always the scene when we come for a visit... Here's last weeks snowfall for us in London (what a great time to be off work with an arm injury) so far we've already exceeded last years snowfall total, although it was almost a record low last year.... just to the north and west of us they have gotten almost 6 ft of the stuff over the last week and a half.
  15. if you just listen for the pornstars etc..... real interviews in the last Month or so that I can remember... Billy Joel, Jayzee, David Arquette, Sandra Burnhard, Adam Carolla, Chris Rock, Tracy Morgan, Mike Sorrentino, Ozzy Ozbourne, Dr. Drew, Al Roker, Gilbert Gottfried, Paul Giamotti. Now, I haven't seen any porn from any of these (mostly) A-list celebs. The guests are similar to the line-up Letterman, Kimmel, Conan, Larry King, Oprah, The View, etc would have except there aren't the same recycled questions over and over. Here part of the Billy Joel interview. worth every penny I pay for my subscription Billy Joel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dxw1WV_qmVk George Takai was a special guest all week in Studio. Priceless!! He's got to.... Even Al Bundy had cable TV....... jjcanoe
  16. Dan, Thanks for the great deal on the new tires, always a pleasure to deal with you, and that was the only time she got stuck (so far LOL) it's only 2wd! lots of use out of the new snowblower already and the old one might be sold soon.... jjcanoe
  17. So here I am Sunday night in London going to fire up the snow blower, had to use my left arm since I hurt my right at work on Friday, apparently my left arm is WAY more powerful than my right and I just rip the pull cord right out (ok the blower is really old and the cord is probably rotten) Loaded it up late Monday morning and took it to the local Toro repair shop, "NP we'll have you up and running in no time" called them back at around 3ish, "won't get a chance to look at it until tomorrow" grrrrr! fire up the computer and check inventory @ the CTC and home depots, for the new x-mas present I'm getting for the wife. all CTC's 0, Home Depot north end 0, Home Depot east end 0, Home depot south end 2!!! Hop into the truck and arrive at south end Home Depot, walk inside, see an empty box ripped apart, on the floor with the snowblower model I'm after no longer inside (uh oh) jog to the snowblower section and see 2 boxed up snowblowers surrounded by an empty concrete floor where the rest of the snowblowers should be...... one is an electric and the other box has the blower I came for inside it, only one clerk is around showing the electric model to a couple, I wait about a minute, then I spy a flat bed dolly and send my son over to get it, he brings it back and he and I load the new gas powered snowblower on and away we go. (I'm here to buy not ask questions LOL) I hope that the other couple really wanted that electric model. The morel of the story is, research your purchases before you get to the store otherwise decisions will be made for you.... jjcanoe
  18. your gps or finder should be able to switch the setting on it.....
  19. 10 minute drive south saves me 10 cents a litre ~90 litre tank........ well worth it London Gas prices I haven't filled up in London in well over a year jjcanoe
  20. $91.28 for a 3 year sport tag and the card.... I used to always get the conservatioon card since I rarely ever keep a fish unless its a bleeder and will not survive, (I kept 2 fish this year) The only reason I get the sport tag is so that I can participate in tournaments. 5 fish limit for bass will always win out over a 3 fish consarevation limit. one tourney that I would fish anyway, usually pays for the extra.....OK I admit it sometimes 2 tourneys LOL jjcanoe
  21. It's getting to be that time of year again, check the expiry date on your outdoors card, If you were in on the original card version way back when, then it's your year. don't get stuck without it when you want to go ice fishing in the new year! Here's the Link to do it all online https://outdoorscard.mnr.gov.on.ca/english/oc_initial.asp?tid=&s=19
  22. peddie is leading the search committee to find his replacement, was all over the net yesterday and in the papers today, Kessel 66 goals in a season and a half (not counting this year) boston got the #2 pick Alexandre Daigle (oops my out loud voice again)6th liner in Boston (2 centers out with injuries and he's still on the 4th line) what a steal!
  23. I have many but I also need plastic bags for household things, for example: scooping up dog poop from the back yard as well as the cat litter boxes, since all animal waste that goes into your trash bin is required for health reasons to be double bagged to protect the sanitaion workers that pick it up at curbside be kind of a waste to put it into 2 big black garbage bags.......
  24. stopped in at the local Food Basics today and picked up a cake..... no HST on the cake..... however.... I also paid my $.05 for a plastic bag to hold it in and much to my suprise there was an additional HST charge of $.01 on a 5 cent bag. so my math puts that at 20% HST. pardon my language but WTH!!!!!!! I know it's only a penny but really, do they need to round that up? If the bag only cost a penny would they round up the HST on that??? (100% HST) just can't win in this province just my $.02 (+HST) jjcanoe
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