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Posts posted by Dutch01

  1. HA! North Korea? You're kidding, right? They can't even feed their own people, how do you expect them to fight a war? If push came to shove I'm pretty sure China would be more than happy to force them into oblivion. If there's any I'm remotely nervous about it's Russia.


    Obama has actually pushed the US into more wars than he's gotten out of. More so than even Bush Jr.

    Not sure where North Korea comes into play.... However it feeds into my point. Let people take care of their own neighborhood. The USA can't afford to be everywhere. There going to lose the economic war because they're to dumb to see they're being bled dry.


    And I didn't say Obama is any good, just the other guys are much, much worse.

  2. While there may be some fights we maybe shouldn't be involved in, if we don't stand up for others who are suffering, then what does that say about us a country or a people ? Should we have stayed out of WW1 and 2 ? Any decent human being can't stand idly by as others are subject to genocide or systematic brutality. The day Canada refuses to offer aid, military or otherwise, is the day we ease to be the country I know and love and would die for.

    We need to get out of Syria. There are five million soldiers on the ground over there (Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the rest of our "allies "). If ISIS is so bad (and believe me, I think they are the worst), how about we let their neighbors clean up the Arab street? Why are we fighting across the ocean and they won't fight next door?

  3. If you ask the GOP.....


    I stopped reading there. The GOP are the biggest collection of half-wits the world has ever seen.


    Unlike Obama, they actually WANT war. They work for the machine and the machine wants to sell weapons. They're also mostly fundamentalist Christians and they believe these are end times. They're going to heaven so what do they have to lose?


    If they get in, they'll start it. Mark my words.


    If you and Shane are fishing Saturday or Sunday night shift, it would give me a good excuse to get out for a couple hours, if it's the spot I'm thinking of :)

    PM me.


    I have one spot I have to hold back because I promised to and that's how I got it in the first place! I'm there tomorrow.


    I gave Shayne two spots, one is popular and not a huge secret but does have fish. The other is one I've never tried but have wanted to. It's possible I'd head to one of them on Saturday.

  5. Its funny, I live within 30 mins of about 10 of these spots, and have never tried it at night in the fall. I'm missing out apparently. If you ever want company, let me know! My son would enjoy this too I bet. Good stuff!!



    A couple of people have made comments like they might actually know these spots :[


    If you PM me where you think it is and you're right, I'll confirm and maybe we can go one night.


    How old is your Son?

  6. What kind of weight are you using on those pickeral rigs?

    It depends on which spot I'm at. If low current, 3/8 to 5/8, if more current then 5/8 to 3/4.


    Truth be told most of those fish were caught on a red Gamakatsu octopus hook, split shot and minnow under a float. One of my spots has a pier and I'll take the float off and "walk the dog" up and down too.


    I don't use anything other than minnows this time of year.

  7. I know, I know, a :Gonefishing: thread from Dutch? Who would have thought..... :rofl2:


    I just created a photobucket account and have to experiment on you guys!


    Seriously, though. I love this time of year! My boat is new (to me) and I don't have a survival suit, so I put her to bed for winter:




    Luckily, I don't need a boat to catch walleye this time of year


    DISCLAIMER: I am very aware of regs, and would never break them. Instead of explaining if every picture of fish or a stringer was legal, let me say right now YES.



    We had some very slow days to start off but I think we were just over-eager and started too early. They've really been "on" lately - except for last night but that's another story :(



    The "supermoon" over my favorite lake:





    The fish we caught early on were fairly skinny. You'll see a difference in some of the later fish.








    A true (one man) double header. This blew my mind, I was using a pickerel rig and fighting in a fish. Suddenly there was a big weight, but no real fight anymore. I shined my light and I thought there was a walleye following the fish I was fighting (it all happened so fast). When it was all over, I could not believe what I saw in the net!







    We get fish like this all the time:






    That's my bro in law. Our kids are now 12 and love to come with us, even at night, in the cold, in the rain etc they're loving it. The smiles are priceless!


    Nephew with a huge smile (some spot hiding necessary!):





    My Son caught a whopper last weekend! A true five-pounder, trust me the picture does not do it justice! He caught 9 of our total 23 fish for the night, and hasn't let me live it down since :wallbash:




    It was so worth the razzing though, he asks me every other day when I can take him again :good::clapping:


    It's nice that there's a place to make a fire, this time of year it really makes a difference. Luckily I get free junk pallets from work so I have all the firewood I need, I just have to carry it out there. Which sucks. But whatever!





    It's 98% walleye at my spots but occasionally we get an outlier (sorry for the focus, night pics aren't always easy to take):






    Sunday two weeks ago, and Saturday last weekend were two of the best days I've had in a while. Due to darkness and weather (and the fact the fish didn't stop biting), we didn't take pics of each fish, but this will give you an idea of how they are fattening up!


