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Everything posted by goteeboy

  1. danbo the hook is already snelled. i think i stated that in the original post no? i want to connect the line of the snelled hook to the main line. jose yeah i visited that site. i was looking at the dropper loop, and then knot the snell line onto the loop.... thanks for the suggestions
  2. So i need to know the best knot for this application. I hope I can accurately describe this. There is the main line and onto the main line i want to connect a hook or two that is snelled creating sort of my own version of a crappie rig without the metal T-pieces, just line. does that make sense? i have these snelled red matzuo hooks. the hooks do not have eyes. they are snelled onto the shank and where the eye would be , the hook is just flattened out preventing the line from slipping off. and at the "eye" there is a bead of glow in the dark paint. so i want to connect this hook/line to the main line with the hook about 3-4 inches out from the main line. Does that make sense? i can picture it in my own mind. so the rig i want to create is like a double hook drop shot rig w/ the first hook about ten inches from the sinker and the upper hook about 10 inches above the lower hook. but unlike a dropshot rig, the hook isn't palomar knotted onto the main line, this branches out w/ the snelled hook. anyway, i'm gonna stop rambling. Now, if you can name the knot to use for this, i can google it and view the knot online. or you can post the link. thanks
  3. tomandjerrys.net bass guide on lake toho near orlando. i've used him twice. they know their lake well. if you do book w/ them, ask for the older guy (he's jerry, i think). he's more nice and experienced. the younger guy (the son, brent) is sort of a jerk and he's on his phone all day. i had each the dad and the son and the dad is much better. it is like 250US for half day for 1 or 2 people, shiners not included. we got some huge fish in march 07 on his basscat. and back in JUne 01 he put us on a lot of fish.
  4. IMHO, get a used shimano calcutta or a used daiwa luna 300 on ebay. if you're lucky you can get for about 100-150. those reels (especially the calcutta) have been tried and tested for years and are incredibly reliable. you can always upgrade the drag and bearings later too. the luna was to be daiwa's calcutta killer. i never had one, but i've only heard good things about it. my calcutta is 15 yrs old and is still very smooth and those reels only have like 3BBs too. the tolerances are very tight. I think the pete maina's are crap...maybe i shouldn't say that...you get what you pay for...it's probably on par w/ the shimano cardiff. my bro got two cardiffs, and the quality is shoddy. personally, i would try to get a round reel that's cold forged aluminum, meaning it's been carved out of a chunk of metal, instead of one that's been molded. the specs are much tighter. I have an abu c4 too and i love it. i upgraded to a power handle and it's been fine, but my calcutta still casts better. you will pay more but in the long haul its worth it. for me, i'm keeping my eye out for a 08 or 09 curado 300e. that's supposed to be the best low profile muskie reel. i've got small hands, so it'd suit me. anyway good luck, happy reel hunting.
  5. The question of what's moral...that's exactly why the question is being asked. I personally don't think it's immoral to catch and release after your limit. That's why these regs are there. If you are within the regulations, i think it's moral. i didn't know about the side of boat release stuff. if that's the case, and technically if you are holding the fish in your boat for a pic, that's considered possession, then i have no probs upgrading my license. the only think i keep are perch ice fishing, that's why i have the conservation license. anyway...thanks for the info.
  6. that's cool i was in Manzanillo a month ago and we saw some rays (looked like the same kind) riding the waves in. so you could see them in groups of 2-4 riding the waves into shore. maybe they were on their way to join the others.
  7. My friend and i had a debate as to whether Musky fishing is allowed w/ a conservation license. I said yes, he said no. I checked the Regs and couldn't find a prohibition. Anyone know for certain? Thanks
  8. go to ebay. 100 red hooks for 14 dollars + 4 for shipping from alberta.
  9. i think this article will help everyone http://www.joebucher.com/Articles/Article_FallMusky.asp
  10. i finally had the chance to do all the things all you guys suggested. first of all, thanks for the help. it looks like it's nothing more than a leaky drain plug. i'm going to go and pick up a new one and test it on the water today. hopefully it'll hold up. i'll keep you posted.
  11. okay here is a picture of the bottom of the transom. can you tell me what each hole is. the plug on the right i know is for the drain for the hull. now should that be plugged in from the inside or outside or does it matter? i think the middle one w/ the white screen is for the livewell intake. but what is the one next to it? thanks for all your help
  12. So i recently got my new used Lowe aluminum. i've had her on the water 2 x's now and i've been having to empty the bilge 2-3 times while on the water for a day for about 30 seconds each time. is this normal? it doesn't seem normal. this is my first boat w/ a bilge so i don't know. so is it leaking somewhere? the hull looks undamaged. is it the drainplug being loose? the livewell? could it be backsplash from the motor? i'd appreciate any possible theories. thanks
  13. finally took her out after all the paperwork was done. she does 53KMH.
  14. tires23 in mississauga. they are great. quick and very reasonably priced. Ask for Billy. i think i got some continentals for my subaru. they are the #1 selling snow tire in europe. i can't remember the name though. google them.
  15. while i was down there i picked up a fold away tongue conversion kit (3x3 inches) made by Fulton at West Marine w/ the added 3 yr warranty. I thought the boat wouldn't fit in the garage, but thank God it actually fits, though i did have to totally rearrange the garage. I will post it for sale soon for what i paid for it in the sale section of the forum once i get unpacked and dig up the receipt i'll post an add. anyone interested?
