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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. This year, I successfully pared my tackle down to a small, 3 compartment flambeau shoulder pack. I have everything in it that I could possibly need to effectively fish for the 10 + local species of fish that I actively target throughout the year. Truly makes you realize how much you can do without and not affect your outcomes.

  2. Alright here goes, I will be fishing with my buddy in his boat. We currently have 1 x Scotty 1080 manual (bought from OFC classifieds) since only one rigger, the need for a double duty rod.


    We will be adding 2 x 12" cannon trax this winter to mount the rod holders and the rigger base to. I will need the rods, reels, dipseys, line, flashers and lures.









    There's no such thing as a double-duty rod. Dipsy and rigger rods have wildly different actions, so one of each would be necessary.

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