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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. After seeing the weather report, I couldn't pass up walleye fishing. And the weather did not disappoint. Light winds, overcast and pi$$ing rain most of the morning was how she went.


    It only took about twenty minutes for my side to go off. A nice two and a half pound eye on a perch walleye diver spit it at the boat after a few violent head shakes.


    After that, the trolling bite went dead, so we decided to look for some weed beds. We finally found something to our liking in about 10 - 12. We managed to pop one nice 3 lb walleye, two nice OOS largemouth and an absolutely ENORMOUS sheepshead. I've caught plenty of them before, and this was easily the biggest I have ever seen. I kept hoping it was an eye but deep down I knew it wasn't. :lol:


    The bigger of the two largemouth:



    The gigantic sheepshead, weighing in at 14 pounds flat.



    And of course, dinner.



    And I managed to lose two crankbaits to what I can only assume were pike. :wallbash:

  2. Well, after being away for the opener, and reading all the great reports, I was really itching to get back at the tribs for the first time in about a week. We hit a small trib that had a huge number of fish on the opener, and considerably less on Sunday. We were still expecting a decent number of fish for a productive evening. Boy were we ever wrong. We found ONE hole that had maybe ten fish in it, with the occasional fish being spotted in other areas, but nothing feeding. The water was incredibly low and clear. You could do everything in your power to not spook the fish and they still find a way to detect your presence. My buddy had 3 on, but lost them at all, and right close to dusk, after nary a sniff, I finally got one to commit. Nothing huge, but this hen put up a fantastic fight. This lone fish made the trip worth it, to say the least.





  3. I hope you kept those fish, because you're not holding them in a catch and release friendly manner. Ouch...

    I'll agree with the last pic, but I don't the issue with holding a smaller fish under the gill plate for a few seconds for a shot and then back in the water.

  4. I've been trying to find online tutorials for fly line to leader knots, but the only one I've been able to find is the nail knot. This is fine, except the only thing I can think of that would work well for it is bobber stops, which I don't currently have. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance.

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