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Pete Maina

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Everything posted by Pete Maina

  1. That is great stuff.
  2. Good lord. Another monster! Yep, putting the boat away early
  3. Thanks SMB, She was so excited to get that deer, after trying the year before and having one chance to get a doe ... but an excited miss. Lots of hollering going on in the normally-quiet woods. And yeah, album all fishing: muskie, pike, bass, king... catfish. Actually, it's a tossup between the catfish (bluesy) and "skunked" song as favs
  4. Hey, that really is neat stuff there! Sure getting to be plenty of ice here.
  5. Amazing! What a place. Yeah, to be a neighbor
  6. Awesome deer! Congrats! That's is really a dandy I've got one more shot at it coming in Iowa in a few weeks.
  7. Awesome looking fish KP!
  8. Great thread. To me, really not a critter or fish that can't be eaten. I've had lots of fish and critters that weren't supposed to be good. Recall years back at a holiday party deal with a fellow fishing guide (65 years my senior at the time ... great guy) ... buncha great food there - recall that two things I liked especially - found out later: racoon & beaver Pete
  9. Pink Wildlife illegal? Horrible situation! You Canadians sure have some goofy rules there. (How will I ever get Roy's pink bathrobe across the border next year?) Cheers HD! Hope great holidays for you.
  10. Thanks Centerpin Yeah, deer moving alright here, though numbers are down. We still had a pretty good season overall ... lots more wolf sign again this year in our area. Hey TJ (Thanks for explanation on other thread ... understand best to lock). So, what is it you're saying? ... not "what the heck's a great lookin' woman like that with you" - like I"m not worthy, is it? (You're right.) Hey dude, while you're at it - ordering that CD - you should put in an order for pink hat for Roy too Pete
  11. Yeah, you and Gillesp are quite the singing team. Say Roy, what the heck kinda beer was that you had in the fridge the last time there... Gillesp seemed to take a real liking to it. Not enuf to wear pink eh ... a guy's gotta sleep We'll get one of those pink furry hats on you yet ... get a few photos.
  12. Yikes. sounds like a bad deal going on. Please excuse my ignorance of Canadian politics, but I am curious ... is there a short version of the story of what occurred? Pete
  13. Thanks Roy!!!! But really? No pink? I think we need to get you a whole pink, fuzzy outfit And you can sing with Gillespie "I'm a fishin' man" Thanks Bill
  14. Huh? Roy? No pink, fuzzy hat for you? Weather outside is pretty cold my friend. Keep you warm ... darn good-lookin' too. (You grow lots of hair I don't know about?) Maybe Marc will borrow you a kilt ... pink hat for a kicker ... great look. If I get out that way this winter, hope you'll warm up some of that Caribou.
  15. Yeah, the decompression button is neato feature too. Whitespinnerbait hit it on the gas too ... mix up a gallon and it literally takes a thousand holes or so to burn it. Pete
  16. Hey Roy, Good to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Caribou? Really? I love it ... love all wild game, but fav (rare treat I've only had a few times) is Caribou. Can we rock your house with Schram record ... you will wear a pink, fuzzy hat, right? Pete
  17. Yeah, thank god you live in Canada eh ... Thanks for the congrats. Was really a neat deal!!!!!!! Pete
  18. Hi, Ha ha ... hey GCD ... certainly understand the desire to know exactly how big a fish like that is too. Mike, great stuff ... love Rich's acting. Very interesting ideas you have there on the camera measurement tools. If it doesn't prolong anything, why not? Sounds like a good idea to me. Agree Beats
  19. Hi OFNers, Hope things are well with all here. Just finished our deer season and Thanksgiving here in WI ... soon prepping for ice - though it's actually been that "time" for a little while already. I just had to attach a photo here of my fiance with her first deer. Pretty neato deal ... had son Seth on the stand with her. Absolutely amazed when I heard the shooting start (my son is not quiet) ... found out later he was asleep when the deer came. I also have some interesting info that may be new to some: there is a new all-fishing record just out, by my friend - fishing musician Brian Schram - called "Rockin FishTales". Just recently released and can be had at band's site (info below) and my personal site (can hear muskie maniac song). For those of you who have watched John Gillespie's show and The Next Bite, Brian is the one that does the opening music for both. Neat deal as Brian did the muskie maniac song as a surprise for me ... then (actually while filming a show with Gillespie) thought to tell Brian he outta do a whole fishing record. Bass, catfish, pike, salmon ... and of course "skunked" songs. Kinda neat to have a musician into fishing ... hopefully open a whole new demographic of younger folks to a great place: on the water. http://www.schramband.com/news.aspx Hope things are great. Pete
  20. The price is one issue, but have to agree with Canadadude on Jiffy. Honestly, have never experienced or witnessed one give up. The new 2hsp motor runs a 10 inch auger with amazing efficiency. Pete
  21. Hi, See the news of the monster is all over. I think awesome that he let it go and ... neat to see the release shots. Can understand why folks would want precise measurements and possibly photos-of, as it is a fish of very significant caliber ... IMO it is over 60 lbs. quite certainly ... but release is release too. The whole idea of the decision is for the fish to survive the experience and thrive. Because of that, more measuring and photo documentation-of in the dark would significantly lengthen the process - and make the decision moot. I've looked at lots of muskie photos (and lots that didn't seem quite right) ... it would seem to me it is what it is. Great pic forrest ... love the red neks there too. Pete
  22. Hi,, Awesome stuff Bunk. Great write-up man, but maybe even more exceptional are the photos. Great stuff Pete
  23. Great stuff here. Congrats on that. Sometimes just getting them in the boat with no strings attached is best. Just drive around a while and let 'em do the driving. Kids that aren't all that serious about the need to "catch" a fish are common ... very, very few don't enjoy some time with folks in a boat. Pete
  24. Wrinkles? (That wasn't very nice John Yikes ... I suppose I deserve it after the short comments) I just can't resist though AH, don't worry shorty, I'll be OK ... no worries ... Anyway, it's impossible to have more wrinkles than Keith Richards. Good to be able to chat with you Buck. Yeah, I think should have signature series pink hats for Bass Pro Shops. Speaking of that, dunno if any of you were watching Fox & Friends (get that up north?) this morning, but partner in The Next Bite, Gary Parsons, was on there with Jimmy Houston talking about a great promo Bass Pro is putting on. Kinda neat to see him on there with all the kids and reels and ... Sweet J? I'm lost Sandy Still cold as heck here. Hope spring comes soon. Pete
  25. HI, Good to hear from you guys. Great stuff DouG ... "hair is too scared to fall out" ... like that. Ooops. Well I bet he likes hanging around you Crazyhook I'm not so about being very tough, but when I troll on big flats, I do put lots of stuff out there ... to me, that's part of the fun. Pete
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