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john vail

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Everything posted by john vail

  1. I keep the leftovers in my shad tank, still have them alive from the fall
  2. As I fish for shovelhead I would rather catch them on rod and reel. however I do and have noodled for snappers, The biggest i've caught that way was in the 30 pound range. Snapping turtles will always head into a hole, however other critters, like muskrats do bite and they are somtime found in those holes. a metal rod and a flashlite are my tools of choice for this sport
  3. Should not that be bare albino
  4. I know a few of you fish Lake Cumberland , if you go to www.lake cumberland.com theres a lot of pics etc. on the low levels there.
  5. Hey Lew, how many time have you seen people borrow those batteries for something more important like a boom box. Im sure that the radio will give people plenty of warning if needed.
  6. Now that thats clear, can some one tell me how you can teach them to fish as in fishin chips
  7. Our home made remedy of whiskey, honey, and lemon seems to work for me, and if it doesnt work for you ,drink enough of it and you wont care if you cough or not
  8. recieved a copy of the precision guide for Xmas along with some line counters, great guide for lures, however I fish Eries western basin alot for wallys and sometimes troll bottom bouncers and harnesses and these are not covered in there guide, any help on this one
  9. Not sure lew, but is the IAFF sticker on the back to keep cops from pulling you over
  10. Hey people , regardless of what you buy or use, remember CO kills people yearly because of lack of proper ventilation. Be safe please
  11. Maybe its still here somewhere but the old site had a map with members locations. Im for cincinnati
  12. Glen, I use 10' ugly sticks with either 4500 shamiano baitrunners or 6500 series abu reels with 30lb. p-line, and oh yea, my muskie net.
  13. Some parts of the golden years suck, its probably a good thing only one of you is able to carry things as if you were my group we could get there but we would forget how to get back.
  14. On the other hand how many women would live at the North Pole( Sounds like a hochie bar) most of the women I know have to have the thermostat set at 72 degrees F let alone be in an open sleigh , would mess up there hair and face putty.
  15. When using the old forum, when you opened a topic it changed color, so you knew what you had read, is that option still available.
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