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Everything posted by goteeboy

  1. my friend has a cottage on there. i've fished it a couple times. Tons of SMB and a good number of LMB around shore near structure. He claims they have walleye but we've both never caught any. It's a nice smaller lake. lot's of shoreline, some good shallow weedy areas and some deeper spots. the lake is too small to be a good boating lake.
  2. i'm getting an estimate by a dude recommended on Mike Holmes' website. i'll tell you all how that goes.
  3. Spring is here. It might be time to widen the driveway so I had a few questions. currently i have a single lane driveway that can fit the length of two cars, but i'd like to widen it to fit four cars. questions. 1. one option is to do the work myself and widen it with interlocking stone or to call asphalt pavers to do it themselves. any idea on the cost of the latter option? 2. if i choose to do the work myself any idea on how deep i need to dig, how many inches of gravel? what size gravel? and then how much sand? also, how long should i leave the gravel and drive over it before laying the stone or brick? i've heard up to a year is a good time so the gravel/ground can settle. anything else i should be aware of? any contractors out there? thanks.
  4. just picked up a brand new calcutta te 100 dc off of craigslist. it's really sweet. i thought i'd share the link with you if you are interested. it's a great price. the dude's got a few left. i can't imagine getting it for a better price. http://toronto.en.craigslist.ca/tor/spo/1632491660.html
  5. i started using DE razors about three years ago. I now have a Merkur Futur and another merkur, the name i forget and an older Gillette DE razor. The Futur is my fave. Also have one badger and one boar brush and i use Williams shave soap supplemented w/ Nivea or Proraso cream. I think DE razors are making a comeback. Watch mantic59 on youtube for tips. He's the shaving god of youtube.
  6. hey folks. this listing is available for ten more minutes. i'm not a river fisherman, but those of you who are..thought you would get a good deal. it is 2:42 at time of posting. they are patagonia wading shoes. i have no idea if they are good. if you get this later, then check back at this site from time to time as they do tend to repeat the listing a few times. http://www.steepandcheap.com/ i've ordered other stuff from them and found them very reliable.
  7. check out this link and check their forum subcategory for tuning and maintenance. http://www.tackletour.com/articlereelmaint...ocuradopg2.html
  8. i use hotsauce almost exclusively. i've tried reel butter, but it just doesn't seem to spread as well. hotsauce is the way to go.
  9. it's the best when you help someone catch their first SKI! great job.
  10. i bought mine from the states a year and a half ago via ebay. this was when the dollar was really strong. there are a few websites that speak about all the details you need to have. i can't seem to locate it but i'm sure google has it. here are a few things i remember. 1. do your research thoroughly. you don't want to arrive at border and then have to go back. 2. i had 3 separate receipts made - boat, motor, trailer - see #10 3. trailer is MTO so research w/ them - ask them what paperwork you will require. and ask a couple people as there is a tendency to get two different pieces of advice. and look into trailer plates. i bought in texas and the plates go with the trailer so i came home no problem w/ texas plates. 4. boat/moter is Services Canada (i think) so research with them. 5. make absolutely sure you have titles with no liens for the trailer and boat and motor. 6. research the title transfer laws for each particular state. they differ from state to state. i.e. some states don't have titles for trailers. it's true. only for truck trailers, not for small boat trailers. so call the DOT (dept of trans) for the particular state. 7. bring all receipts. customs even asked to see a print out of my ebay transaction, paypal transactions, etc. (which i fortunately had) 8. expect to take 1-2 hours at the border for paperwork 9. you have to pay taxes (i forgot for which ...boat or trailer, i think boat, and for the trailer you pay for at MTO). 10. this might be very important too to save you some money. if you are in states for a longer stay (and if not make a trip out of your boat purchasing stay) you are entitled to a 700 or 750 dollar duty free allowance. So ask seller to create separate receipts for all 3 items, but in particular one receipt for let's say the motor for 700 dollars. that way you only pay duty on the trailer and boat. i hope that makes sense. (check the allowance schedule on customs canada website). for example $5000 boat. $700 for motor, 1300 for trailer, $3000 for boat. in any case look into the taxes and there might be a way to save a bit more money depending on how the 3 pieces are priced. 11. bring tools with you for the purchase, especially if you are buying used. i.e. axle grease, lug nut wrench, wiring supplies and tools, bulbs, etc. 12. before making the purchase stateside. calculate if you are really saving money. purchase price, travel costs, import costs and taxes. sometimes it's just easier to buy local, even though the selection down south is usually better. okay, there's probably more stuff but i can't remember. i hope this helps. good luck.
  11. great looking fish. nice job.
  12. went out to my fave lake for some fall musky action. fish or no fish, it was a great way to spend thanksgiving. not much wind, a brisk 4 degrees C. we arrived around 8:30am and had our first fish on about an hour later. I worked a brand new top water lure that i had just bought on ebay, a ten inch Home Wrecker by Reaction Strike. hey, i sound like a pro bass fisherman making his endorsements. in any case, i went to my usual musky spot that has great structure, great nearby open, deep water, and great weeds. i found a great weed patch and worked the lure parallel to a weed edge in 10fow. i was aggressively walking the dog trying to get a fish's attention. btw, top water fishing for musky is very tiring. there has to be an easier way to do that. after about 20 casts, my biceps were done. anyway, about halfway through the retrieve, she smacked the lure, breached half her body out of the water, and then headed for the weeds. i applied good pressure so she never made it to the weeds and was soon landed. she was 43 1/2 inches, my PB. later in the day after a morning of casting 5 -10oz lures, we decided to take a break and troll where my bro caught one around 40 inches on a perch patterned jake. it was an awesome day.
