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capt bruce

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Everything posted by capt bruce

  1. Spent all morning bringing my huts back , good thing about the bog they werent out too far . Stiil had 6" of ice but also 6" of water ,didnt want to have to chip them out when (if) lol it freezes again . Lots of fog and with all the water and slush hard to see the deeper pupples and holes best to stay off with all the water its only gonna get worse . NO fun standing in water . Oh ya I was straight out from gorskies towards the channel marker. BE SAFE
  2. So so many good posts , Jens first deer , snags island adventures , Bly and cc showing what new comers to the sport can do from shore and now they are boaters , anything from LEW , Moosebunk wish I could join ya , Terry finds a way to get me to spit coffee out my nose at least once a week , TJ,s camp jijey jijjey posts with his wife and children , The muskies in simcoe thread , so so many good ones, misfish , the fishing fury guys , tbayboy , Cory , Gerritt"s danceing guy , Joey allways with a kind word ,every time I think of a BEST I remember another .... If I had to choise one it would be Jens that others have mentioned as it sums up what and why we do what we do . EVERYONE keep the reports, retorts and storys of life coming . A VERY HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL . B
  3. Put my old buick thru the ice once , not fun (young and very very foolish). Lucky we were on the bog and only 30 feet from shore so we climbed out the windows, the roof of the car was still out of the water (slush) 30 feet is not much but walking in waste high slush made for a very cold time . Last time I ever drove out on to the ice would not want to do this on deeper lake .
  4. I get most of my simcoe white fish on salted or live minows fished just off the bottom. But I have had days when spoons were the thing, Swedish Pimple, Kastmaster, Crippled Herring. white fish are supposed to be light hitters but I have seen days when they will hit the spoons hard . I have allways found them on or near bottom .
  5. As corny as this is , I bet there are not to many here that can read this without getting all wiman like .. good story
  6. Danny Boy I think this falls under some land use thing (the rabbit hunting) Im not sure tho , but like Rick said if your wadeing in the water you are not on the land ?? Cant fish at night , WHAT will these people come up with next , what happened to Canada ?????????
  7. white ones are Ermine http://nyfalls.com/wildlife/Wildlife-mamma...easel-like.html
  8. Mepps the tigers are pretty fish , but the problem is The tiger muskie is a STERILE hybrid cross between the muskellunge and the northern pike. They cant reproduce, they grow faster than muskies so in places where its a put grow and take fishery they are stocked as you get big fish faster.
  9. ya well Im sure a little good will $$$$$ to the women from the flyers pr people went along way ??? Head case HALL OF FAME maybe ,
  10. Tough Guy ????????? seam to remember him SPITTING in a womens face on a dance floor , guess she wouldnt drop her gloves . dont know many tough guys who spit on women ??? I say NO WAY
  11. A Thank you to the mods allso for leaveing this thread up when at first it appeared to be heading south . It didnt head south and I for one got a lot of info that i didnt have before . Thanks to the muskies canada guys and Marc etc. for not getting into it and presenting the info . Weather you agree with the project or not I cant say enough good things about these guys who give their time and labour for projects like this, keep up the good work , I allso like Terry want to know how we can sign up ,show up , what ever , to help out in the spring ?Just because I think maybe other projects have more value , Ive been known to be wrong in the past (ask my wife) and if this many good people think this is the way to go , im more than willing to help out and see things first hand . Please let us know Chris or Ron , lots of good people on the board im sure would want to help out .
  12. Muskie records are the most disputed of all freshwater fish records , No ones mentioned the SPRAY fish 69 lb 11 ounce , claims he got in the Chippewa flowage , Art Lawton said he had a 69 lb 15 ounce from the St. Lawrence River ,Cal Johnson's muskie ,67-lb, 8-ounce ,Lac Courte Oreilles in Wisconsi.Like Marc says untill one over 61 lbs is caught and killed and stands up to all tests we are only guessing that one bigger even exsists. It would take ideal condistions over a number of years for a fish to grow this size . Time records are bassed on lengh and girth and forget the whole weight thing , Any muskie over 45 inches is a fish of a life time .
