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Posts posted by Dutch01

  1. I have a question is there a test that can measure the amount of THC in someones body roadside to measure how/if they are impaired? That is a big question that we need to answer before it is allowed to be deregulated to recreational use in my opinion.






    There currently isn't a roadside test, no. Several companies are working on one though. I'm not sutre why that should be a roadblock to legalization. There's currently no roadside test for how long you have been awake, no test for cough medicine or legal opiate's such as oxycodone, etc.


    Also, under current law, an officer can charge you for impaired driving under the influence of marijuana solely based on his observations/professional opinion. If you have an accident then they can blood test you as well.

  2. Most polls I read still put a third or so of the country in the anti-legalization camp. On the plus side, I do believe that number is going to dwindle further with time.


    I agree with you regarding impaired driving, but I don't consider that issue to be related specifically to weed. We should add texting, reading the newspaper, putting on lipstick and every other kind of distraction or impairment to that list (you wouldn't believe the things I see Toronto drivers do!). Driving is a privilege (legally speaking), and with freedom comes responsibility.


    I guess that's kind of my point. Hold people responsible for their own actions. Don't hold me responsible for what others might do. Impaired driving can't be the "reason" (excuse) for not legalizing. Impaired driving is dangerous and illegal. Increase enforcement, increase penalties. If we as a society limit the most responsible of our citizens to only the freedoms that the least responsible can handle, we wouldn't be a free society at all.


    I'm not anti weed at all. Legalize it, tax it and be done with it. It won't be any different then going to the LCBO to buy your fav bottle of whiskey.


    People just admit why they want it, they like to get a little buzzed. Enough with all the other excuses, it's the same reason I like a whiskey now and again.

    Bill, clearly I misread you on this, my apologies. I'll edit my post accordingly!




    PS: I like a good rye whiskey now and then too. If you want to try something new, try it on ice with coconut water. Rum is even better like this.

  4. Weed apparently cures everything, lol.

    Bill, The tone of your post leads me to believe you're in the "anti" camp. If I'm wrong then the rest of my comment will miss the mark, but I'm going to go there anyways...


    An open question for the "anti" camp


    I had a hard week at work. We all do, that's nothing special or deserving of any sympathy. I'm just setting the tone here. I have too many vacation days left (I have to use them or lose them), so I booked today off at the last minute.


    This morning I slept in a little. When got up, I made a coffee and went out back on the patio to have a little puff. I sat out there for about an hour. It was cold, but warm enough sitting in the sun. The air was crisp and fresh. I listened to the birds sing, and paid attention to the sights and sounds of the forest. I felt the stress of the week melt away, and I felt fully present in the moment and connected to the world around me. I'm recharged, literally.


    I'm curious if you can tell me, did my actions this morning affect you in any way? Did they affect society in any way? Have I been unreasonable in my actions or in any way overstepped the freedoms I have (or should have) in this country?


    I ask because I'm not sure what skin you have in the game. I want to understand what makes people so against my freedom on this issue.

  5. They didn't miss the point, hearing from a pharmacist that there are better synthetic options is equivalent to a car mechanic telling you your tires will explode if you don't pay him to put them on - of course they won't, but he won't make any money then. Pharmacists endorse what lines their pockets, and that's not marijuana.


    Also, ask anyone who suffers from multiple sclerosis, my dads cousin who is in his 60's and is a very successful person suffers, and uses weed to deal with it and that's how he medicates, so anyone who says it doesn't help, please look into all of the different ways it does help before saying so.

    Lucas, my cousin passed away from MS about three years ago. Her quantity and quality of life were improved immeasurably by marijuana. No one who watched what she went through could tell her she shouldn't use weed unless they had a heart of stone. I wish you the best of luck with your Dad's cousin.

  6. I think you guys missed the main point of my post: There are better options, and once it's legalized for recreational use it's no longer medicine. It's just weed. Not saying it's good or bad, I believe it's relatively harmless. But if you truly believe in it as a medicine there's no way you can say with a straight, not-wanting-to-get-high face that it should be legalized for recreational use.

    I don't think I missed your point but rather was making a different point. I am not a medical marijuana patient, and I'm not trying to use "medical marijuana" in order to "back door" recreational legalization.


    I do not accept that our government (who govern by our leave) has any right to restrict my personal use of marijuana for any purpose. Full stop.

  7. you just made me LOL a pharmacist against weed.. go figure..That is indeed funny..However he couldn't be further from the truth in most cases..Big pharma has all the doctors and pharmacies brain washed to push their poisons.over natural medicine.. always have always will..However ill save that for a different thread.

    You are 100% on point here. Big pharma is against legalization because they cannot patent marijuana. Plain and simple.


    Prescription drug overdoses cause 23.6 deaths per 100,000 people every year in Canada (Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2789126/). To put that in perspective, many on this very site have ranted about the "rampant" gun killings in the USA recently. Homicides by gun in the USA occur at a rate of about 3.5 homicides per 100,000 people (source: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/homicide.htm)


    According to these stats, we have an epidemic of deaths by prescription overdose. But by all means, lets listen to these drug companies say "weed is bad, Mmmkay?" while they wash the blood off of their hands.



    Possibly predisposed but It does bring the disease out...but hey, if we don't know for sure, lets just say its safe and make a few bucks off it till we find out for sure.


    Saw your edit so I will too.


    We all know that because alcohol is illegal for kids that they never get their hands on it.


