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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Glass, glass, glass.... It's all about the quality of the optics.. My parents picked up a pair of Nikons and they are unbelievable.
  2. The outfitter is not going to give you the rebate, I would assume you'll need to fill some forms out at customs when you go back home.
  3. I'd love to be there but I'll be smashing steelhead all day friday and saturday
  4. The D10 is pretty much the cream of the crop as far as waterproof cameras go.. I've taken advantage of Futureshops return policy on a few occasions when I've found a better deal or something I liked better.
  5. Rich, you have 15 days to return it if it's a piece of crap. For that price I would have bought the Canon D10.. Same price at Henrys.
  6. I dunno about a lot quicker, but I'll bet you'll lose more fish. The bigger the tippet, the more pressure the guy puts on the fish, the easier the hook is to pop.. It's not like you are driving home that #14 hook on a 100yard drift with a 13ft float rod. You can pull all you want, with the biggest tippet you want, but if that fish gets into the current, you're not moving it One of the many things I've learned (the hard way some of the time)
  7. Sounds like Canal lake would be a good bet for some ice out pike.
  8. I gotta start fishing that side of the lake Maybe next year!
  9. I wouldn't blame you ....but if you find it stolen, you know where it is!!
  10. Weeds, that's the kind of deal I'm looking for, lol.. I just need a beater canoe that's stable and I can drop a crappy minn kota onto.
  11. If you guys find a Sportspal, let me know
  12. Simcoe County Forest Trail Recreation.
  13. Got any giant dead smelts? That's what I'd be using down there....
  14. .........or you could just store the lures in a tacklebox like the rest of us do
  15. Only the few silly enough to venture out now I called it quits 2 weeks ago.
  16. Dan.................you think that might work?!?!?!??!?!??!?! :)
  17. Mike, take those lures off...you'll do nothing but scratch both your rod and reel
  18. Yup, Citica for sure. Great starter reel.. I used and abused mine and it was super reliable.
  19. Dave, if I ever get sick of cork and sliding rings, I'll be giving you a call
  20. You guys better stop talking about my future wife!!!!!!
  21. Yeah, this wasn't an 'accident' about running out of stock Good show on BPS for selling these units to the lucky few that got them!
  22. Mike, that's a great recap!!! I learned awful quick on Simcoe if the fish aren't into the chasing game, it's time to move. I can't even count the hours I've spent staring at the graph at inactive fish. This was the first year I really got into icefishing, luckily I made out pretty well...
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