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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. I think it was quite a bit before that, not sure of exact date. If I remember it was right around the time they found the body of that poor guy the robbers of Gagnons Sports killed and dumped by the access to the nuke. Kenneth Thomas was his name I believe.


    Too bad it was an awesome place to fish with no boat.


    However Squid, there is water access for boats right now!



    If you're feeling ambitious, you could go down to bottom of Liverpool, tie on the heaviest cleo you have, and see if you can make it. :P

  2. The South Shore of Nip has a ridiculous number of lodges. I stayed at Idle Tyme, on the main lake, but close to Callander Bay, over thanksgiving and had some excellent fishing given the pretty lame weather conditions. The camps are cheap but very well kept, and Shawn and his wife are excellent hosts (especially if you have dogs).



  3. What kind of baits were you running? This time of year the kings can be pretty much anywhere in water column. Make sure you have a variety of stuff down, and once something starts working switch some other rods over to that. Also pay close attention to what speed you caught the fish at.

  4. This spring has been awful for walleye for me this year. Multiple skunkings and one fish days have been the norm. It took until one of the very last days of spring to finally get a good day. And what a day it was.


    The wind was very cooperative for a change, which made fishing very easy. We fished for around 4 1/2 hours, fishing one giant weed flat in the middle of the lake. There was a line of super thick weeds in about 10 ft, and as soon you as we found slightly deeper water (12-14 ft) with more scattered weeds the walleye would soon follow. We managed 13 fish, and every single one was at least 16" with many reaching (and a few exceeding) the 3 lb mark. Easily the best walleye fishing I've ever experienced, and it was in the middle of the afternoon, on a bright calm, sunny day. This time of year, I think they prefer sunny hot weather as opposed to what people usually associate with prime walleye conditions.


    11 of the 13 were caught on bucktails, with the other two being taken on a black tube.






    ...And the double header shot.


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