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Everything posted by duckdog

  1. I dont know if its just my comp but the link does not seem to work Nelson
  2. Almost forgot the boat is 15.5' and 5'5" at its widest part Nelson
  3. Ok well guys here's the plan I just bough a quite old prince craft welded with trailer that I am going to strip down, I have a 20hp tiller mariner given to me from my father in-law. I fish for salmon on occasion but mainly smaller lakes for pike and walley. What suggestions do you have for a floor layout, I have a transom mount minnkota as well and I do have some carpentry skills and all the tools, I dont have tons of money but hey I can dream, I am open to any ideas from leaving the front on with the windshield to removing it and installing a casting deck, let me know what you think Nelson
  4. Man, I just read the first post, I am sitting here in tears, I am so sorry to hear about your son, I have a 9 month old and that just hit me hard. I have been a long term alcoholic and bin in trouble with the police including swat a few years back, I found out I was having a son and went to rehab 2weeks over a year ago today, I just can't beleive how some things work I have lost quite a few friends and family members in the last few years, My heart goes out to you, the thought that you can even bring that up makes me proud of you, may all our strength be with you. I am not a praying man but I sure will throw one out there for you tonight
  5. Whent for a walk tonight with my wife and little guy and took a few pics of salmon heading up the river, thought some of you may enjoy Hope the pics are large enough I have not posted a pic on here yet Nelson
  6. Thank you for the adice and pm
  7. Correct I did say it was offensive, I did not say you were wrong or you should not state what you think, I simply said I found it offensive and I found it offensive because "it is not the fishermans job to look a the bigger picture it is their job to read the rules and follow them" So that quote seems to indicate we should all be followers and not try to contribute to better fishing, you can quote me on that Nothing has been twisted maybe I did push the comment on "the bigger picture, I agree" and its not a values that I am trying to push here its common sense, we have to look at the big picture if you want to keep fishing in the future, tell me you want to see all the bait fish and smaller guys kept so you and your kids can not fish in the future, please tell me that and I see no further argument on my side
  8. I thank you for sharing your values, it seems that you got a bit mad at me for not sharing your values though, see what I meen. We both have our thoughts and both are right in our minds I beleive in everything you are saying except speaking my values :-)
  9. Speaking of offensive I myself find this post very offensive, it is for sure the job of the fisherman to look at the bigger picture and tell me you dont throw fish back in because you want to catch more later, well then you just looked at the bigger picture Firm beleiver in yes follow the rules and helpenforce them, there is alot more anglers out there then there is law As for grouping people I will not get into that, I dont see the point of keeping everything you catch, that's all I have to say on that subject
  10. Thank you ccmtcanada, misfish and ranger520vx care to share your experiences there? Would be great to here, I have fished a few inland lakes up here Mountain, Aaran, McCullough and Bells all with only good bass results but I am a pike fan and just starting to get hooked on walley I also had great luck with jumbo perch a few weeks ago at Aaron lake conservation, Bell's lake I had no real luck but its just an amzing looking lake, Mountain lake is hard to get at a guy I met let me use the tax payers launch so to speak and there are monster smallies in there caught a few between 4 and 5lbs and one tiny pike that seemed to follow me all day but would not hit anything lol, by the way I live in Owen Sound thats why I am looking for some hints, I lives most of my life in the Port Severn area and had no problem with getting a load of pike :-) Nelson
  11. First I would like to say hi, I am new to the board here. Second I am looking for a couple pike and walley inland lakes in grey/bruce any suggestions at all would be great for walley all I have heard is Chesley, Cameron, Gould and for Pike McNab and Rankin river and suggestions and fishing quality would be great :-) I am a catch and release guy so size doesnt matter just out for some fun :-) Nelson
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