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About hawkeye

  • Birthday 12/04/1942

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  • Location
    Keswick ON
  • Interests
    beer, fishing,beer,golf,beer

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  1. Goes back 40 years or so ago, nothing to do with M.A.S.H. T'was a time I could not go into the woods without seeing a porcupine where no others could. They destroyed trees in the forest and were thought of as vermin, and we shot many of them, although in Maine this was illegal as they are one of the only animals that can be outrun by man and thus considered a precursor to MRE's for those lost in the forest, if you like the taste of turpentine that is.
  2. Priceless
  3. Bass Pro will skin you alive with shipping and their "brokerage" charges. Cabelas is no free ride either see the following Merchandise = $44.99 Fee = $3.50 Postage = $13.95 Tax = $16.82 ORDER TOTAL = $79.26 almost eighty bucks for a pair of sandals, but they were exactly what I needed so I eat the costs Neither are tax free, sorry I couldn't be more helpful
  4. There's limited (very) parking along Lake Drive South and some have been parking on the ice at the foot of Glenwoods.
  5. We had a chipmunk in the basement a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I have 3 cats and I couldn't trap the little bugger before they did what cats do. This is the first live critter these cats have seen. The reaction was humorous, but nor for the chipmunk. The Norwegian Forest cat was on it in a minute, the Maine Coon rocked back on her haunches and then took up the chase. Our big male siberian.......... ran up the stairs
  6. I'm on my third CRV an '06 and IMHO the last good year. I hate the new look. That being said the first one was a 1997 and at 250,000Km is still running good. All you gotta do is take care of um, change the oil and they just keep unning
  7. two words "never again" what everyone else said about tenants is true. My last one was a minister. I thought that I had found a good honest guy. Never paid a dime of rent and I finally had to kick him out. So much for character references
  8. There's one or two public launching points off Lake Drive in Keswick. From Ravenshoe Rd go north on Lake Drive. The first one, I believe is right near the first stop sign, and if memory serves there's another at the foot of Glenwoods good luck with the new boat, but watch Simcoe it can get very rough very fast even on Cooks Bay never mind the main lake
  9. Let's see, come to Canada do some fishing, get refused entry back into the US. Return to Canada, apply for refugee status collect $2K per month and continue fishing and what's the problem
  10. Bell in all its iterations is a dinosaur. The best thing that could have happened is a merger with Telus, and eliminate the dead wood in both companies. Most of the Bellites I deal with have been there over 20 years and they ceased caring/learning 19 ago. The company I work for is in the top 10 in size of Bell’s customers and still their service rots. One of my guys had occasion to call tech support one night. Got someone he couldn’t even understand. In frustration he asked the tech’s name (probably unpronounceable) the Tech replied Abraham Lincoln. We still laugh about it, but Bell service is no laughing matter
  11. I got nailed right around Christmas. I got a letter from Dell about some stuff sold to me but delivered to a Montreal address. I thought it was just a foulup.. Until I got my CC bill. They got my account for about 4K. MBNA says they will take care of it, charges from Barcelona, Venice (places we visited 3 years ago but didn’t use the card. I figure it was internet related as I only use that card for internet purchases. I think Dell is screwed, delivering to a person who is not the cardholder at an address that is not the cardholder. It could have been worse there was over 1K in pending transactions that got caught in time. Trouble is if they catch anyone just another slap on the wrist.
  12. After you get your minnows at Harry's go south on the Queensway (over the bridge). (Harry's is at the corner of The Queensway and Riveredge Dr) You will come to a store on the corner of Bayview (on the right). Go right (West) on Bayview and it will curl around to the south and follow the lake shore. There are some parking spots along there, but not a whole lot. As Photoz said the By Law enforcement officer makes a killing, same on the Gilford side and all along the lake. Good luck with the fishing
  13. I've got a similar situation, paid for by work. I went thru 2 blackberries from Bell and neither worked for crap at home (Keswick) then for some reason I switched to Telus and everything works. Funny 'cause Bell and Telus use the same tower. Anyway real solid, great phone and e-mail. just like a few good games to waste time while at the in laws.
  14. No its more wierd than that, as a guest I get the brown skin and 1x clicks. Logged in as a member I get the blue one and 2x clicks. Just something new to torment the members
  15. We'll miss you by a day, There's 5 of us headed out Tuesday, some never been before so should be fun. I wouldn't imagine that parking on a weekday would be a problem. But this is my first year on that side of the bay. I have noticed that some folks at the foot of Gilford Rd that let you park on their property for $10. From what I hear parking enforcement is brutal stay 9m from intersections etc. signs way up the utility poles the whole 9 yards, From what I have read on the other board the ice is mostly 6" and growing so a hand auger should do and the consensus is 20-25 fow
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