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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. my dogs buddy ,hes my buddy as well
  2. 24 inch prop
  3. thanks fellers took alot of time @ $$ to get it where it is
  4. I hear ya Wayne wanted to drop it in last weekend ,im surprised I held off this long
  5. took off the winter coat today,its time to get ready 16 days to go,heres a shot for E RUDE DUDE
  6. No problem,yeah he swears by them and they use them in any new rigging application
  7. Lew they still make the Walleye series my dad uses them
  8. I run the Optima Batterys in everything I own that takes a battery,I will never return to a acid filled battery
  9. ahh I see nice stuff forsure,I dont wanna make any more holes in my glass boat for the rail set up thou but if I ever get a tinny im all for it thanks for the reply
  10. thats a nice set up congrats,where did ya get them purdy stands for the Cannons
  11. Better add a few more of my buddy shes waiting to see her first Muskie here in gramps boat here she is walking the gunnel on Dads boat
  12. man thats a beautifull dog congrats
  13. my new Baby will be 10 months next weds she replaces my old bestest friend ever that I lost last summer
  14. NICE congrats ready to go
  15. YES im hopeing for this weekend as well Bernie be nice to get back on the water even if its in a survival suit lol
  16. ive got 2 C3s havent used them yet also got a Tekota for trolling and a Calcutta for casting,you cannot go wrong with Shimano last thing ya need is to get a 50 incher on and the reel fails
  17. really im gonna have to look into a set of them babys
  18. been there done that way to many times lol congrats looks like a nice score
  19. I picked up a few Live Target crank baits they seem nicely done cant wait to try em
  20. was there today ,nothing to interesting lots of junk really ,no Power Pro so bought a few lures and buddy bought a new Shimano Crucial 20% off all rods reels non tagged
  21. thats nice ,come in handy as well for night fishing gettin the hooks outta that mouth safely,nice job gives me more to think about lol
  22. HAHA I like the handle fits well,thats a sweet ride for sure Big W,im looking so forward to getting out got a few new rods/reels and a hugh beckman net to land her lol,just got back with DBs ATV pike and walleye opens in 2 weeks doing any
  23. Evinrude also makes a 300,Suzuki right now is prob my next engine,no prob I just like talking engines,dude bought a Honda thou we should end this lol
  24. now the truck thing I agree have never seen more Toys on the road since the new truck,boss also has one ,now the big bore 2 cyl 50 being GREAT on gas is another issue
  25. OH WELL if ya read it it must be true,especially on the NET ,they compare the Etec to 4 strokes cause thats the market there trying to change people over from,Suzuki only makes 4 stroke Yamaha now as well,they could compare the Etec to Mercs Optimax Infact I think they have over and over in bass and walleye magazines also BRP is the only Manufacture at the moment trying to save the 2 stroke engine,you can rebuild a 2 stroke good luck when your 4 strokes valvetrain decides it dont wanna work anymore its complete powerhead faliure,also the Etec snowmobile is in prototype stage its a new set up on a different engine in different conditions totally of course its gonna have problems
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