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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. Personally the only techniques I would recommend a <7' rod for would be fishing topwaters and jerkbaits. A short rod makes it easier for most people to impart the proper action for these techs. For all other techs I would recommend 7' and greater. With a longer rod you can cast further, more easily Control your bait in heavy cover and have more Control over the fish.


    What he said

  2. Interesting enough. People are such hypocrites though.


    I think the documentary "Food, Inc." is more relevant. Although, I am always skeptical about these types of sensationalized journalism. Still, it's good to be informed and be able to come to your own conclusions after some follow up research.



    As interesting (and at times informative) as these documentaries are, people need to realize that they are far from being the be-all-end-all of information on the topic, and that ultimately they're trying to convey their own point of view upon the viewers.


    My off-topic 2 cents :whistling:

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