I just done mine and there was no tax to be paid on the boat its a 20hp, I had to have two receipts one for the value of the trailer the other she said she has no interest in seeing that it has nothing to do with them, when I registered my new numbers again she said dont care what you paid just need to see that you did pay
I am just repeating what the lady at MTO told me she said the trailer is all they will tax me on with seperate receipts but if its a package then I have to pay tax on it all
I just done mine and there was no tax to be paid on the boat its a 20hp, I had to have two receipts one fo rthe value of the trailer the other she said she has no interest in seeing that it has nothing to do with them, when I registered my new numbers again she said dont care what you paid just need to see that you did
Again just guessing, I know more about exotic species boas and pythons, used to breed them but the link above should be correct
I will be looking at a "mid 80's"? honda 7.5 friday night is the a way to tell the year for sure on these guys? I did a bit of searching but most I found says the serial number dont corelate with anything year wise
Cause the boats rated for a 15hp and my 20hp that I kept off my old boat seems to be a bit heavy and I like the idea of a quiter motor, and I will be fishing mainly smaller lakes this year and I am curious
I have an offer to trade my mariner 20hp for a late 80's 5hp four stroke honda any comments on quality or reliability, never had a four stroke outboard
Lol I dont mind pushing my luck sometimes and 5hp over I dont think I am pushing much, but 35hp over to funny I would need the boat on plane before I could drop the 50hp on lol
I thank you guys for your input, it does help quite a bit, I am not interested in how fast it will go, just I know how the motor runs and all the parts I put in it, so I may just try it out with the 20hp as soon as ice is out
Thanks bud, I am going to replace the transom wood anyways so I can beef that up, I would love to keep my 20hp, so I may just be taking the for sale sign down :-)
Lol, Wayne I did not realize that, no common sense I gues lol, so whats your thoughts on a 20hp on that boat? No I would hold you liable lol, pm me if you dont want to post it here :-)
I now have a sea nymph 14k, its rated for a 15hp anyone have or had one of these? what did or do you have on it for hp? I would love to keep my mariner its just bin a great motor and I put more money into then I am going to get out off lol, I know not to go over the rated hp but man I am at a toss up here. Anyways any experience with these boats?