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Everything posted by James77

  1. I know a spot where i released quite a few 26-28" fish last year, hopefully they grow and want to visit me again!
  2. I found a tick on the back of my cats neck the other day, this is my first ever encounter with a tick and now I am hearing more and more about it. Creepy stuff. Other than bug spray any way to protect yourself? James
  3. 1) 30" Walleye 2)40" Pike 3)45"+ Musky
  4. I just picked up a gopro a few weeks ago to record my fishing this season. I'm curious what settings everyone uses and if they had any examples of footage. Please include your camera model, preferred method of mounting, your video settings and any advice! I've recorded some hockey so far and had some nice footage. Thanks!
  5. This helped me!
  6. Exactly! We just fixed our dock that had been pooched all last year.
  7. I've heard really good things about Pigeon
  8. It's funny you guys say that, check out the new River Monsters "Canadian Terror" episode on youtube or online. No spoilers but it'll make you laugh for sure.
  9. Thanks for the info guys. Is there a specific spot to find accurate conditions for Lake st Clair and Nippissing? What wind conditions do you consider safe? Thanks
  10. What lakes would you guys recommend with a 15' Deep Wide Legend Aluminum with a 25HP in mind? Is that sufficient for Callander Bay or lake St.Clair weather dependent?
  11. I'm impressed to hear all the positive reviews about Lower Buckhorn. Kawartha Kev, we should hook up we're up there pretty much up every other weekend! Just starting hunting the musky.
  12. Hey folks, Now hockey season is over, I have more free time on my hands to get back into web design. I want to help you, which will in turn help me. I need to do up some new websites for my portfolio. All I ask is that you cover my expenses, give me an honest opinion of the service and final product, and all of my work will be free of charge. I will build, or re-design your current website. I will also happily hook you up with a business Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. I know a lot of OFCers have businesses fishing related, or not. I believe I can help! It is preferred if you are able to meet up in the GTA, if not I can still accommodate you. I'm going to be limiting it to 5 free websites. First come first served basis. Mods, if this is deemed inappropriate please delete it, I apologize if this was breaking a rule.
  13. Congrats, what'd ya catch it on?
  14. Haha good one!
  15. I have a friend that had this exact same experience with Jeep. They're all crooks,it's sad.
  16. Just throwing this out there, have you looked at Subaru? I got the 2014 XV Crosstrek, It's a crossover and gets unbelievable mileage. The AWD system is unbelievable. It's only rated for 1500 pounds towing in Canada, the same car in the UK is rated for 3500 pounds. For just launching I'm sure it would be excellent. The mileage numbers for me. All highway/country roads: 5.8 L/100KM City /Highway combo 6.2 L/100 KM City 7.2 L/100 KM The tank is 59 L, if you drive efficiently you can get 1000 kms on a tank for a long haul. I love it. I definitely go on a lot more trips because of it.
  17. Thanks Lew, Are these spawning injuries normally? I see a lot of them have bite marks or scars near the tails. Is there a way to tell Male and Female muskies apart? Thanks James
  18. There's a picture, any idea why it was missing part of it's gill plate? Poor guy.
  19. Sorry fixed it
  20. This is from last September at the cottage, was out fishing with the girlfriend and some family friends. I was throwing a big Rapala flat rap in hopes of catching a big Walleye or Bass. I had a feeling that a musky would hit it, but knew how hard they were to catch. Lessons learned: -Need a bigger net. We bought the biggest net Le Baron had the next week. Of course it didn't stop there. Immediately I needed all this musky gear and now I'm poor and living on the streets. Anyways enjoy, sorry for the newbies getting excited over a 36" fish LOL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqnXC0hOyC8&feature=youtu.be No harm was done to this fish, had the hooks out and it took off like a bullet as soon as I got it in the water.
  21. Sounds "fishy" to me.
  22. The wife sent me this earlier. Now she's onto me. 50 Shades of Grey Fishing Trip Four guys have been going on the same fishing trip for many years. A few days before the group’s annual departure date, John’s wife puts her foot down and tells him he is not going. John’s fishing buddies are very upset that he can’t go, but what can they do? Two days later the three get to the camping site to find John sitting there with his tent set up, firewood gathered, and dinner cooking on the fire, drinking a cold beer. “Heck John, how long you been here, and how did you talk your missus into letting you go?” “Well, I have been here since last night. Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my recliner when my wife came up behind me, put her hands over my eyes, and asked, ‘Guess who?”‘ I pulled her hands off, and there she was, wearing a nightie. She took my hand and pulled me into the bedroom, where she’d lit candles and put rose petals all over the place. Well, she’s been reading ’50 shades of Grey’…. On the bed she had handcuffs, and ropes! She told me to tie her up and cuff her to the bed, so I did. And then she said, ‘Do whatever you want.‘ So, boys, here I am!
  23. Hey Guys, My buddies and I are looking at doing A drive in fishing trip this summer. We attended the sportsmen show and then the fishing and boat show today. We are fairly impressed with two lodges: -White Pine Lodge on the Montreal river system. -Thunderstock Outfitters on Kenogaming. I was wondering if you had any experience with either of these outfitters and if not, possibly if you could recommend anything that might fit our needs: We are looking for trophy pike or musky as well as some walleye action. Would like to keep it under $600 for the week and would like to potentially bring a boat. Driving under 12 hours from Toronto. Thanks, James
  24. Thanks Joey. I've searched the thread and it doesn't seem to be the greatest fishery available. A lot of the posts are from 4-10 years ago, wondering if anyone has been there recently and might be able to chime in. Thanks once again. James.
  25. The boys are looking at maybe spending a week on this lake looking for big pike. Anyone fished this lake recently, any feedback? Thanks James
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