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About Mr.Topwater!

  • Birthday 05/24/1957

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  • Location
    Land o' Lakes Ont.
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  1. This lure was called the "Krinkler". It came in at least 2 sizes. We used them for years, fishing Lakers in canoes. All four guys had at least one .
  2. Hey everyone. Anyone know where I can find the skit "Il returno de Hercules", hilarious skit with Murray as an extremely out-of-shape Hercules. I've been trying to find this for years. Help!
  3. Hey everybody. I'm buying my first boat (new). Does the dealer usually do the licensing stuff for the buyer? Thanks. T.
  4. Thanks for the advice. Here's the thing- we have hundreds of dragonflies on our property. Unfortunately, we have thousands of deerflies. I think this heat wave will kill off a lot of the little @#*%s.
  5. Well, after trying every eye of newt concoction on my little Lab, I have found something that does help. It's............. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR! One part water, one part ACV. Spray all over and saturate tips of ears and base of tail(they go for highest point). You have to reapply every 15 min. or so, but it's better than a kick in the bum(with a frozen boot). At least she can run and play for stretches without the vile things on her. P.S. It has to be raw, unpasteurized and contain "mother of vinegar". Try it, T.
  6. Deet does not work on the savages. Keeping the dog away from them is out(we live where the deerflies live). Dynamite might work, but might be detrimental to her also. The effective deer fly repellent has yet to be invented. Written from my screened-in porch sanctuary.
  7. Hi everyone. Does anyone know of a repellent(safe) to use on dogs. I read that certain essential oils help. Has anyone tried them. My little Lab is bombarded with them when we go out. I carry an evergreen branch to "sweep" them off her. I literally have to pluck the little my mom hates me off her belly. I loathe them. HELP!!!!
  8. I am now armed with knowledge. Now I can get back to retirement mode. This site is a godsend for info and advice. Thanks all!!
  9. It's very sad. A daily shooting. It's almost a competition. Who's the next coward to shoot down Innocents?
  10. Warm, dry boots. First and foremost. Cold feet make for a lousy day!!!
  11. Hi everyone. Last year we ran out of propane mid winter. Also once this year. We inquired about a second tank. They said "we don't need one". Do they have to put another one in if we demand it? I realize we will have to pay for it. Anyone hip on this subject? The company is Woods fuels in Frontenac County. Thanks!!
  12. Hi there. Bought a 5 ton electric log splitter from Princess Auto. Worked very well BUT, there is a "bleeder screw" that has to be loosened (which I didn't do) . Wrecked the hydraulics. I ordered another. On sale for $229(reg. $399). Don't make the same mistake I did.
  13. Hi, everyone. I just bought my first ATV, never driven before. Mainly use for chores and a little off road. Any advice to ease into it before I become accustomed to driving it? Let's hear from you veterans. Thanks!
  14. Howdy. Anybody know of Central air installers for rural Eastern Ontario.,specifically Arden area. We'd like to get it done as soon as possible to avoid rush. Recommend? Thanks.
  15. Hi all. I just moved to Land o' Lakes region. After exhausting all options for internet, it left dial-up and Xplornet. I resignedly chose the latter. So far, so good. I'm very pleasantly surprised at the reliability ,even during last nite's wind and snow. Now I live in beautiful country with good fishing and the 'net, to boot! Ah, sweet retirement.
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