  13. 1/4 ounce jig and twister white or black . buck tail instead of twister if i only had one as the twister will get ripped where the bucktail would last longer
  14. The point where a+b meet (lake side ) for Browns - When the winds are right in the summer and fall and all winter, some of the best brown trout fishing anywhere at night and early morn , have seen browns chase schools of alewifes up agaist the rocks and its raining trout. at "C" have caught salmon and bows off both points when the winds are blowing the colder water in got to time this right but if things are right your gonna have some fun . As others have said "D" for pike in the spring can be great , all summer fish move in and out of d (Browns ,sheephead ,carp, pike, salmon , even got some pink salmon there) ,and the chinnys show up looking for a river i guess in the fall . also try in the bay itself for huge carp in the spring , bass ,the odd pike , perch , large cats you didnt mark the area off the boat launch, its just like area d and I have caught my largest carp there and lots of bass. You need to get the right winds but when things are right one of my fav spots , fish off all for of the large rock points .
  15. Thanks Marc , you again show why your a well respected member of this forum or any forum you would care to share in. BUT perhaps I should remind you there were historically t-rexs in Alberta , hairy elephants in alaska , alantics in lake o , etc. etc. that was than (dont we all long to go back) this is now . If all the money spent in taxes on fishhing went to fishing as it should we may be able to try to regain the past BUT IT AINT . and the small amount of cash and people power we do have needs to go towards just slowing down the losses . Time for clubs instaed of taking over hatcherys maybe should be thinking of buying /taking over - what ever it takes - spawning habitat , wetlands etc. We need to make sure the very things these fish need to survive are preserved , This lake after lake every inch of shore line bought up , every little creek and inlet drained , every wetland swamp drained ,has to stop , we dont have the money to keep putting bandadges on the wounds . And I think the lake simco muskie restoration is just that a rather large bandage, on a lake thats screaming in pain ..
  16. I don't know anyone what would call a guy that wears a kilt a god.... ya owe me a coffe and a roll of paper towel , coffe thu nose, towell to remove said cofee from comp screen . Im with Muskey or Specs , ITS all about bang for the buck . Im sorry if you think my comments against contuining this project in any way says IM against muskies canada or any club for that matter , I just think that our limited rescouses should be used to bring the habitat back to where mother nature can TAKE CARE OF ITS SELF in stead of playing god (with or without a kilt or Pink TUTU) by trying to stock fish that dont belong there( lake simco is not geogin bay) ( Ron ,Im interested why couch fish were not chosen as these would be -I think-the same stock as somco's orginal fish ).
  17. thanks Lew , when Irish spoke of bleeding sores , I could see the fish were large and otherwise heathy in the pics and still feeding , just seamed like you guys had bad luck that day in only getting fish that had this condishion (I have never caught a Muskie in sucgog that had this , lots with scar) or this condition is getting worse , with the spring carp die off still not really explained to me
  18. Thank you RON for the info on the project , and allso thank you and people like you (Cris) that give their time and engery to projects like this . I may be acussed of belonging to the Marc Thorpe fan club I have met him more than once and hes a great guy but sorry, I make my own opinions and I give things said by Marc some weight but he anit god . I see nothing wrong with a put grow and take fishery on simco for muskies , IF and a very large IF , we had the money and manpower for this , sadly WE DONT. unless habit is FIRST addressed thats all WE are doing (yes I like many here, dont just talk I donnate time and money anyway I can so Ican sat WE) I just think that the few resourses we have ,in this case muskies canada ,mnr ,and the colledge and all the voliteers time and money would be better spent on something else. (Is it just me but was no one else DISTERBED by the condishion of the fish in the pics from Lews and Irishs last trip to scugog ) ???dam weres the spell checker
  19. 70 fish 2000 fish .. really not alot when you think about it , an adult female muskie can lay 50,000 - 150,000 egges in one spawn .. Stocking is not gonna help . The money and effort should go into spawning habitat ,why is it that a few gobies in a bait bucket put in the right (wrong) place and you have a gobie invasion 100,000 alantics in lake o and you still cant catch/see any ?? , if these fish cant spawn you can stock what ever and they are not gonna come back , but with the right spawning habitat you would not have a problem in the first place. If anything stocked fish will water down the population with undesireable cateristics for lake simcoe fish if and when spawning does occur.
  20. I'm pretty new here so maybe Im not getting something , what I understand so far is an American bear and A Canadian (or was the bear asian and the man was taking him out deaper so he could push him into the water ??) go fishing after a bills game and the co tickets the guy for drinking and driving ? No ones said anything about the walleye in the cooler being a 1/64th of an inch over slot limit and was a WHITE BUCKET INVOLVED ???
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