  13. check out westmarine.com for discounted rain gear. just happened to stop by the site, and i know there was a posting a week ago about this.
  14. i got a used, but excellent condition bps 100mph goretex and love it. it goes for over 200 but i got it for 100 onebay.
  15. what a sissy! he needs whiskey! haha. looks very painful. i did take one in the shoulder when i was a kid. my bro popped it out again, clipped the barb and licketty split!
  16. i clean my stuff w/ the green degreasing stuff at least once a year. also works great to clean cork handles on rods. i clean bearings w/ acetone or kerosene. you can spin your bearings on a pencil to dry them faster and see if you got all the gunk out or use pressurized canned air. dry it all off. remember how to put it back together. tip: lay it down on your towel in the order it came off and place it all right side up. don't over grease or oil. it doesn't help. it all flies off anyway. always always grease gears, oil bearings. have schematics handy. grease or oil all friction points. squeeze dry drag washers if they are greased and reapply. good luck
  17. We got checked yesterday on Rice. They were very nice. Well the lady was nice, the dude didn't talk much. Had my safety equip scattered all over the boat . need to organize, haha. got a little nervous when my flashlight didn't work, but finally got it working. i had forgotten that it's a button, not a twist.
  18. nice thread my PB was 44 inches, 22lbs
  19. hey folks, i hope you can give me some advice. i'm heading out to Killbear PP for four days in early August with the boat. I was wondering if any of you know anything about fishing in the area. As well, any concerns to be aware of boating out in the waters near the park would be appreciated. I haven't fished Georgian Bay much so i'm going in blind. Anyone know of a hydro map of the area? thanks a bunch
  20. buy her the shirt from this restaurant. http://www.saskatoonrestaurant.com/shop.asp
  21. both are great reels. i've opened both up and inspected, cleaned and lubed the guts of both reels. They are very similar, both with quality components. i have a tierra. what i like is the low gear ratio. i tend to work my baits too quickly and the slow ratio is good for us impatient types, as well, lower gear ratio are better for getting crank baits to their depth and staying there longer. i have a saros from shimano. that is one smooth puppy. i think i got it cheaper w/ the reel trade in at BPS, but that's worth the $
  22. two years ago i got a shimano metanium mg. it was the best real i eve had. this year i got a daiwa fuego baitcaster. i think these two reels are neck and neck. i can't tell the difference. the fuego actually fits more nicely in my hand. i casted my friends brand new 300E that he's using for musky and that is one nice reel, but it doesn't take a lot of line, especially when it is 80lb braid. imho, when you go higher end, both daiwa and shimanos are excellent and you really can't go wrong w/ either.
  23. OFNers So, I've been fishing Little Lake off Duckworth in Barrie for about 14 years now. As many of you know it's a great lake. In all the years I've gone there I think I've struck out exactly two times. It's a great lake to practice your skills or learn a new technique. For me, I learned Texas Rigging at Little Lake. Before I owned the boat I loved the fact that their rentals were always on the cheap side. And as I became a regular, the outfitters were even willing to rent to me for just a couple hours on a weekday evening after work. I really love this lake. I know it inside out. For the past 13 years I've caught tons and tons of hammer handle pike. 99% of the time I would practice catch and release. The average length back then, i would say would be between 20-26 inches for your average pike, probably weighing 1.5 - 2.5 pounds. It wouldn't be uncommon to catch dozens of these on a single outing. Again, many of you know that. But here's what I've observed this year. I've been to the lake three times. First time, between the three of us, we caught at least 30 pike. Second time, between the two of us 25 pike. Yesterday, between the two of us around 20 pike. But almost all the pike were 12-16 inches. So I don't know what's going on. I've spoken to the proprietor at the marina/rental place and he's told me that the lake is not stocked by the ministry. So the lake naturally sustains itself through reproduction, which is amazing considering the amount of pressure it gets. I've also observed in past years where folks would take their limit of pike home with them too. Of course this is all within the laws, but I'm wondering now if the lake has been over-harvested. Maybe the lake has evolved and the bigger pike are not in my normal spots. I don't know. Well, just sharing my observations. Anyone else notice this? I wonder what we could do?
  24. thanks for the responses folks. it was helpful.
  25. hey OFC-ers a boating question. my current boat is a 16.5 ft Lowe aluminum w/ a 2-stroke 50hp Johnson. here is the question. When starting up from a stand still, should i gun the motor to get it to plane as soon as possible, and then adjust the throttle to the desired speed, or should i ease the throttle gradually until it reaches planing speed? which way would be more gas efficient? These days i don't run at full throttle but just at a little over planing speed in order to save on the gas. which way do you folks do it? question 2. on a cold start, should my two stroke fire up immediately and stay fired up. it bogs down about 3 times and then i finally get it going. but then, i always forget to prime the bulb. will priming the bulb solve the stalling? maybe i need a tune up....i checked the plugs, they seem fine. thanks folks.
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