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Posts posted by Dutch01


    The finder base screws onto the lexan plate. use two of those 1" quick release straps. attaches right on the tube. I couldnt find a pic with it on my tube, but you get the idea Dutch.








    That looks awesome!


    Do you hook the 'ducer to the bottom of the straps? I also have an ice 'ducer, I'll play around and see what works.


    That's the one thing that sucks about buying toys out of season, you can't play with them. Well I suppose I could but that would be dang cold....

  2. in fact they show 3 units avail.

    That's a steal right there.


    Both items I bought today were not out on the shelves. The BBQ was put away "upstairs", thank you to the kids who spent 20 minutes finding it for me.


    The float tube was actually at the bottom of a shrink wrapped skid being wheeled into the back. I hollered at the kids to stop. He said he just built the skid and wrapped it, I told him "looks like you'll be doing it twice".

  3. Well let me be the first to say, you SCORED.


    This was my first float boat. I loved it.


    You will need a set of flippers now.


    Then comes the mods to add a finder.


    Then comes the, this is good, but now I want something bigger.


    Then you are now into a toon.


    More mods to be had.


    Enjoy Dutch.

    I can see it already - I saved on the float but I'll spend it all back and more on mods/upgrades.


    Hmmmm....I've already got a portable finder...... and so it begins!

  4. Came across a deal I couldn't refuse today;




    I don't know if float tubing is for me but for $70 I'm willing to find out!


    Here she is at home:




    I'm excited to try it out next spring.


    Canadian Tire now has their in store clearance inventory online. I also got 50% off a new bbq today! I had to go to two stores but well worth it.


    Happy shopping! (Hint: check a few local stores, each store has different pricing).

  5. Self diving cars are a certainty, and will be infinitely safer than human drivers. I see multiple almost or actual accidents daily driving to work and back in this city. Human drivers are frankly terrible. Computers don't get sick, tired, angry, distracted etc. I welcome the day I can fish an extra two hours and then tell my truck to wake me up after it tows the boat home.

  6. Nice haul Dutch!


    The super moon is Monday night, I bet that would be a good night to be out there and wrap up the season.

    Thanks Chris. I'm expecting it to be busy at "the spot" tonight. I also took off Wednesday so I can spend Tuesday night there. I'm think I might try going Monday after work if I can too. Time to make hay while the Sun is shining. Then I have to find something else to catch while I wait for ice....

  7. Break this rule and it will also be locked.


    Debate is encouraged, but please follow the basic guidelines of debate. No name calling. Back up your claims with proof. Don't get your knickers in a knot if someone disagrees. KEEP IT CIVIL!

    Threads that are negative in tone or are inflammatory including political or religious will be locked if they are deemed to be detrimental to OFC's community feel. This board is about bringing people together it has no tolerance for snipping or bashing members or non members either for their beliefs or country of origin.

    Things that will not be tolerated. Flaming, baiting, name calling, prejudice, racism, sexism, sexual comments and inuendos, swearing, spam, and general boorishness.



    Let me give all of you a little insight. This board is frequented by both Canadians and US citizens like it or not. 45% of the ISP are from the US looking for fishing info. The site makes enough money by selling advertisements to Canadian places wanting the US Citizens to come and spend money. The balance of money is from the traffic from Google to pay the bills if either one of them leaves then this board closes it is that simple. Stop the whining and sniping I want this board to survive for all of the people to have a place to share there lives it needs to be friendly to the people who are 8 years old till the grave. We have in the past had threats made against the owners or moderators and since I am 12 hours away I get to be the Ax man since no one is stupid enough to come down here and face my form of justice. If you want to take shots at people or whine about the rules that were written by Canadians as well as myself then P.M. me and i will close your account. My first choice is to have everyone coexist I do nothing that is personal I enforce the rules....


    Sorry for the interruption of this thread





    Co Owner



    Dutch so far the people have stated facts and backed them up all within the rules. I do not have a preference on Dem or Rep it is a label that is as vague as American or Canadian in my eyes. thank you for pointing this out but it is not my motive but I can now appreciate it now.





    Art, I certainly didn't mean to question your motives. I was simply pointing out my perception of bias. I am going to say my piece and then leave you alone. I'm going to quote a few members but I am not calling out individuals, I have no personal bias against these members.





    Millennials with nothing better to do than cry and pout when they don't get their way. They don't like to work unless it's on their terms (meaning come in late, leave early, and spend the day on Facebook). They believe protesting is just as important as working...crying out for someone to recognize something they say as being valuable or worthy...which it rarely is. I"m sure this will ruffle some, but I'm only going on what I see around me. I've stop hiring Millennials which is sad, but a few bad apples have spoiled it for all the rest. I heard a quote from a Millennial in Portland that stated they're setting an example for all Americans on how to stand up for what is right. What a joke. Since when is destruction of property and assault 'right'? How about stand behind a lawfully elected official...and don't throw a tantrum when your candidate loses.


    This is hardly civil and most certainly negative and demeaning to all members who may be "millennial". It is a broad brushed characterization of an entire segment of society. All millennials pout and cry when they don't get their way? All millennials don't like to work? They, as a group, rarely have anything valuable or interesting or worthy to say? Can we be more condescending to a whole segment of society? Perhaps yes, but this is pretty good hit job without expanding on it. If you replaced the word millennial with any identifiable minority the post takes on a very different meaning (NOT suggesting that T-Bone feels this way or anything like that!). I would hazard a guess that we not only have millennial members, but would like to attract some more. Just sayin'


    ​Not hard to understand at all Cliff when you realize the instigators are all paid to cause trouble by George Soros.

    For instance the protesters in Austin Texas were all bused in to create havoc!!!




    These protesters are being gathered by the same people that did it during the election.

    ​It's all the doing of a billionaire globalist trying to cause a revolution in the US to get his way.

    We can only hope the evil old man croaks soon.





    Two issues here. One, it's not at all civil to wish people dead. If SirCranks had wished Trump dead, would that be okay? Second, you indicate that members should back up their claims with "proof". Free Republic is literally the National Enquirer of alt-right conspiracy theory websites. If this is the burden of proof required than I can say literally anything as long as it exists anywhere on the internet and I source it.


    Art, if you're too busy to deal with this line of inquiry I have no issue if you don't reply to me. I will live without validation!


    DRIFTER and T-Bone, I'm sure this will ring hollow but nothing personal against either of you. Feel free to rebut me or not.


    EDIT: In case it's not clear, I am not questioning the members themselves here, but rather the degree to which their posts comply with the new rule on political threads,

  8. Still... I'm flabbergasted that Canadians know this much about the American political system, and seemingly have deep-seated opinions about it. Do they teach it in school up there or something?


    There's an old saying that when the USA sneezes Canada catches cold. You are our largest trading partner, a market 10 times our size right next door. It's at least partly self-preservation on our part.

  9. And this was the same thing that got Michael Moore all fired up in one of his "documentaries" probably the 2000 one -- Oh, and lo and behold he's back in the limelight lately too.


    I don't know if reforming the electoral college is exactly what they're protesting, other than the fact it would let them get their way. I think it's genuine fear of more discrimination and hate crime against them (speaking of visible minorities, Muslims, women, etc.). But aren't we getting too focused on the president? The house and senate are both controlled by the republicans too.


    My personal opinion is that a Prime Minister or President should be someone my Son can look up to as a role model. Even if he or she is of a different political stripe, they should model responsible adult behaviour at a minimum.

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