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Posts posted by Joeytier


    Some great footage of the protest at Queen's park earlier this spring.


    An American hedge fund is about to break ground on a massive mining project that could poison a million people's drinking water and the headwaters for five major rivers. They want to create an open pit deeper than Niagara Falls and decimate thousands of acres of lush farmland -- and we have 4 days to stop them.


    For years, Highland Companies deceived Ontario residents, posing as a potato farming company and quietly buying up thousands of acres of land from local farmers. Then, it was suddenly revealed that the massive plot of farmland would be converted into a limestone quarry -- a 2300 acre pit so deep it would seriously interfere with the ground water system in the region. But, in order to start digging, Highland must win approval from Minister of Natural Resources Linda Jeffrey.


    Please sign the petition posted below. It's garnering quite a lot of attention, and there's still 72 hours remaining.



  2. Chad (Rod Caster) invited me to join him in his trusty sportspal for a quick early morning fish on a small lake (and I mean small) not far north of here known for producing some hog walleye. We were on the road with coffees in hand by 4, and fishing well before 5.


    It was quality, and not quantity today. We both could not believe how hard fighting these walleye were. These things took drag and peeled off faster than most smallmouth I've ever caught. Not the best quality photos, but these fish were plump and brilliantly yellow. Some of the nicest walleye I've ever seen.


    I was first up. Popped this 20.5" incher on a beetlespin in no more than 5 FOW.




    Shortly afterwards, Chad decided to put me to shame and hauled in this beauty 22 incher. I've honestly never seen a walleye peel drag off like this one.



    Chad also managed a nice smallmouth who miraculously landed in my frying pan :whistling:



    It was great to finally get out. Thanks for having me, Chad.

  3. Lately I've been looking into what our local breweries in this province have to offer. While I've had a few stinkers, I've also stumbled across a few gems. A few of my personal favourites include Neustadt's Scottish Pale, Muskoka's Premium Lager, and Trafalgar's Irish ale. I'm currently trying Lake of Bay's Pale Ale, and am fairly impressed.


    What are some of your favourites?

  4. not totally true


    for a very short time they are protecting there young and if you take them off their bed the young will be part if the food chain



    but for the rest of the out of season time the fish are in great shape and catching them doesn't hurt them....but still illegal in many places in Ontario...


    so for 2 weeks of the 5 month period your statement is correct, the 4 month and 2 weeks you are not correct


    and some will argue that the sunfish and others that want to eat the young of the year will consume the same amount, one here and one there till they are full or all in the nest if unguarded, but at the end of the day the numbers are about the same, and this is one of the reasons fishing during spawning doesn't hurt them in many States...

    This man speaks the truth.


    I wonder how many people preaching the opposite were out chasing spawning pike this spring in fmz 17, or are aware that many northern states have a catch and release spring bass season and are seeing the best fishing ever on record. :rolleyes:

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