    I don't see any point in playing with fire for the sake of a few more dollars for the government to waste.


    I go along with decriminalize but not legalize...Trudeau is an admitted pot head...he may not even be allowed into the US because of that admission

    Since your primary criteria appears to be safety, I assume you support full prohibition for alcohol, cigarettes, transfats and any recreational activity that can lead to harm?


    Trudeau is not an "admitted pot head". He admitted to using it once after a dinner party. More than 3 million Canadians have admitted to trying pot in their lives, so he is not alone. As for the USA, they are leading the charge right now and we are behind the curve.


    Finally, and the most fundamental issue for me, is the matter of civil liberty. I do not accept this government's right to infringe on my civil liberties unless they can show demonstrable harm to society will result. No government hearings of this sort have ever made the determination that my personal pot use causes harm to society (quite the opposite in fact, see the Le Dain commission). Further, I do not accept unequal treatment under the law. If alcohol, which is demonstrably harmful, is legal, then the government cannot make a case that pot prohibition is about the degree to which a drug (which alcohol also is) is harmful.


    I do not agree with organized religion (and on another day in another forum I could perhaps make the case it is more harmful than pot), but I will fight for your right to believe and worship because I believe I have to live and let live. The same can be said of those here who in recent weeks have used derogatory slurs against Wynne. I despise the woman personally, but I respect her right to sleep with whom she wants.


    We, as Canadians, have to decide if we want a truly free society. If the answer is yes, you are going to have to tolerate some things you don't like (as others may have to tolerate your lifestyle choices that they may disagree with). That's the kind of Canada that I want to live in. How about you?

  9. Trudeau is dancing in a field of flowers. He will see what the real world looks like in a few months.


    And, pot is quite dangerous to teenage kids.

    It greatly affects the onset of schizophrenia




    That would be the disease that got that kid killed by a cop on the streetcar, and the one that killed and started to eat people on the Greyhound bus, and the one that affects most of the mass murderers hitting movie theatres and schools in the US lately

    First, no one is advocating making it available to kids, that is pure Harper propaganda. Canada has the highest per capita use of marijuana in the developed world, despite many decades of prohibition. Kids can already get it more readily than beer or alcohol. In fact, a high school is probably the easiest place in Canada to get pot. Continuing with the status quo is not a solution to what you consider to be a problem.


    Let's look at smoking cigarettes as a comparable. For decades smoking rates have been falling due to an effective education campaign. How about we do the same with pot and see if it works since the status quo has not made a dent in usage rates?


    Also, as posted above, pot use among youth is correlated with schizophrenia, but correlation is not the same as causation. Pot does not cause schizophrenia, period. It can only advance the onset of it. It's important to be clear about that point. We cannot base sound public policy on propaganda and lies.


    Finally, the majority of mass shooters in the USA do not suffer from schizophrenia, this just isn't factual and unfairly stigmatizes those suffering from this debilitating disease.

  10. FYI, I don't partake in it but drinking and cigarettes are much worse health wise.

    This was my deal breaker with Harper. In past I held my nose and voted for him because I bought the party line that he believed in smaller government and not spending more than you make. In fact, he added greatly to our debt, and added tens of thousands of federal civil servants.


    Last week he claimed that science has "proven" that marijuana is "infinitely worse than alcohol or cigarettes". When pressed to cite one source, he couldn't, and said he would "defer to Health Canada". FYI, Health Canada concedes that there's not one recorded death due to marijuana, while millions have been killed by alcohol/tobacco. So here is a man who will lie about facts in order to restrict my rights because of his beliefs.


    Additionally, since he is so keen to go with the science, what about all the science on climate change? Oh don't worry, that science doesn't jibe with his beliefs either so it is also ignored.


    When you are willing to ignore facts to rule according to your beliefs, your are no different - NO DIFFERENT - than Saudi Arabia.


    It's unacceptable, and he had to go.


    All of you guys claiming the sky is going to fall are drinking the Harper Koolaid. Trudeau can hardly do worse.

  11. About 10 or 12 years ago while driving out of our trailer park; my son and I saw a bobcat in the woods on the side of the driveway. We stopped the truck and sat there for at least 10 minutes; the whole time the cat didn't move, it was like staring at a statue. Then it crouched the slightest bit and then jumped out of the small clearing and was gone.

    The park is just outside of Normandale (down by Turkey Point), which is about 15klm South of Delhi. So yea these cats are around and after my ten minute encounter, I can understand why and how they are not spotted very often; It just disappeared not making a sound.



    Thanks Dan. Quite a few people offline saying I'm crazy there's no bobcats in southern Ontario. Glad to hear I'm not the only person to have seen one.

    The OP said that it didn't have a long enough tail to be a cougar. So (depending on exactly how short the tail was), a lynx or bobcat would make sense.

    You're right, I didn't really see a tail at all (it was dark). I know it wasn't a cougar it wasn't quite big enough and no long tail.


    I really thought bobcat or lynx right away but wasn't sure they can be seen around here...

  13. Driving home from my favorite Kawartha lake late last night (around 100am) when a very, very large cat ran across the road in front of my truck. This was east of Beaverton.


    I see coyotes and bears up there all the time and I KNOW it wasn't one of those.. I don't think it was large enough to be a cougar, and it didn't have a long enough tail.


    Had anyone ever seen a lynx or bobcat this far south before?

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