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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. as much as I hate to disagree with my (never met yet) Newfoundland buddy, I would NEVER EVER do anything with those cuts of venison but pan-fry it. Backstraps (what the Yanks call it) ARE loin steaks. On an adult deer, the loin is about 3 inches across, somewhat wider near the butt, and somewhat shorter near the shoulder. These are the best cuts of venison, and should be seasoned with pretty simple seasonings (salt, pepper, garlic) and pan-fried in butter or margarine. ABSOLUTELY NOT BACON FAT!!!!!!!! under any circumstances, and please trust me on this. You should cook them to no more than medium rare, rare is better. If you cook them medium or more they will be tough since there is zero fat in them. If they are not already sliced up, I suggest a half inch to tops three quarters of an inch for the loin steaks. If the hunter differentiates between loin and backstraps, it is possible that the "LOIN" is tenderloin. On a large adult deer, the tenderloin will be about 1.5 to 2 inches across and have a serious north-south grain. If you have some venison tenderloin, that hunter likes you a lot. With t-loin, slice it about a half-inch thick and pan-fry it in butter. remove the t-loins for the pan and fry some eggs in the pan drippings, then serve the eggs on top of the venison medallions. My favourite meal. If there is BONE in the steaks, please send me a pm and I will have more ideas for you. I have cooked many thousands of meals of venison, and butchered at least a couple hundred deer, trust me. Doug
  2. I was with a buddy at the Owen Sound Fishing Symposium back in the 80s or so. We were staying in my camper and eating our meals there rather than buying take-out. He had brought a brick of garlic cheese, which was DELICIOUS!!! But that afternoon, after eating a bunch of it, I noticed that people's eyes were getting tears in them when I was speaking to them. LASER BREATH.................. And if you were going hunting, it would be basically impossible to get that garlic out of your skin - and the deer would notice. Says the guy who is talking with some experience in this regard.................... I will be interested to hear how it turns out! Doug
  3. back to Headhunter........... ..............I take it you are NOT a bow-hunter, nor partaking of the controlled hunt for deer this week!!!!!? Doug
  4. never tried to smoke cheese................too hard to light it..................... but: https://www.smokehouseproducts.com/blogs/recipes/homemade-smoked-cheese-and-your-favorite-wines Doug
  5. I seasoned all of my smokers with a couple or three pans of smoke before I ever put any meat into them.............. .........and my Big Chief is almost nearing retirement, bottom tray is 75% gone and held together with aluminum foil, racks are getting sketchy, but the power cord is only a couple years old..........
  6. DON'T WE ALL LOVE THOUGHT POLICE.............................?
  7. "FILTERED TRY AGAIN PLEASE"? what the hell IS THIS ABOUT??????????????????????????????????????????
  8. Today's challenge for me was to make a GREAT BIG HONKIN' pot of Venison Barley soup from neck bones. I started at about 9 am and just finished putting the soup into containers for the freezer. Twelve hours, about right................ I used my biggest stock pot, I am thinking about thirty servings. Good filtered try again please, mon? Hey what happened to the emoji with the fur hat?????????????? Doug
  9. 5 gallons of gas and a match. It IS insured, right??
  10. You are learning much, Grasshopper!?
  11. Fishing the Pine River's locally famous Tioga Hole, first or second drift, BAM!! I have a serious fish on. The other guys pulled their lines to let me have some room for the tussle. Up and down the pool, bull-dogging , and finally......up came a carp!!! Yes, until I saw what it was I was really pumped, thinking big steelhead...........and then yes, disappointed that it was "ONLY" a carp. But it had given me an epic run, on light line and a noodle rod, and looking back I should have been much more thnakful for that. There was a German couple who owned the gas station in Lisle, where I lived, and they had said to me that if ever I caught a carp, they would be very pleased to have it. So I kept that fish, cleaned it, and took it to them. They could not have been more happy - they thanked me profusely, and many times afterwards again thanked me for the carp. Silver lining.....................instead of silver fish. Doug
  12. There is zero logic to the restricted designation for the Rossi Circuit Judge, just the usual Bull from the RCMP "EXPERTS" at the Registry in Oddawa. I was told by the gun shop who sold it that the Registry figured it could easily be cut down and then would be a revolver. Which of course is true for all long guns, all of them could be cut down to be fired like a handgun. Anyways when I got that one it was a Restricted firearm, and I am sure that it still is. Doug
  13. The Rossi Circuit Judge is a RESTRICTED firearm and may NEVER be used for hunting anywhere in Canada. It is perfectly legal to carry both a shotgun and a rifle during the rifle season for moose, and if you shoot grouse with either of them you need to have a small game licence AND the season must be open where you are for both species. If the pellet pistol has a speed of more than 500 fps, it is a firearm. And if it is a pistol AND a firearm, it is illegal to hunt with it anywhere in Canada because it is a restricted firearm. and back to RodCaster, carrying a RIFLE during bow season for deer is not legal, even if you have a bear licence and the season is open for bear. THAT question I posed to a regional MNR Enforcement guy and it was an unequivocal answer. You are either bow-hunting for deer, or you are gun hunting for bear, end of discussion. YMOYMV. But I do this stuff a lot. Doug PS) I did own a Rossi Circuit Judge and YES it is RESTRICTED.
  14. I did see the broccoli and not turnips, but thought the roast might have been corned beef, as in NOT salt beef.......I hear ya about sodium. ?
  15. PS) Now as I look at my notes, my buddy leaves his in the fridge for two weeks, and I used ten days for the loins and IIRC five days for the t-loins. The meat gets quite "stiff." Other curing salt for sure would work, same for Morton's Tender Quick Salt - but it has to be CURING salt, with the nitrites. Doug
  16. Here you go, folks. For smitty, yes this is also how I made the tenderloin bacon, but left it in the fridge for less time. 2 boneless pork loins, cut into 3” chunks https://www.stuffers.com/product-p/cumobac1kg.htm Maple seasoning (I used Fish Crisp brand) Take the chunks of pork loin, season them on all sides with the cure, and put them in a covered Tupperware container in the fridge. Turn them a quarter turn every day for about ten days, then give them a good rinse with cold water, pat them dry, dust with the maple seasoning, and smoke for three pans of smoke (maple chips). Doug
  17. Brian I would not use that. I am 99% sure I sent you the recipe I use to make loin bacon????????????? Doug
  18. Don't pay the ransom, I escaped! OK I have been away for a few daYS AND WITHOUT RELIABLE iNTERNET. Holy FRACK is the site slow tonight! I do NOT use a wet brine to make side bacon or loin bacon, nor for the bacon made with pork tenderloins. I thought I had posted the recipe on this thread but maybe not. It is a dry rub and I will get exact instructions and come back here. Doug
  19. Found out that my OLD Honda 1000 watt genny won't reliably run LED lights! So I bought a NEW Honda 1000 watt genny with Inverter. No more issues. And if you are a member of OFAH, there was (and maybe still is) a hundred bucks discount when you buy a new Honda. But the big work horse to run power tools is an el cheapo Champion 5000 watt. Noisy as hell but reliable.
  20. back to smitty...............$1.44 a pound plus a hundred bucks worth of your labour, time and knowledge! Looks awesome. I cannot recall if I posted this here or not, but I made up a batch with pork tenderloins. Imagine bacon candy. Like the loin bacon we make (as in this batch you just did) but sweeter. Buddy that taught me how to make loin and side bacon said he did not think tenderloin would work because it is too lean. He was gloriously wrong........... Doug
  21. send me an e-mail about this please. The results from a wet brine and a rub are vastly different. Doug
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