    This is what we kept Sunday two weeks ago (many more were released). Note the giant Musky bite on the one walleye! I missed it in the dark until I got home. I would have let him go if I'd seen it. The fillet's were pretty chewed up and gross.





    And this was last Saturday in the crazy wind and driving rain. It was a wild night!





    Last night, I was sure they'd be on. Famous last words. I got a 19" at my first spot, and a 12" at my second. Sloooooow.....


    It's been a great fall already and I still have two weeks until close at my spots. Someone told me yesterday about a shore spot on Quinte, so I may just extend my season after Nov. 15!


    I've never shore fished Quinte so I might post on the board when I'm headed and see who will be in the area.




    Good luck out there guys.



  8. While a good thought I have lots of other things to do so i rely on people having a clue who they are. My intent is to not micro manage this forum it is to take about a half hour a day and nudge it back on course when the rules are being ignored. All of the owner/mods donate their time to keep this place alive because of what it has turned into, a community of our and your friends. We have very wide parameters on subject matter and we rely on people to be civil at at all times. in the heat of debate it sometimes gets forgotten rather than just automatically locking it ( the easy road ) we try to get it calmed down with a gentle word and most of the time that is enough. I had two P.M.s from members concerned they were the issue the answer was no but keep it civil .





    Art, you guys do a great job of it and that's a big part of why this place is a community and not like a lot of other internet forums. Thanks for that.


    I've said my piece in this thread, probably more than my fair share. Anything to be gained will have been gained by now. I'm going to bow out.


    Thanks for a lively discussion guys.



  9. Anyone can find stuff on the net to either prove or disprove any point they want. Emphatically. Means zero to me.


    An opinion like Old Man's seems more credible, at least to me.

    Mike, this isn't "stuff on the net". This is a professor of medicine at UCLA publishing findings in the Journal of American Medicine(1st quote) and Annals of the American Thoracic Society (2nd quote).


    Are you seriously saying he isn't credible????

  10. Just because the article (based on 21 separate studies conducted over decades and submitted to peer reviewed journals) points out that smoke from cannabis contains many known carcinogens, 3 times the tar and higher levels of ammonia and hydrogen cyanide it must be junk compared with the Pseudoscience common nowadays that claims it's almost a health food. Sorry to burst your bubble with the facts. Smoke from cannabis is as harmful as smoke from any other source.

    Old Man, I'm going to refer you to Dr. Donald Tashkin, Professor of Medicine at UCLA.


    He studied 5,000 subjects for 20 years. His study found no increased cancer risk in light to moderate users.


    Take his word for it:


    "We expected that we would find that a history of heavy marijuana use--more than 500 to 1,000 uses--would increase the risk of cancer from several years to decades after exposure to marijuana," explains physician Donald Tashkin of the University of California, Los Angeles, and lead researcher on the project. But looking at residents of Los Angeles County, the scientists found that even those who smoked more than 20,000 joints in their life did not have an increased risk of lung cancer."


    Even clearer on weed versus tobacco:


    "Regular smoking of marijuana by itself causes visible and microscopic injury to the large airways that is consistently associated with an increased likelihood of symptoms of chronic bronchitis that subside after cessation of use. On the other hand, habitual use of marijuana alone does not appear to lead to significant abnormalities in lung function when assessed either cross-sectionally or longitudinally, except for possible increases in lung volumes and modest increases in airway resistance of unclear clinical significance. Therefore, no clear link to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has been established. Although marijuana smoke contains a number of carcinogens and cocarcinogens, findings from a limited number of well-designed epidemiological studies do not suggest an increased risk for the development of either lung or upper airway cancer from light or moderate use, although evidence is mixed concerning possible carcinogenic risks of heavy, long-term use. Although regular marijuana smoking leads to bronchial epithelial ciliary loss and impairs the microbicidal function of alveolar macrophages, evidence is inconclusive regarding possible associated risks for lower respiratory tract infection. Several case reports have implicated marijuana smoking as an etiologic factor in pneumothorax/pneumomediastinum and bullous lung disease, although evidence of a possible causal link from epidemiologic studies is lacking. In summary, the accumulated weight of evidence implies far lower risks for pulmonary complications of even regular heavy use of marijuana compared with the grave pulmonary consequences of tobacco.



    Source: http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1513/AnnalsATS.201212-127FR#.VjWgx1-s_CQ



    I'm sorry, I mean no disrespect, but I'm going to take a professor of medicine at UCLA who specializes in studies on smoking and lung function as an authority on the subject.

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