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Posts posted by Dutch01

  1. Im not talking from world leaders(because hes making most look silly IMO) im talking about citizens

    Russian citizens lap up anything RT spoon feeds to them, and most other people I see defending/lauding him are so anti government they will accept any theory that knocks the gov.


    He's right to call out Erdogan for buying IS oil. I haven't seen much else from him that impresses me.

  2. I think russia is setting a new standerd and IMO Putin is not only making Obama look incapable, hes doing it in a political way thats garnering him alot of respect.


    Hes playing his cards very well

    I'm not seeing any outpouring of respect. I think he's a megalomaniac who just happens to be playing his hand better than Obama at the moment.

  3. HH, you can't blame the gun for shooting the mother.

    You can however blame the mother for not properly storing the firearm.

    I agree you can't blame the gun, 100%. But I think you can blame the government for not requiring the Mom to take a training/safety course, and for not requiring her to store the gun safely.


    And by government, I don't mean Obama. I think these things would already by in place if he had his way.

  4. Well let me just say this - these shootings are going to continue and people are going to need to be able to protect themselves - people need to arm themselves so that when a shooting like this occurs law bidding citizens can take down the wackos before they can kill more people -


    Notice that these mass shootings all occur in places where citizens are discouraged to carry concealed weapons - so called gun free zones - naturally if someone has the intention to kill others these are the places where they will go -


    I carry a concealed weapon with me most of the time - always have one in my vehicles just in case - then depending where I am going I often strap a handgun to my belt under my jacket - more and more people are beginning to realize that self protection is a wise thing to do - some school districts are now allowing teachers and administrators to carry a weapon - it takes the cops too long before they can react to a shooting - by the time they get there many have been shot - interesting times for sure -

    What about the fact that the guns used in this massacre were legally purchased?


    How is it that you can be on a "no fly" list, but still buy a gun in the USA? You're too dangerous to go on a plane, but by all means grab your AR-15 while it's hot. What could go wrong?


    I'm all for gun ownership, but I'm also for some control. Canada (mostly) does it right in my opinion, and it shows in our rate of gun crime. Fyi, I don't object to you carrying a gun. I would do so too, if it were legal here.


    I do think that it's ironic you have a "war on terror" when you have mass shootings at a rate of one per day. Where's the "war on domestic gun violence"?

  5. Boy - all kind of theories and advise what to do - but let me tell you the truth - there is evil in this world - always was and always will be - if good people don't fight it then evil will win - and don't think for one minute think that by not confronting it you will be left alone and it won't come to harm you at some date -


    The mess that now exists in the middle east and other places can be blamed on Obama and his liberal buddies who think somehow you can negotiate with evil - he has shown that he is not willing to fight evil and so it keeps getting stronger - if the U.S. maintained the strongest military force in the world and showed strong leadership no country would dare stand up to it - but he has consistently shown that he doesn't want to stand up at times when he should - and others are taking advantage of this fact -


    The Iraq war was a mistake because it eliminated balancing the power over in that region - Iraq and Iran were enemies and had fought a war - neither country was the dominate force in that region - with Iraq gone Iran is now controlling things there -


    Our only hope is to throw the weak kneed liberals out of government and put a good leader ( like Reagan ) back in the driver's seat - otherwise all is lost - the world is too small a place today to ignore what is going on in different parts of the world - freedom and liberty have a price - one well worth fighting for - remember - if you give up your freedom for security - you will end up with neither -

    Sorry JoePa, but this one falls squarely on the back of republicans. If they hadn't gone blundering around in the middle East with no plan for anything more than robbing oil and giving American companies reconstruction contracts, we likely wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. More of the same is not a solution.
  6. Oh but wait there's more (Literally) Just heard today it will now be between 35 and 50,000 refugees and all will be going on social assistance. You can now at least double that 1.2 billion.



    From what I understand, the forecast is for 35,000 by end of 2016. The additional 10,000 are privately sponsored:


    "The minister, speaking after a meeting with provincial and territorial counterparts in Ottawa, outlined the number of newcomers expected from the time the Liberals took office until the end of 2016.


    His forecast includes as many as 35,000 Syrian refugees, 10,000 of which are expected to arrive before Christmas. Most of these are privately sponsored cases where private citizens cover the first-year living costs for the newcomers."


    (Source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/canada-fears-possible-backlash-against-syrian-refugees/article27543438/?service=mobile)

  7. One of the dead bad guys is Farooq Saed.

    Seems he works for the place that was having the holiday party in the conference room.

    Got in an argument with someone there and left. He came back with two accomplices.

    A woman who was killed with Farooq and someone as yet un named.



    That must have been SOME argument!


    Seriously, so the guy snaps. But who would go back with him over a work dispute?!?!

  8. Not good not good at all?


    Let me guess, hes white, hates the government, he voted democratic and hes on SSRI's(anti depressive medication)


    Never let a tragedy go to waste(commence gun grabbing)


    In all seriousness, horrible tragedy.


    Prayers and thoughts to all involved.


    Senseless violence???

    You're probably right about SSRI's, but don't expect the news to tell you that. Can't risk a lawsuit from big pharma....

  9. I wouldn't consider anyone of them starters except giggy, but he came in more so as a teacher and not to play a ton of games at that stage in his career, these were all poor management choices in either drafting or trades no matter how you slice it.


    Bernier will be back on his feet soon enough

    He had better be, his stock is falling fast!

  10. "Between 2008 and 2015, more than $150 billion was added back onto the federal debt, leaving it at $614 billion, a new high."


    (Source: http://www.debtclock.ca/about-debtclock/debt-history/)


    Hey, it' only taxpayer money, right.


    I'll give you a few minutes to figure out how to blame this on the Liberals.

  11. I have read that walleye in Balsam Lake mature later than in other Kawartha Lakes. Here's an excerpt from a thread on another board (source at bottom):


    "The surveys confirmed the suspected decline in walleye stocks and also established that female walleye on Balsam Lake mature much later than on other Kawartha Lakes. According to the data, female Balsam Lake walleye require 6-7 years to achieve a size sufficiently mature to spawn (36- 43 cm, or 14"-17"), compared to only 4-5 years on other lakes.


    At the same time, creel surveys on Balsam revealed that the majority of fish harvested from Balsam Lake were less than 6 years old. This information suggested that >75% of the walleye harvested from Balsam had likely never spawned. This implicated harvest as a major factor in walleye declines, over say recruitment or habitat factors. Protecting these slow growing fish from harvest once they reach sexual maturity provides them the opportunity to spawn 4-5 times and produce future generations of walleye, before they would again reach a harvestable size."


    source: http://www.lakesimcoeoutdoors.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14699


    This is just what a guy says the mnr told him, and he doesn't provide a source, but it does sound plausible.

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