  16. okay here's the cost 5700.00 for the boat about 1000 for all the rest (tax, gas, motel)
  17. A month ago i sold my first boat, a small entry level 14ft-er 3 bench, 9.9hp, you know the deal and was quickly looking to upgrade. So i searched through i would say around 200 plus boats on craigslists in various northern cities in America, primarily Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois, and ebay and anything and everything in the Toronto area like Autotrader, fishing forums, etc. During the search i decided on what i wanted. 1. aluminum v hull 2. steering wheel 3. front casting deck 4. increased motor hp 5. and an added plus would have been a fishfinder and trolling motor included. Well i looked on ebay and found a 2001 Lowe Sea Nymph FM165. It's a V-hull riveted aluminum 16.5 feet in length with a 50hp Johnson 2 stroke. The pictures looked great and the boat appeared to be in very good condition. And then i found a 2000 Lund 16 foot Rebel SS near Milwaukee that was in excellent condition, but was $6500 which was a tad over my budget. So i called and they said they'd go down to 6000. but there was something about the Lund that i didn't like. The layout of the inside was poorer than the Lowe and the height of the boat seemed shallower than the Lowe. Finally after humming and hawing, i gave up on the Lund and focused on the Lowe. Did I mention that the Lowe was in TEXAS, near Amarillo, 23 hours from Toronto? The seller was selling cuz his lake in Texas was drying up from 80 to 40 ft and he had only had it on the water less than a handful of times. Well, I bought the Lowe on ebay after asking the seller a gazillion questions. They seemed real straight-up and were even more so when i met the sellers in person. The Lowe had all the things mentioned above and more. We started our journey south and as we arrived we couldn't find the house....and the thought of "i've been swindled" came to mind. But we were on the wrong side of zero and finally found the house a few blocks down the road. We drove from chicago (which was where i was vacationing), to iowa, to kansas to oklahoma to texas! 15 hours of corn and then once we were in texas, we saw the oil rigs pumping and doing their thing. We left chicago at 4am, just the wife and me, and we arrived in Texas at around 6-7pm. As we were approaching Texas i told my wife, "i must be crazy!" several times for buying this boat and taking this trip. She didn't disagree. hehe. And, THANK GOD FOR GPS! When i saw the boat i couldn't believe how new it looked. here are some particulars. 1. just one noticeable scratch on the outside rear of the hull 2. carpet looks brand spanking new 3. the current owner said he bought it about six months ago and only took it out a couple of times. 4. the first owner bought it in Oklahoma, from of all places, Jimmy Houston Marina (he was a former bass pro, has a tv show, does the speaking circuit at fishing shows, author, etc) 5. so the last registration sticker on the hull read 2003 which could likely mean that the original owner had only used the boat for at most 3 years, and by the looks of the boat, i think my guess is correct. 6. motor runs great 7. included trolling motor and basic fish finder we paid the balance and headed off to Oklahoma City where we had booked our motel and arrived at midnight. fell asleep and leisurely came back up north through Springfield Missouri (bass pro shops HQ) which is also where all the BPS rods that have lifetime warranties are returned and then repaired and sold at a fraction of the cost. So i dug through around 200 rods and found a gem, the top of the line BPS casting rod, 7 ft, but it had lost 2 inches off the top and repaired w/ a new top guide. it's a 200 dollar rod i got for 50 bucks! woohoo! and then the wife found 2 crocs slippers for the kids for 10 bucks each (they normally go for 35)!!! if you ever get the chance check out the outlet store at BPS Springfield Missouri. You will find some great deals on very new, but still in great condition rods minus the warranty of course. I could go on, but i will stop there about BPS. And just about 30 min North of Springfield is the Tracker boat factory where you'll see acre after acre of boats while driving on the highway. We saddled up again and did the final leg to Chicago where we witnessed the most amazing and beautiful lightning storm in and around southern Illinois. It must have lasted an hour. We finally got home at around 11PM. Did you know trailering a boat sucks up a lot of gas, especially up and down the hills of the ozarks? holy schmoly! we stored it in my brother's garage for a week and brought it back over the border on Sunday. With the dollar being so strong, the customs guys in Sarnia said they get 2 imports an hour!!! anyway, i paid my duties, all i have to do is get the trailer safety approved and the new boat license #, hopefully i could be on the water sooner than later. i cannot wait to open her up and see what she can do. It used to take me 30 minutes to get from the launch to our fishing spot on balsam, i should be able to cut that down to 10 minutes now. with the cost of gas/hotel/duties, i think i still got a great deal on a great boat. i don't know if i'd recommend going to texas, but there were a ton of great boats in the midwest. if you're looking, you should check out the near by states.
  18. barrie - duckworth exit
  19. Pike are the most commonly caught fish at Little Lake, but the bass are there, usually 1-2 lbs, but once in a while a 3lb comes out and once in a blue moon someone catches a 5lber. they're in the shallows on the south side of the lake, and along the weed edges throughout the lake. at least that's been my experience.
  20. I gotta try trolling. I heard it's a lot easier on the back, arms, wrists, shoulders, feet, etc. nice report.
  21. 1976 Plymouth Duster maroon straight six am radio single bench front seat how come they don't make 'em like that any more. hahaha looked something like this, but mine had a vinyl top
  22. i didn't know it could be dangerous. could you explain?
  23. i'm an eterntal destiny cosultant. or otherwise known as a pastor. or as our founder once said...i am a fisher of men...and in my spare time i just fish.
  24. Anyone have step by steps for making a musky cradle? Materials, instructions? could you post? thanks
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