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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. I wouln't reccomend braid in any situation, unless there's some kind of ice braid I don't know about that isn't completely useless in cold weather.


    I started using P-Line's ice flourocarbon recently and it's great!

  2. I'm spending a few days in Fenelon Falls, and will be fishing Cameron as much as humanly possible this weekend, and was wondering what kind of patterns/depths have been working for any others fishing the surrounding area/lakes. I was out this evening for a few hours without a sniff, but it seemed as though I was the only ice fisherman on the lake. I'll be back at er bright and early tomorrow morning.


    I'm all ears... :thumbsup_anim:

  3. oh c'mon.

    There's been anglers on every square inch of that lake for years now, and the huge drop in numbers is really quite apparent. Once upon a time it was a great fishery even with heavy fishing pressure.


    Closing it for the winter or perhaps something like a seasonal C & R only (in the Spring) type regulation seems plenty reasonable in my eyes. :dunno:

  4. I'm surprised more alarm bells aren't ringing off in peoples heads regarding the state of Scugog's fishery.


    It seems as though that lake is all but drained of its walleye. Not only are the numbers down DRASTICALLY, but I think the biggest 'eye I've pulled out of that lake has been no more than 14-15". It wasn't so long ago that Scugog was full of good sized walleye.


    I know I'm not too keen on wasting any more time there. :dunno:

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