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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Oxycontin is just not meant for some folks..
  2. Kevin good tip! I went through hell and back to get mine working, it turn out to be the power distribution block on the truck.... you can never be too safe. It is the other idiots on the road you need to be careful of.. G
  3. Thanks guys... as you can tell there are most pictures of the kids playing together and hitting the docks then fish... from my camera anyways.. they are only young once! and the fish will always be there There are a bunch more pictures I am waiting on that I will add when I receive them. Including some fish porn! Steve nailed it on the head.. When my son says "dadddddddd.... I wanna fish" how could I say no!... it is amazing and something I hope to NEVER miss out on.. Steve...As for the hair, I do not know where it went... but it is going... It started about 5-6 years ago.... in typical family fashion... the rest will turn white.... something to look forward too.... yeah great. Glad you liked the pics folks.. G
  4. Looks as though the ShadFly hatch is just getting underway.. as there were no casings or "flies" on Sat, Sun or Monday.. But on Tuesday we noticed them on the water in the evening... then they were resting on the cottage windows, the boathouse etc and the casings were floating on top of the water... So my guess is the hatch is just starting.. and should be in full swing by the end of the weekend.. As for the Dragon Fly Nymphs... they also seem to be still emerging as I noticed alot of "fresh" Nymphs making their way to dry locations.. This weekend looks like a wet one Joey.... LBH, I seem to recall heading up to Nipissing around the same time every year.. but to the west arm.. and in some form or other, I was either just before the hatch, in the middle of it.., or just after... Usually just as it starts though... as I recall seeing the casings floating on the water. Man am I tired... G
  5. Thanks Joe... it was a tough one weather wise.... apparently even the "locals" were complaining about the weather.. But we persevered Paul, we were on the south shores, west of North Bay and Callander Bay.... Yup, the Dragon Fly Hatch... empty casings EVERYWHERE!! The Shad hatch was just a another kick in the junk with a Capitol J! LOL Report coming! G
  6. Really tough conditions on Lake Nipissing this past week... rain, wind, rain and more wind.... The fishing was tough also... The Dragon Fly Hatch and the Shadfly hatch made for less hungry fish... the Pickeral were biting very very lightly.. we did manage some fish though, but spent ALOT of hours on the water to get them... I will post a full report later today with pictures, as I need to unpack the truck and boat.. Good luck to the fellas heading up this weekend! Here is a bit of an update and I will add more pictures as I receive them from the family... ALOT of this sort of gear was required for the week... there was no lack of H2O falling from the heavens.. My son and my nephew enjoying a swim, during one of the brief periods of sun shine My SIL and the boys.. I'll save the boat dad!! Dad... It gets "Cold" above my knees! Filling the squirt Gun... You're done for!! Gramma digging....my grave?? Ohhh No!! Get em nice and fat son.... Nice and fat... Yup... I scared em when I mentioned stuffing.. Out for a ride... Spending some time together.. Shhhhh... mom is here... preparation is key... Mmmmm wet T-Shirt Contest!!! guess who won?!? Liam Being.... well Liam! Trying to nail them darn Bluegill... After fishing... it was time to rake the property.. Some more fishing.. My entry @ 11.5" Lots of fellas this size caught Perrrrrfect eating.. including a few well within the slot... (40-60cm) A ton of Pike were landed as well, nothing huge though... we hit weedy areas and I tried out some new lures I picked up... and man the Pike are sweet on em! not to spam but Clive (Mepps) them Rockstars are the cats meow! well made and look great in the water! not to mention they work! I just wish the weather would have allowed me to fish them more! A very productive Pike/Muskie lure, in wicked colours too. Thanks again! I will add a whack load more pics shortly.. G
  7. Thank you Andy, both my parents are right off the "boat" so to speak.... but I am torn.. I am Dutch and Portuguese.. My father is Dutch.. my mother is Portuguese... but my mother is adopted.. So I do not know that side of my heritage.. I have been pretty much raised as a Dutch kid... Wooden head, Wooden shoes... wooden footprints against their skulls! G
  8. Hahahahaha That was awesome, Especially the awwww DARN!! LOL Thanks for sharing!
  9. Call the company that insures you're home.... G
  10. ok ... Size and the mount of plates... But what do the numbers actually mean? Pounds? Count of Plates? unknown? G
  11. Storming like no tomorrow here.... it is coming down in sheets!!! G
  12. Just wait Paul... there are 3 Friday 13ths next year.... better build a bunker!!! On a side note.. I lost count @ 49 OPP and York region officers on the west bound 407 today... it was kinda cool how they were pulling over groups of bikers... very coordinated. G
  13. please forgive my ignorance... But what does all this Group stuff mean? I look at a battery I see a battery... I am not sure what this grouping means.... once again.. to all those reading... I do not know EVERYTHING.... LOL G
  14. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/alerts/wwcaon0045 G
  15. Naw... watched the game and packed up the truck.. Off to Nipissing in the morning! G
  16. Arsenal.... we all know United has Arsenal by the bullocks! My wife is not happy that England is not present this year.... she is sobbing in her tea, while I cheer with a beer Arsenal.... Pfft! G
  17. I am glad to be able to expand you're horizons Chris LOL! G
  18. 4-1 against France!!! Well done Orange well done!!
  19. Right Moe.. Service Canada will not ask for Taxes.. but they do have on record you bought a boat.. The taxes are paid at the MTO.. If the Government knows you bought one (which they do from Service Canada) and you have not paid the taxes on it.. they will come after you to pay them.
  20. Don, Set up a free hosting account here www.photobucket.com then upload you're pictures to there... Next copy and paste the IMG links to this forum.. Presto you're done! G
  21. If you are re-licensing a boat, it means one of two things.. you bought it, in which case taxes are due.. or it was gifted to you. If you bought it and you do not pay taxes on it... I have heard of cases where you will receive a letter in the mail years later. you pay taxes on everything... including the boat. I should add, the MTO collects the taxes G
  22. Yes..unless it is a gift.. in which case you need a notarized letter stating such G
  23. Too funny... http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/Pag...2.wvcolbert0612 G
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